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Secrets and Lies Series

Secrets and Lies Series

Author:Katherine Petrova



Lying and holding secrets comes to us naturally, as natural as breathing and looking on either side of the road before crossing. We all do it to protect ourselves because sometimes the truth can hurt us. Some are harmless little white lies, but some secrets hide horrible things. Those lies will always come haunting those who seek to keep their lips sealed. Follow Caroline, Charlotte, Chloe, and Caleb's journey, as their life is turned upside down as they fight to keep their lips sealed about the murder they accidentally committed. Everyone keeps secrets. Everyone lies. You better make sure no one saw what you've done before making up your lies because all it takes is one person with the truth on their lips for your life to be destroyed.


Underestimate me that will be fun

Roshord is a small town where everyone is busy with their works. Caroline hurried to the cafe in Roshord high wearing a linen apron on her dress. It's been two years working here after graduated in college.

"Whoa, no need to rush. You are on time" Bill caught her near the door.

"Am I? My sisters took more time to get ready," her eyes widened seeing him. Bill is her closest friend from kindergarten.

"I know that. Charlotte can't be able to live without makeup. Now back to work, Cappuccino for the students," he clapped his hands and started serving. Roshord high is the amazing school in the whole town. The caffeine was built outside the school and everyone are invited. All the students are brilliant and excellent in studies. While serving Cappuccinos to people seated in the tables, Care spotted her sister Chloe. She's in 11th grade.

"Can you join us? We want some cheerleading tips from you," Sookie told Caroline. Sookie and Sara are chole's best friends.

"I still have more works but I can't resist your offer." she winked and sat next to her sister.

"All we want to know is more about cheerleading. The lacrosse match is coming soon and the wings team should win. We need a best song to encourage every player," Sara asked with a brightened smile. It's been two months since school begins. Student's interest in extracurricular activities is more than studying.

"I was a cheerleader in my old days but when it comes to songs that person should be..." Care started.

"Ruby Espinoza" Chloe finished. She's in the band and the best singer ever. She's a well—known singer in Roshord. She even has many fans, still, most of the students won't talk with her cause she's the best. Truth is everyone's jealous of her perfection. But her weakness is innocence. She can be easily fooled by anyone. Her friends can't help her every time. She should protect herself or else can't survive in this world.

Four of them turned to see ruby sitting alone in the table next to them. She's buried her nose in the book and having the coffee near her untouched.

"I don't want help from her," Sara snapped in disgustful tone.

"But she's my friends too. Whether you want help or not. I am going to call her. She's sitting alone" Chloe responded immediately.

"Rub..." she began and someone cat—walked over to her table.

"Get up you loser. I need a place to sit with my boyfriend," Becca commanded.

"But... I am..." Ruby stammered not moving a single inch.

"Seriously, why can't Becca leave anyone in peace?" Care frustratedly got up from the table.

"Did anyone see who's her boyfriend is?" Sookie's jaw opened and kept on staring at him.

"That's the famous actor Daniel Evans. What's he doing with the girl like her?" Sara doubted.

"So, what?" Care took off to her table to stand up for Ruby. Chole isn't brave like her sister. She just watched them from the distance.

"I don't care whether you sit or stand. I need this place right here, right now" she ordered again stressing those words. Before ruby could react in fear, Care took the coffee cup and spilled in on Becca's dress.

"What the hell? You spoiled my dress," She screamed in disgust.

"It's just a small price for the problem you are giving to everyone," Care simply said with a satisfied look but a little bit afraid of the consequences. She's just got a little nervous of the famous actor who is staring at her. But she knows she can't be distracted by him and his cuteness in this situation. Everyone's attention is on the three of them.

"How dare you can do this to my girlfriend?" Daniel, the famous one, every girl's crush spoke to her for the first time in a furious way.

Her legs started to tremble when she looked at his ocean blue eyes. She loved all his romance movies and even wanted to meet him in person. He's her dream boy. They are both the same age. But she didn't wish for a situation like this. Two bodyguards are standing beside him for security. Here she is dumbstruck. At last, she found the courage inside her.

"Did you saw what happened here? She is like our family and your girlfriend can't command her to do anything. If you want to date with Becca, take her somewhere but not here." she yelled with all the energy she got inside.

"I can go anywhere and everywhere. Who are you to tell that?" he stepped closer to her.

"I am going inside Dan and you," she pointed at me.

"You are gonna pay for this" she threatened and walked away. She broke the conversation between her and Daniel. So, Care turned away to avoid seeing him.

"Stop. Don't walk away like that. You are just a worker in this school. Apologize to me or I will make to leave this job" he warns her furiously.

But Caroline went mad the moment he said he will make her leave this job. He was not kind like he was in the movies. Losing her temper, she slapped him hard. Her hands started to shiver the minutes she touched him. He has his hands on his cheek speechless. He always underestimated others and never met anyone who dares to slap him.

"Back off, girl" the security guard stood in front of her and was about to do something to her in anger.

"Leave her, I got this," Daniel spoke calmly this time." She doesn't know me," he whispered.

"No, I know you and you are different in real life," she said with disappointment. Daniel walked away without replying to her.

"Caroline come here." Chloe walked over to her shocked sister and patted her shoulder. Dan heard her name for the very first time and he can't able to get his mind off from the girl who slapped her. He isn't angry anymore by her action. He didn't feel embarrassed and lost in thoughts.

"Even though I am a fan of Daniel, I should tell you that you are awesome," Sookie appreciated. Care doesn't know why he didn't hit her back or nothing. She's feeling sorry for her action. If Charlotte is this place instead of Care, her sister wouldn't have regretted for slapping an Actor.

"Okay. Get that off your head. Becca's boyfriend will be the same as her. So what you did was not wrong." Chloe assured her. Care nodded and left without a word.