
Let’s Read The Word

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Death's Devilish Charms

Death's Devilish Charms




Cynthia Blackwell was given an invatation to a grand party at the mansion on the poppy hill of Arkhous. Her friend, Tyla immediately became her fairy godmother who dabbed some powder and make-up into her face, along with the help of other make-up professionals. "It's a party,Cynthia. One must be equipped with mesmerizing looks that will make men sway upon locking eyes with you. Your goal is to bring back a man!" "Pfft! she snorted. "I don't need a man, in my life." "You need to stop laughing like that girl. Everyone is gonna be turned-off by it." her bestfriend said, truly devasted at her single friend. ------------ Hosted by the infamous man of Arkhous, she steps into the ballroom, unaware about the type of party it was.

  It was cool and quiet in the air-conditioned room. Various books sent a fleeting feeling of tranquility as she flipped through the next page about the different medicinal properties of plants.

  Her eyes fluttered slowly to the side where she saw a breath taking sight. Crimson sunset engulfed the skies. It was beatiful--astonishing even. She took out her phone from the poket of her grey sweatpants as she prepared to capture the amazing sight. Unfortuately, a call intervened before she could press the camera button, she eventually had to answer the call.

  "Hello," she replied. "This is Cynthia Blackwell speaking, how may I help you?"

  Her way of speaking made her pinch her nosebridge. She couldn't believe that her job was affecting her that strongly.

  "Hello..?" she repeated, raising her eyebrows while she waited for someone to speak, but there was nothing, except for her own voice that echoed back in the library.

  Odd, she thought.

  She waited for a seconds before dropping the call.

  Her phone started to ring again; with a sigh she answered it. "Ok, that's it! If you call me one more time again, I won't hesitate to have someone hack your phone you uncultured swine!"

  "Uh--Cynthia, Its me. Tyla."

  She couldn't believe that she just cussed at her friend. Nothing seemed to be working in her favor today.

  "Sorry, I thought that it was another prank call. I've recieving calls from the same number over the weeks."

  The tone of her bestfriend's voice was the opposite of what she was expecting after she uttered vulgar words towards her. It was chirpy--happy and rather excited.

  "You got a letter!"

  It made her anxious.

  "Tyla, I swear if you scream one more time I'm going to end this call."

  Her warning fell deaf on her friend's ear as she screamed once more.

  "It's an invation to a party!"

  "Who in their right mind would send me a party invitation? Do you remember the last time that I went to one?"

  "It was ages ago girl. You're an adult now. If you don't come back to our apartment within an hour I'm going to send your cat to a shelter. 1, 2,3..."

  "Flippin, crocodiles. You wouldn't!"

  She could already see the mischieveous smile of her bestfriend flash in her mind.

  "Oh, I would."

  Before Cynthia had the chance to say another word. A tall woman in her mid-30's had a frown plastered to her wrinkly face. She was in trouble.

  "Ms. Blackwell, how many times do I have to tell you that when you're in the library you should be quiet!"

  "Sorry, Mrs. Sanders." She tried to look past her figure and eyed the brown door that leads to the exit.

  It was the time to bail!

  "I think a kid on aisle 5 is having troubles with reaching the top shelf." her hands closed the book and waved it to Mrs. Sanders with a gentle smile, before dashing outside. "I'll return this book later!"

  "For a doctor you are rather unorganized!"the old lady shouted back.

  "I know!" she winks.

  At this point everyone in the library all looked to the librarian with eyes wide while the others beckoned for her to be quiet.

  "What?" she frowns, adjusting her glasses. "This is my library, I get to do what I want."

  Outisde the building, Cynthia began to stretch her body for what she was about to do. She comb her charcoal hair into a messy pontytail. Then dashed crazily like a dog after sniffing the scrumptious smell of meat, except, she was running back home to rescue her cat from her evil friend.

  "Outta the way!" she yells over the passing pedestrians.

  "Hey, watch it!"

  In no time she arrives on the 13th floor of their apartment--haggard and too exhausted to even move. Derrick, her next door neighbor saw him panting by the stairs--unmoving.

  He got worried, so he grabbed a cold drink from his fridge. It was no surprise that she was still catching her breath even after he took his time choosing something that Cynthia would like.

  "Are you okay?" he cleared his throat, putting the cool can next to her flushed face."Why are you running frantically at this time of day?"

  "Thanks, Cat...shelter Tyla dead" she breathe in between words, chugging the whole can that gave her the boost she needed.

  "Ah, I see. Tyla has your cat and she will put it on a shelter if you don't go now."

  She raised her brow at Derrick, wiping the coffee on her lips with her sleeves. "How'd you know?"

  "Because I like you and I tend to pay attention to your behaviors.."he wanted to say that so badly towards Cynthia, but he stopped himself and scratched his neck."I'm a psychologist, I know what people think, say or do."

  "Anyway, I'll talk to you later. Tyla is outside the door giving us the looks. See ya!"


  Inside Derrick's head, he was cursing himself for using his job as an excuse.

  "I need to cool off..." he murmurred, looking back at the doctor's hourglass figure.