
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Clarissa Brenan



After having to move from Oregon to Texas Kiera Cormac finds out that her family is descendants of a Salem witch and that her family has special powers. Before she can even adjust to that she must save her new coven from a witch hunter that wants to destroy them.

It sucks when your parents divorce because you always end up having to leave the place you have lived your whole life. So here I am stuck in a car headed to some town somewhere in Texas. Did I mention I hate the heat and here is my mom dragging me to the hottest place on earth. Plus Texas is in the bible belt. Which is not for us because we are witches. This is no place for us. I don’t know what my mom was thinking bringing us here.

I'm here in this little "hole in the wall" town in the bible belt of all places, not a place for us. My mom says we can practice in secrecy so no one will know. I go along walking down the hallway of the school looking for the office with kids staring at me because I'm the new girl. Thank goodness the office is right in front of me so I don't have to ask anyone. "Hi, I'm Kiera Cormac I'm new here," I say to the secretary who is wearing glasses too big for her birdlike face. "Ok, here is your class schedule, and your locker number you may want to buy you a lock for it." She tells me. I trudge off in the direction of my first class Ms. Hopkins English 1 a subject I like.

Ms. Hopkins looks at me and addresses the class " Class we have a new student this is Kiera Cormac, please make her feel welcome", everyone politely says hi and I go sit down listening to the whispers of some of the girls " Look at her dress it's hot why would anyone want to wear a long black dress in the summer"," Did you see that necklace? I bet she is a devil worshipper," I go through the day like any other ignoring all the snide remarks. Finally, time to go home, I jump in my car and head to my house which is on the outskirts of town. When I get home mom is already there. She looks at me and frowns " So how was your day?" she asks. I just look at her and say " It sucked, I hate this stupid place! These people hate our kind here!" And I storm off to my room. A few minutes later mom comes into my room " Kiera I'm sorry you had a bad day, but it's only your first day it will get better I promise." Mom tells me as she sits on the side of my bed. "I know, you're right, tomorrow will be different." She hugs me and goes back downstairs and starts making supper. I come downstairs and help her " Don't forget tomorrow night is a full moon. I thought we would go out into the woods behind the house and have our own circle?"

"I love that Idea!"

We finish up dinner and I head up to bed hoping that things will be better than they have been lately. The next morning, I wake up and dress like a normal 16-year-old and head downstairs for breakfast, then off to school. A girl I didn't notice yesterday sits beside me and says "Hi, my name is Cassandra Creswell, but you can call me Cassie you're the new girl right?"

"That's me, I am Kiera."

"Where did you move here from?"

" From Portland, Oregon."

" Must be nice living where it's not so hot?"

" Actually, it's not much different than it is here."

Ms. Hopkins began her lesson thank goodness. I already knew the lesson we covered in Portland last year because I couldn't concentrate on anything but the night's festivities. The rest of the day goes by fast so soon, it's time to go home, but instead of mom being there I find a note she left that reads " Sorry got to work late, rain check on tonight". Great!!! I go upstairs to my room, fly through my homework and get ready for my own solitary circle out in the woods behind our house. Mom finally gets home about nine o'clock, but I am already in bed, even though I'm not asleep, she opens my bedroom door and peeks in. I just roll over pretending to be asleep.

Wednesday morning, I wake up and go downstairs to see my mom making breakfast, which she hasn't done since I was a little. "Good morning Kiera," She says " I hope you're hungry,”

" What are you doing, you haven't made breakfast for me since I was little?"

She comes over to the table and sits down and says “Wel,l I figured I would do something nice since I missed our circle last night, and to apologize to you."

" Mom, no need to apologize to me. I went and did my own solitary circle last night. Everything is fine, and I know you had to work late. We can do it another time." I tell her between mouthfuls I get up and give her a hug on my way up to get ready for school. As I pull up to the school, I see Cassie getting out of her dark blue Mustang she walks over to me and my 1970 Chevelle my dad got me for my 16th birthday. "Wow, I love your car," Cassie says, looking it up and down. "Thanks, it was my birthday present from my dad, he restored the whole thing."

" My dad can't even put a table together," She says with a laugh. Just then the bell rings signaling the first period, we head to our English class when Cassie mentions that there is a group of kids that get together every Saturday night and that I was welcome to come. "Sounds like fun," I say "What kind of things do you do?" She looks a little nervous, but said: "Well, we started a coven over the summer and have circles on Saturday, so we can do our own thing, but the main circle is on Friday nights with our parents." I stop and look at her with a shocked look on my face " You are Wiccan? There is an actual coven here," Cassie with a big smile on her face says." Yes, why are you shocked,"

" Because I thought everyone in town is a holy roller," I tell her. She just smiles and we go into class and listen to Ms. Hopkins go on about prepositions. Finally, lunchtime comes around Cassie and I jump into my car and go to the only restaurant in town Pizza Hut, where I meet the rest of Cassie's coven Night Wind there are only five of them Cassie, of course, Blaine Redux, Karley Scott, Dylan Green, Lilly Winwood. " This is Kiera, she just moved here from Portland, Oregon." Cassie chimes in as we walk toward their table I also invited her to our Saturday night circle. "Do you know what a circle is?" Karley asks me sarcastically. "Yes, I do my mom was our high priestess back in Portland," I say with a smile. They all have shocked looks on their faces and I say "What did I say something wrong,"

"No, we were looking for someone who can lead our circles because none of us really understand how, but you can lead our circles if everyone agrees." Cassie squeals with delight. She looks around and everyone shakes their head in agreement. We all finish eating our lunch and head back to school. After school let out I waved bye to everyone and headed home, jumped up the stairs to my room, and put my pentacle necklace back. Did my homework while waiting patiently for mom to come home. It was after five when she pulled up and I was in the kitchen making supper. "You must have had a good day at school," Mom says when she comes in." I did have a pretty good day. I made a friend named Cassie. She told me that there is a coven in town, also she and other kids at my school started one over the summer after I told them that you were a high priestess back home they asked me to start leading theirs. Mom came over and gave me the biggest hug. "I'm so proud of you Kiera, tell me all about it," We sat down, had supper, and talked for hours, something we hadn't done since we moved here. After we clean up the kitchen together, I go up and get ready for bed and still can't believe how crazy the day has been.

I'm still pretty wired from the day that I pull out my books and start tomorrow’s lessons till I fall asleep. I wake up to the beeping of my alarm clock and head downstairs for breakfast, there on the table is a note mom left me that says she got called into work. " I head back upstairs to finish getting ready for school. As I pull up into a parking space I see my new coven waiting for me at Cassie's car. I jump out of my Chevelle and head over to them we start talking about Saturday night’s circle and what stuff they usually do. "We haven't done much just the basics that Dylan's mom has shown us," Cassie says.

The bell rings signaling the first period I suggest we meet up back at the Pizza Hut for lunch so we can go over more, everyone agrees and we all head to class. Finally, it was time for lunch. We all pile into my car and head to the Pizza Hut where we start discussing the upcoming Sabbath and what we will do for our circle, Dylan says he can bring some stalks of wheat that we can burn. Karley and Lilly chime in saying they can bring some snacks. "Cassie can you bring some drinks," I ask. "I'll be glad to," she says. When school was over Cassie followed me to my house, as usual mom was at work. "Wow, you live here? This place is awesome," Cassie proclaims.

"Thanks, it still needs some work done to it."

Ok, what is this girl on, my house is nothing big, it's a two-story old farmhouse that is in need of a major paint job. We go up into my room and start studying for our English test. A few hours later we went down to the kitchen for a snack when I heard mom coming in the front door. She comes into the kitchen and see's us. "Hey, girls, what are you two doing," Mom asks. "This is Cassie, my friend from school," I tell mom. "Hello Ms. Cormac, it's nice to meet you," Cassie responds.

"It is nice to meet you Cassie please call me Shannon, you're the one who mentioned the coven to my daughter right,"

"Yes, that's right, it's tomorrow night"

"Good girls I'm going to my office to finish up some of my work, how about I make us some fried chicken for supper,"

"Sounds great," I say.

"Yes, it does, but I gotta call my mom to let her know where I am first,"

Cassie gets out her cell phone and calls her mom to let her know she is and that she is staying for supper. We finish eating and then head back up to my room to finish studying when Cassie asks "What do you think about Blaine? Do you think he is cute?"

"He is cute, but I like Dylan he has the most gorgeous eyes,"

"I agree with that he does have some pretty baby blues,"

"Why don't you ask Blaine out,"

"I will when you ask out Dylan,"

We both agree to finish studying and then Cassie leaves to head home, as I go get ready to take a shower and get ready for bed. Friday morning, I woke up before my alarm dressed ready to get my day started. This would be my mom and my first coven meeting in our new town. I make my way downstairs to the kitchen my mom left a note on the fridge saying she will be home in time for the night's circle. Hope so I say to myself. Everyone's waiting at Cassie's car again when I pull up. "Hi guys," I say as I get out of my car and walk over to them. "Kiera, are you coming to the circle at my house tonight," Dylan asks.

"I wouldn't miss it," I say cheerfully.

We all head into the school for the first period to get this day over with so we can get this weekend started, but of course the day dredged on. Finally, school is over for the weekend, we all gather around my car talking about tonight's circle and who is riding with whom we figured Cassie and Karley are coming to my house anyway so they are going to ride with my mom and me. They follow me to my house in Cassie's car and head into the kitchen to grab some snacks then head to my room where we decide what we are going to wear for tonight. "Hey girls are you hungry, I brought some Chinese home," Mom says as she peeks her head into my room. "Sounds great, we will be down in a second,"

A few minutes later we were down in the kitchen making our plates with lots of Chinese food. Then head up to get ready for the night. I put on a short black dress and a pair of black booties, Cassie and Karley borrow some of my clothes and follow suit with black dresses and black shoes. We stand together in front of my full-length mirror when Karley pops off. "We look like the girls from the Craft," We end up just busting out laughing as mom knocks on my door holding her handmade robe. "You girls ready," she asks. "Yes, we are," We answer in unison and start laughing all over again. Mom just smiles as we head out to the car and head out of town to Dylan's house. We pull up to a beautiful two-story Victorian-looking house. "Dylan lives here," I say in awe. He comes out of his house. "Hi, ladies my mom has everything set up in the backyard."We follow him to the back where his mom has tables with cakes, cookies, and drinks on them, she even has torches set up around the yard which gives it an ominous glow.