
Let’s Read The Word

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Say Love Once Again

Say Love Once Again



Chu An'an was forced to marry a vegetable in order to save her sick mother. But he didn't expect that on the first day of their marriage, their husband would wake up mysteriously. Everyone was waiting for the day when she was kicked out of the house and lost all her dignity. Unexpectedly, Young Master Mu, who had always been cruel and merciless, loved to protect her and spoiled her to the sky. "Young Master Murong, you like to be a father." Mu Tingyan lowered his head and looked at the miniature version of himself in Chu An'an's arms. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Sorry, my wife is mine, and the child is mine."

Late at night.

Chu An'an carefully cleaned the guest room under her control.

After her mother was seriously ill, she went to work during the day and came here at night to clean up. Only then could she barely afford the expensive medical expenses.

Finally, she finished almost all the work in her hand, leaving only the last presidential suite. Chu An'an wiped the sweat from her forehead and opened the door to enter.

It was dark in the room. When Chu An'an was about to look for the switch to turn on the light, she was pressed against the wall by a pair of strong arms.

She was shocked and almost screamed. But before she could make a sound, the man covered her mouth. "Be quiet. I don't like noisy women."

Chu An'an was so scared that her eyes widened. She had no idea who this man was. What was he talking about?

Was he a psycho or a lunatic?

Thinking of this possibility, Chu An'an struggled desperately, but her strength was really not enough in front of a tall man.

The next moment, the world was spinning. Chu An'an was pinned down on the bed by the man.

She screamed in horror and was swallowed by the man. The clothes on her body were torn apart in an instant, and a chill came over her, making her tremble all over.

Immediately, the pain that could almost tear her soul apart made Chu An'an's eyes open wide blankly. Tears rolled down like broken beads.

As if he had sensed the obstacle, the man's strength stopped.

He just found that after he was drugged, he asked his assistant to send a woman to him to make the antidote. But now the woman under him was...

Feeling that the man stopped moving, Chu An'an cried and pushed his strong chest. "Get lost, get lost!"

The girl's crying was so desperate and helpless that it inexplicably stirred his heartstrings.

The man bent down and kissed away the tears on the girl's face.

The night was chaotic.


The next morning.

Chu An'an suddenly opened her eyes and found that there was no one around her.

A touch of dark red on the bed sheet stung her eyes, and when her body moved, there was a burst of pain like falling apart.

She... was robbed of her most precious thing by a stranger.

An indescribable sadness welled up in her heart. At this time, Chu An'an saw a watch on the bedside cabinet, which was left by the man.

There was a note with a simple word written on it, "Compensation."

Did he think he was a prostitute?

Chu An'an suddenly felt endless humiliation. She smashed the watch hard on the ground, and then burst into tears, covering her face.

After crying for a while, Chu An'an slowly calmed down. She couldn't cry or fall down. Her mother was still in the hospital waiting for her to take care of her.

Thinking of this, Chu An'an climbed out of bed, changed her clothes with difficulty, and then escaped from this nightmare-like room without looking back.

After leaving the hotel, Chu An'an walked along the road. Looking at the cars coming and going, she even had an impulse to live a carefree life.

However, when she thought of her mother, who was still in the hospital bed, Chu An'an could only grit her teeth and suppress this thought.

She couldn't give up. If something happened to her, no one would care about her mother. She just didn't care about being bitten by a mad dog.


"Young Master Murong, the person who drugged me last night has been found out. He should be sent by Young Master. How should we deal with him?"

Hearing this, Muting Yan narrowed his eyes. "It has only been a few days since he returned to China, but he can't wait any longer?"

"Teach him a lesson and send him back."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man's expression did not change at all.

However, when he saw her empty wrist, he couldn't help but think of what happened last night. The girl's helpless crying made it difficult for him to forget...

The man's eyes darkened. "The woman last night gave her more money."

On the other end of the phone, Yin Chuan was stunned. "Someone from last night? After the person I arranged went there, she said that someone was there, so she went back..."

Hearing this, Muting Yan clenched the steering wheel in an instant.

In other words, the woman he slept with last night was not the woman Yin Chuan found, but an innocent girl?

Thinking of the girl's desperate resistance yesterday, Muting Yan's face instantly darkened. At that time, he only thought that she was afraid and retreated temporarily. He did not expect that it would be like this.

Without thinking, the man turned around and went back to the hotel.

But at this time, a large truck that went against the current suddenly sped past the nearby lane.

With a boom, the huge flame swallowed everything and turned the surroundings into a bright red...