
Let’s Read The Word

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Along Pangasinan

Along Pangasinan




Dave, from America migrated in the Philippines for no apparent reason. He's a partygoer and a playboy averted his eyes to the girl, Joycelyn from Philippines, Pangasinan who was not given a not-so-peaceful kind of life, been a victim of bullying found her knight in shining armor to save her from misery. People think they would find peace with each other, never thought they would made misery for themselves.

"After the concert here at Coachella, we will go home. I’m very tired of your series of concerts. When we get home, you will sign an advertising contract. Maybe, I will just request after a week or two the shoots. Since we just came home then. So you can rest." Hance said, my manager while handling the green satin puff sleeve dress that I will wear next in performance. He look at me in the mirror at the vanity table.

I was busy applying eyeshadow and self-grooming. I just let him mention what I will do in the next few days. I’ve also been here for a week at Coachella, today is my last day and it's my concert. I was planning to go around the place but I’m only given a short time.

As Hance said, we went home after my concert. I'm tired and I want to rest but I still need to pack my things for the flight. He just booked and we will leave later. We didn't put our clothes in the suitcase perfectly, because we are in a hurry, I did not hire a personal assistant because I can handle it myself.

I just slept the whole flight because I was tired, and I did not even see the stars in the sky and the clouds. I was seated at the window.

When we arrived at the Philippine airport, I immediately boarded the van that Hance had reserved to be prepared upon our arrival. I just fell asleep again while going to the condo, my routine has always been like that for the past few years. My sleep is just on the flight, when I am in the condo I take care of answering the calls of companies or my fellow models and singers.

We were in the middle of the flight when I woke up, there was a bit of traffic since it is noon. Hance turned to me and handed me a bottle of water and food. I just drank the water that Hance gave me. The concern on his face is obvious, maybe because I look very tired but I can still do my job.

"Don't continue the law school you’re saying." He said.

I did not say anything, I always wanted to be a lawyer. Maybe it's because I was also a victim of bullying when I was young and I wanted to retaliate against those who criticized me back then.

My perspectives on that dream changed as I get older. This year, all I want is justice because I was longing for it, last year I want something I couldn't explain. The reason varies each passing year. So I do not know if I will continue because there is still no good reason. After all, when there is no good reason, it is not easy to do.

But, a few years later it seemed like it was missing from my dream list because of the pile of work. I still want to continue that but I am too busy and lack time because of work.

"I don't know yet, Hance. I'll see it next year or next month. When will the submission for PHILSAT requirements be... I don't know." I told him. I was confused that I couldn't decide.

"You're so tired, Joy. Please relax, what's the reason for this hard works? I'm not saying that you don't have to work anymore, but at least... just work enough... enough workloads for your body." He says. "But if you want to pursue that, it's okay with me, I can adjust your work. Since I've heard that law school is hard too, you have to focus much more."

"Thanks, Hance." I smiled at him.

"I will also look about when is the PHILSAT submission and exams. As well as the LAEs of each school. I will update you when I find out, for now. Rest first so you can focus on your work." Hance informed.

I nodded.

As Hance said. Two weeks ago was the shoot because I signed a contract with a famous brand here in the country. The shoot went fast because the flow went smoothly. The only problem now is editing. I will also go to their event once the advertisement and the new product are already launched. Maybe next week.

When I arrived at my condo, Jun greeted me, he was still wearing a white long sleeve which is folded on his shoulder, he was also wearing a maong pants, he just came from his school. He went my way when he saw me enter.

"How's life, sis?" He said softly while tightening his hug with me causing me to not be able to breathe.

"It's okay, still human." I said, sarcastically.

"Not obvious ah!" He teased, so I pinched him on the waist causing him to yell ouch.

"You're not human because you look like a goddess, that's what I meant." I rolled my eyes as he says that.

"You're obsequious!" I said and he laughed.

He let go of my hug and I sat on the sofa, I took off my shoes and he was busy with his ipad.

He handed me the ipad, I thought he was going to buy something but he just showed me his grades. My tears flowed as I saw his grades that have no lower than 95.

I'm not pressuring him to get higher grades, I want him to enjoy his high school but also he needs to balance the enjoyment.

"It is too high, because of that. I’m gonna buy you anything you want!" I said happily.

"Make me a bracelet like what you gave to papa Hance. I like that." He told me while pointing her finger to his wrist.

I was shocked, I did not expect that that was all he wanted.

"All right, I'll make you one later, by the way, what food do you want? We need more! We need to celebrate!" He laughed at my hysteria.

"Anything, just Filipino foods!" Jun said, excitedly.

We no longer bond with my brother, he is always alone here at home. I also want to take him on my world tours but he refuses because of school, but when he’s on a summer break he goes with me.

Hance also takes care of Jun, someone also takes care of him when I'm not around. Sometimes Hance's mom is in charge or sometimes Hance's siblings.

A week later, I have an event with Hance tonight, in the advertisement that I shoot. It’s still morning so I cleaned the condo first, then I made a macrame bag that I often do when I don't have a job.

We arrived late at the event so people kept looking at us, I just smiled simply. I felt uncomfortable because a lot of rich people are looking at me.

Jun did not come because he said he needs to do a lot of school works. I no longer insisted because that’s his priority.

"Good evening, Mr. Caldivar!" I greeted him happily, he laughed.

"You're here too, Joy! You’re so formal like we didn't do stupid things during high school." He said.

No one listened to our conversation because we were a bit far from the guests, but they were still watching our direction.

"Have you seen her yet?" I meaningly asked him. He shook his head.

"No, they said she was here in the Philippines. But when I got here she was in the U.S..." he told.

I laugh. He pouted.

"I'll just go to Mr. Famiego. If we have time, we should hang out... in a group." He nodded and waved.

When I went to Mr. Famiego he was surrounded by many of his businessmen, few of them had their eyebrows raised when they saw me. Especially women.