
Let’s Read The Word

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At His Mercy

At His Mercy

Author:Author Renee


Steamy Stories

Tired of being a Sub, she takes on a role of a Dom, but all that changes in a blink of an eye. A series of events leaves her at the mercy of a man she never thought she'd see again. Will she be able to escape her past? Or is her past back to punish her? Join Nadia on her thrilling journey into the unknown, to learn about life, trust and dare I say love. Nothing comes easy when your Nadia by Nature. "Remember the safe word Nadia." "Red" She breathlessly answered.


My name is Nadia Burlesque. I don’t believe in love at first sight or love at all. My life has never been like the movies, and I live a very risqué lifestyle. Before I can get into all of that, I feel it only fits that you know my back story.

I have only had my mom growing up, and dang, If that didn’t screw me up. The only father figures I have ever known are the many Johns my mother has brought home. My mother is the type of woman who picks up any man who will have her, and one of these days, it will get her killed. I remember growing up and wishing for an average family, complete with the house and the white picket fence. I have never truly felt like I have a home; as a kid, we moved a lot, and as an adult, I still move a lot to get away from someone I would rather not mention.

I currently work for Right enterprises and let me tell you my boss is hot with a capital H. I find myself obsessed with him, and I’m afraid my thoughts will get me fired. There's only one thing to do now: to carry on and live by my motto, and that is find them, fuck them and forget them. My life is about to take on an exciting and interesting turn, so stick around and join me because nothing comes easy when you're Nadia by nature.

Chapter One Hot For Him

She couldn't help but feel wet just thinking about his throbbing cock inside her. He stared at her with such a look that would make anyone spontaneously combust. His hair the darkest shade of black, his eyes a cold and calculating color grey, to say she was captivated would be an understatement. She was obsessed.

"Nadia, are you even listening to me?" Her friend asked, waving a hand in her face.

Shit, she was daydreaming again.

"Um." She tried to think back to the last thing Ella was saying.

"Really? Nadia, close your mouth before the drool comes out."

Embarrassed, Nadia wiped at the corner of her mouth. Her friend's eyes danced with laughter.

"I knew it, Nadia, you naughty girl. You were thinking about him again." Ella swatted her arm playfully.

She looked around the employees' lunch room to make sure no one else was listening. The coast was clear. " Ella, will you be quiet? Someone might hear you?"

And by someone, she meant the nosey bitch two cubicle doors down.

"Chill out; we're completely alone. Besides, nobody knows who "he is." She emphasized him with her fingers.

Nadia wasn't too sure about that, considering girls would line up left and right to be in the same vicinity as him. Of course, he had to be forbidden, taboo. Sleeping with the boss was highly frowned upon. But it wouldn't hurt to fantasize, would it?

She picked at her sandwich, not in the least bit hungry for food. There was only one thing that was going to satisfy her craving, and she was pretty sure that was never going to happen. Feeling down, she wrapped up her sandwich, got up, and threw it in a nearby trash can.

She turned to her friend and smiled before saying. "I should get back to work; those files aren't going to sort themselves."

Her friend nodded in understatement and went back to poking and prodding at her food.


The day felt like it had dragged on; Nadia watched the clock on her cubicle wall tick by slowly. Her stomach was turning in anticipation of only a three o clock meeting, and she'd be free for the whole weekend. Then the fun would begin. She already had the outfit picked out and her plans made. If he wasn't going to satisfy her craving, then that only left one thing to do.

Finally, her watch beeped, signaling the meeting was soon to begin. She walked briskly to the meeting room. Everybody had already taken their seat. That only left one chair open, and her stomach got giddy just thinking about it. She would be sitting on the right side of 'him.'

He walked into the room, his cold and calculating eyes roaming each face. Nadia could almost swear he spent more time wandering hers, but that may also have just been her imagination running wild again.

"Thank you for coming. As you know, the quarterly reviews are in. The bottom line is profits are down. We need some ideas, people. What sells? "He looked around the room to call on his first victim. "Iris?"

The poor man was shaking in his boots. He didn't know the answer. No one did if that was the case, profits wouldn't be down.

She figured Iris would be a while. His words were drowning on and on—the resemblance to Charlie Brown's teacher.

She let her eyes roam the CEO's body, taking in his perfect physique. He bit his bottom lip, driving her wild. She looked around the room, but it was only just the two of them. Crap, she'd fallen asleep and during a meeting.

" I can explain." The words rushed off her tongue. She knew her days working at Right enterprises was through. She'd heard he could be a cruel man when necessary.

His eyes were roaming over her, once more studying his prey. " Go on!" was all he said.

"I uh, I." She stumbled for words.

"You what Miss burlesque?" He asked, his eyes dancing on her skin.

" I, I," she gulped.

" Miss Burlesque, do you know what happens to a bad employee?"

"They get fired?" She said, getting her nerves under control.

He walked around her. Like a shark circling its prey. A sadistic look in his eyes. "They get punished!"

Her dark brown eyes were mimicking Bambi's. She wasn't sure what to say. What did he mean by punished?

" But sir." She started to protest.

"No buts Miss Burlesque, now turn around and put your hands on the table. Or you'll get an extra one for back talking." His eyes darkened at the thought of what was to come.

She obediently obliged, turning around and putting her hands on the table. Was her boss going to? Before she could process her thoughts, he was already pulling up her pleated skirt, leaving her feeling vulnerable and exposed.

"You naughty girl!" He cooed in her ear. "Not wearing any panties, I see." His hand gripped her ass cheek and massaged and kneaded it.

Her cheeks flushed red. The sensation stopped, a hard hand coming down on her behind. She winced in pain and pleasure. He massaged her tender spots, only to deliver the next blow. Her body was shaking and aching for his cock, her pussy soaking wet.

He reached below, feeling her dripping wet cunt. "Already wet for me?"

She blushed red, biting her lip in anticipation.

"I'm not going to fuck you until you beg." His voice was as cold as the arctic air.

The only way she was going to get what she wanted was to beg and degrade herself.

She puffed out her lip." Please, Sir, fuck me. I need you inside of me now!"

He took her from behind, slamming into dripping wet pussy. She moaned out in pure ecstasy.

"I'm going to fuck you until your raw. Till your pussy knows me and only me, scream my name, Nadia."

He slammed into her with so much force she cried out in pain deliciously raw from the brutal fucking.

"Nadia, Nadia," He called out again and again. God yes, repeat it, she thought. I want my name to be the only thing on your lips.

" Nadia!" His voice took on a sterner tone. She felt her body shaken. "Nadia!"

Slowly her eyes fluttered open. She looked around the room to find everyone had left but her boss. Fuck! It was all a dream.

"Glad to see you in the land of the living." He smirked.

" I'm so sorry." She flushed with embarrassment.

His face became hardened. The grey eyes Nadia loved so much were looking at her with a look of pure disappointment.

" You know I can't just let this go, Miss Burlesque. I'm afraid I'm going to have to let you go."

She didn't even protest; she knew what she'd done was grounds for termination. Nadia stood up, gave the man one last look, and said, "I understand. I'll get my things and go."