
Let’s Read The Word

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Cloaked Lust

Cloaked Lust

Author:Dare Devill



Zacharias Fugger don't like girls who drink alcohol. It's a biggest turn off for him. In his 31 years of existence she never dated any woman who has a bad habbit even though they are the one's who flirting and giving their own bodies to him. Why not? He's fucking handsome and hot. He was also a vocalist from one of the most popular band in his country. But all of a sudden, his thought was changed because of this woman named Cheryl. The woman who is a party-goer and always drunk. Even if he does not admit it, the truth is he was slowly falling in love with the woman that he promised to his self he would not to. How can he fight his own mind when everytime their eyes met he can't resist but to feel his cloaked lust for her?

  *Zacharias POV*

  "Come on, Zach. Don't be so KJ. Let's drink!"

  I looked at Kalil when he raised the glass of beer and gave it to me. He is my friend and the guitarist of our band named Buzz Tone. We've been friends for almost 10 years and we treated each other as brothers. He's kind but sometimes a flustered too.

  "I don't like to drink, man. I'm not on a mood," I said while stroking my forehead. He raised his eyebrows at me.

  "Why? Do you have problem? Did Anniza break up with you?" he asked. I just wag my head.

  Of course not. Anizza and I are still together but she's busy so we don't have time to communicate regularly.

  "Nah. She was just busy," I said in a low tone of voice. I needed to be calm so that they can't notice my distress.

  "And is that the reason why you look so irritated?"

  I sighed because of what he said. Am I that really obvious? Seriously I'm missing my Anizza so much but I have no choice. One message everyday is enough for her to update me. Even though I wanted to ask her to come back here in Philippines because of my plan. I can't be a hinder to her dream. She's a model in London and all what she just wanted is to finish her 2 years contract there and then she promised me that she will return here after that and we will live happily together.

  My plan was ready. When she return here I will ask her to marry me. I love her so much and I have no reason to not marry her.

  "What about you Leonhart? How's the life of being a Daddy?" Kalil grinned when he looked at Leonhart that is now totally drunk. Leonhart is our drummer. The certified playboy in our band, but not now. He changed a lot when Leona came into his life. Leona is his daughter and of course our god child.

  "C-could you please shut up your mouth? I'm sleepy. Let me sleep bastard!" Leonhart murmured while his eyes are slowly falling down.

  "Tsk! Okay, fine! Why you guys are so rugged? Seriously? I don't get it huh!" Kalil winced her mouth.

  Kalil just continue drinking the last one bottle of beer. I looked at my phone when it rang. I thought it's my Anizza but I'm wrong. It was Wes Flores, our bassist.

  I opened the message I received from him and read it.


Where are you, man?

  After reading his message I started to type my reply for him.


I'm with Kalil and Leonhart. What are you up to?

  I pressed the send button and wait for his reply. After one minute I received a reply from him.


Where are you now?

  Oh great! I tapped my forehead as I forgot to tell him that we're just here in my house. I type a reply again for him.


Here in my house

  Then I pressed again the send button.

  I don't know why he was asking if where we are now. After 10 minutes, I heard a knock on the door so I get up and opened it. And there I saw Wes Flores standing.

  "It's already late. They are drunk," I said and looked at the two bastard that is now lying on the couch.

  "Oh. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" he asked in a pucker forehead.

  I scratched my nape.

  "Sorry I forgot,"

  He just nodded and enter the house.

  He looked at the two bastard and sighed.

  "So weak," he said in a harsh tone.

  "Do you have plan to drink too?" I asked him sarcastically. I know that he's not drinking any alcohol and I'm just teasing him.

  "Is that a joke?" He glared at me.

  "Pffft. I'm just kidding!" I raised my hand and tapped his shoulder.

  Wes Flores is a serious type of man. You won't see him smiling frequently. He's always in a bad mood. Looking so heavy-headed very often, but he changed because of Deveraux. The woman who stole his heart. Before, we always afraid to do silly things to him but now after he got married everything has changed and we are so happy that we often see him smiling. Is that what really love can do?

  Suddenly I remember me and Anizza. Before she go to London, we make sure that we made a lot of memories here so that even if she far away we always remember all the happy memories we had.

  "Did you tell Deveraux that you're here?" I asked Wes Flores after I turnback my consciousness.

  "Of course," he answered and get a slice of cake in a plate.

  Kalil and Leonhart get that fucking cake in my refrigerator. Drinking beer with cake? Tsk! That's so weird!

  "So what time are we going to the gig on Saturday?" Wes Flores asked me while eating.

  "We need to be there before 6 PM,"

  He nodded his head.

  "Are you going to sleep here too?" I asked him. I feel sleepy and I'm just waiting him.

  "Of course not. My wife will get angry,"

  I chuckled.

  "Our sweet lover boy!" I teased him. He just glared at me.

  "Shut up, bastard. Anyway are you going to attend the party tomorrow?"

  Oh. I almost forgot it. It's Horrran's birthday tomorrow and we are all invited. Horran is Kalil's younger sibling.

  "Thank you for reminding me. I almost forgot it. Of course I will attend. We are all invited right?"


  After 15 minutes, Wes decided to go home. Finally! I'm so sleepy I thought he would sleep here but as what he said, his wife will get angry and knowing Wes Flores, he wouldn't let that happen.

  "I have to go, man. See you tomorrow," he stood up and tapped my shoulder.

  "Surely. Take care, brother!"

  I opened the door for him and wait him until he entered his car. I heard the sound of his automobile's horn before he left.

  I let the two bastard slept on the couch and leave them. I go to my room and decided to sleep but before I lay down on the bed I got a text message from Tanya. Tanya is Leonhart's wife. She was just asking me if Leonhart is here so I replied to her and tell her to not worry about Leonhart because they are safe here. I told her that they got drunk so I don't let them drive to go home. After she thanked me on the text message I placed my phone on the side table and finally closed my eyes to sleep.