
Let’s Read The Word

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Caught A Heather

Caught A Heather




She is Bellamy Quinn Mayer, also known as the Campus Sweetheart. Bellamy is a sweet and kind girl that's why everybody loves her. But then there's one thing that nobody could see in her, she's in pain. She can't discover herself because she always let others decide on her own. However, there is Jan Kean Scott. He is a male transferee who leave a bad impression on his first day. He is, on the other hand, the opposite of her. He hate those people who let others decide for their own. Could he hate Bellamy? Would he be a help to her to discover herself?

"MOM, gotta go." A man coldly said before walking out of the door, not even letting his mother say her farewell.

His mother just sighed. "Well, what's new?" She whispered to herself.

The man walked like a god while his hands were inside his pocket, and is wearing a white polo with a black tie hugging his muscular body. He is now waiting for his driver to drive him to school. This is his first day of class, but unlike others, he's not even nervous nor thrilled.

While waiting, he reverted the past happenings of his life in his old school. Wherein, everybody doesn't like him, in the end, he'd go home full of bruises and tired physically, emotionally and mentally. His past made him change his personality.

"Sir Keane." A middle aged man with a black beard and long hair called his attention. The man named Keane nod his head and entered the car.

"You're looking good, Sir." His driver commented.

Keane chuckled. "I know, dad. I hope you too."

Hearing that from his son, the driver heartily laughed. "Am I not handsome, son?"

Keane just sighed and motioned his hand, now disagreeing with his dad. His father let a heartily laugh again before changing the topic.

"Are you ready with your new school?" He asked before turning the steering wheel. He boredly nodded.

The man chuckled. "You seemed not interested." He commented.

"Because I'm not really interested. I'm tired of seeing toxic people, dad." Keane said.

The man tsked and looked at his son through the front mirror.

"Keane, how many times do I have to tell you that in life, we will always encounter such kind of person. What would you do?" His dad turned into a serious one.

"Ignore? Dad, I'm not like that. I wouldn't ignore such toxicity, they need to learn their lesson." Keane hardly said.

"And what? You will punch them to death? The last time you did that, what happened?" His father said stoically.

"Oh Dad, come on.." Keane irritatedly said.

"What happened, Keane?" His dad is really serious. The car stopped on the middle of the traffic. Hearing that from his father, Keane turned his head and looked outside the window.

Then he remembered. The last time he encountered a toxic friend, he punched him, not just once nor twice. He punched him to death, which led the guy to broke his leg and almost gotten into a comatose. He rather don't know why that happened, maybe because the guy was using him, toying him and made him like a robot of his own. So as a revenge, he beat him.

"It's his fault." He said after his thoughts.

"You're a well-known son of one of the millionaires in the world, Keane. You can't just be like that." His father said strictly.

He just nod his head like he understood what his father meant when the truth is, he can't.

Nobody messes with a Scott. You mess with him? Welcome to the hell, then.

HOWEVER, a woman on the other hand, is now fixing herself. She looked at her reflection to the mirror and smiled sweetly. She turned around to see how the white simple skater dress hugged her body. When she's satisfied, she get her faux leather backpack on the side table and go out of the room.

"Oh, my dear. You look so gorgeous today." Her mother commented.

"Thanks, mom." She said.

"Don't leave a bad impression to others. You need to be perfect, alright?" Her mother added.

"I'll try my best, mom." She softly said.

Her mother elegantly shook her head and held her shoulders. "Don't just try. Do it." She said strictly. The woman just forcefully nodded.

"Good. Now go and paved the way." Her mother said as she bid goodbye.

Once she stepped on the outside, she let out a heavy breath. Their mansion is suffocating her, she doesn't know why.

A car stopped in front of her and a handsome man stepped out of the car. He's wearing a white polo which revealed his muscles paired with black jeans flexing how tall he is.

"Hey, princess." The man greeted before hugging her. She greeted back and they did some talk for a while before her brother bid his farewell.

When she's left, she sighed again. The truth is, she's already tired. She doesn't know but she feels like the everyone's robot. She's willing to do everything just to please them though, because they are all she had.

"Miss Bellamy." An old man called her attention, it was her driver.

"Good morning, Dada!" She greeted and beamed.

"Good morning, Miss Bellamy." The old man greeted back. He opened the backseat door and Bellamy get inside.

Few moments later, they are already talking while driving and she told him how nervous she is.

"Oh don't be nervous! I know you can make it, Miss Bellamy. You're good in everything." He said.

Hearing that from her driver, her heart melted. Nobody says something like that to her. She always received pressure from her family, and now, it gladdened her to hear couraging words from someone.

"Thank you, Dada.." she softly said. The old man chuckled and looked at her through the front mirror.

"You're always welcome, Miss Bellamy. You know you're like a daughter of mine." He said.

And just like that, she automatically smiled in delight. It's heart warming especially when someone shows you that you are a part of their life, that you are considered one of their family.

Bellamy leaned her head on the window beside her. She looked at the blue sky and witnessed how the birds flocked together. She sadly smiled and in her mind she said, "How I wish my family would be as one group just like them."

IN the middle of her thoughts, someone caught her attention. It's a guy from the car just beside them, and he's.. looking at her.

When their eyes meet, she got hypnotized by its stare she had to look away. She hold her chest because her heart won't stop beating so fast. Her body is all stiffen and she can't breath properly. For the love of God, she's sweating bullets!

"Miss Bellamy, are you okay?" His driver asked, worry is evident on his voice.

She gulped and forced to smile before nodding.

"But, you are getting red.." he commented.

She touched her cheeks and got embarrassed when she realized how hot it is. She just said not to worry about her and composed herself. She didn't try to look outside again because if she will, she'll just embarass herself more.

Soon, their car finally moved and that's when she breath loosely. She then scolded herself for her impishness.

"Why can't my eyes focus somewhere?" She murmured.

"What is it again, Miss Bellamy?" Her driver asked.

Her eyes widened and she panickedly motioned her hands.

"It's n-nothing, Dada!" And for the first time of the day, her voice got louder, but almost sound like a cat meowing. That's how sweet her voice is.

"Hahaha! It's okay, Miss Bellamy. I didn't hear anything, promise." Her driver said while suppressing a smile.

Bellamy bit her lower lip and puffed her cheeks which only got reddened more. She knew that her driver was just saying that to keep herself from embarassment, but she knew that he's lying. He heard it, and she knew that she got embarrassed because someone caught her looking at someone.

WHEN they arrive at school, Bellamy instantly bid her goodbye and with a smile plastered on her face, she run and enter the gate. She greeted the school bodyguard and slowly walk on the pathway. She keep the sweet smile on her face and everybody who sees her couldn't stop looking at her. In her mind she's screaming, "Our school had a lot of changes! It's getting more prettier every year!"

"She's gorgeous!"

"She's Bellamy! Our Campus Sweetheart ever since high school."

"Oh, she's studying here before?"


"She seemed kind."

"Yes she is!"

She give them a warm smile. "Good morning.." She softly said. They, in turn, admired his kindness and seemed to see an angel up close. They are looking at her full of adoration and admiration.

"Good morning, Bellamy!" They greeted back. She chuckled and waved her hands before proceeding. Everyone who sees her are greeting her and she's just bowing back.

IN THE end of the hallway, where there are not too many students, a man appeared which almost give her a heart attack.

"Enjoying the spotlight?" The man coldly asked.

She innocently looked at him. "Huh?"

The guy smirked in annoyance. "You aren't kind. You're just pretending to be one." He said straightforwardly.

Bellamy felt the pain on her chest. Did I do something offensive?

"H-how can you say that, M-mister?" She asked, hurting.

Her kindness for everyone is pure. No plasticity, because everyone deserves to be treated that way. She will not let them feel untreated just like she is, because honestly, it's tiring.. and suffocating.

The man chuckled in annoyance. "Don't be too kind, Miss. You might get into danger."

That's the last words she heard from him before he walks out. And there she was, still confused and hurt.