
Let’s Read The Word

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Red Moon

Red Moon

Author:Cara Melo



When (human) Alex and (werewolf) Daisy attempt to save a member of the pack that was taken by vampires. They decided it would be best to do it during the day since vampires couldn't go out during daytime. They now have to figure out a way to get in and out of a house possibly filled with sleeping vampires unnoticed. However, there was one miscalculation on their part. One miscalculation that could cost them their lives. They had forgotten that a certain vampire was immune to the sun- the vampire king. What will happen when Alex and Daisy run into the vampire king? Will he let them live or will he kill them both?

“There is no such thing as a bad idea. Only poorly executed awesome ideas.”

-- Damon Salvatore

Alex’s POV

"Are you sure this will work?" I eyed the bottle containing the potion suspiciously.

"Are you doubting my skills?" Hazel asked, amused.

Alexandra gave her a knowing look. It wasn't the first time that they had come to Hazel for help. Let's just say that the last time time didn't end well.

"Okay, fine. I admit I fucked up last time." Hazel let out a defeated breath, raising her hands in surrender. "But I think it should get you in and out undetected." She chewed her lip, eyes focused on the potion.

"You think?" Daisy and I shot her a ‘are you kidding me?' look.

"No. I mean it'll work. Also, you only have thirty minutes to get in and out before the potion wears off." Hazel quickly corrected herself.

"I don't trust this potion or you, but it's all that we got so..." I trailed off.

We waved goodbye to Hazel, and exited her store. With no time to spare we quickly made our way through the busy streets of New Orleans.

The house was just outside of town, which wasn't too far away. When we got there Daisy grabbed my arm preventing me from opening the gate. She gave me that look, the one she always gave me before we did something stupid.

"You don't have to come." She smiled sadly.

"I want to, Daisy. I want to help. Let me help." I was pleading with her now.

"What if something goes wrong? Have you forgotten that you're human?" She tried to reason with me.

"A human with kick ass fighting skills." I grinned.

"Alex-"  I cut her off.

"I'll be careful, okay?" I assured with a small smile.

Daisy and I have done a lot of dumb shit before, I guess it comes with the territory of being best friends. We have done a lot of things that should have resulted in our deaths, but I guess the universe was on our side.

Today was yet another day of one of our ill-advised plans. In all truth, we didn’t have a plan.

We didn’t know what the inside of the house looked like. All we have are snippets of the outside engraved in our memories and an unreliable source who claims the vampires weren’t around during the day.

It was all we got and it was what we were going to use to break into the vampire king’s house or should I say mansion.

It wasn’t the best plan, but at the same time we weren’t thinking straight. How could we when Daisy's mate was inside?

After what felt like forever, she finally said 'okay'. I lifted the potion to my mouth and my nose was immediately attacked by the repulsive smell. Pinching my nose between my two fingers I was able to swallow the potion without throwing up. It had a bitter aftertaste that made me want to rinse my mouth out.

We needed to get him out by any means necessary. So without a plan and no idea what we were getting ourselves into Daisy and I crossed the threshold of the gate.

There was no turning back now.

The yard was empty, which wasn't surprising since it was daytime. At nights the yard would be crawling with vampires on patrol.

I whisper a quick prayer under my breath as we run across the yard to the front door. At one point I looked up and I could have sworn I saw someone at a window on the second floor, but it could have also been my imagination.

Shaking my head I looked up again, but this time there was no one there. I guess it was just my imagination.

The house was huge. This was my first time seeing it up close. I would have gawked at it like an idiot, but this was not the time to appreciate its beauty.

We made it to the front door undetected. There was no one around. I guess this was the downside of being a vampire, no sunlight. No wonder they were so pale.

"On my count. One, two, three.." and Daisy swung the door open. 'Easy', I thought. Almost too easy.

It was eerily quiet. There wasn't anyone here, well at least in the foyer. Silently, we walk inside not really sure where to go.

"We really should have thought this through." I whisper, eyeing Daisy pointedly.

"I know." She sighed frustrated, running a hand through her hair. "Let's check the basement?" She suggested.

"Right, because in the movies the killer always hides his victims in the basement." I deadpanned and she rolled her eyes.

We walk around the first floor looking for a door that would lead us to the basement, if they even had one. From the corner of my eye, I saw something move. I spun around quickly, but there wasn't anything there.

"Am I the only one who feels like I'm being watched?" I whisper-yelled slightly on edge.

I was waiting for her snarky remark, but when I got none I turn around in a panic. She wasn't behind me anymore like she had been a few seconds ago.

"Daisy." I hissed quietly, my eyes scanning the room in a panic.

"Daisy." I called out quietly again. "This isn't funny."

No answer.

I began to panic.

Where was she?

I check my watch and realized the thirty minutes was up. I began panicking even more if that was even possible.

I heard movement from down the hall and without thinking, I ran. I didn't care how loud my boots squeaking on the tiled floor got, just as long as I got out of there.

I'm sorry Daisy, I thought.

Just as I was about to pass the front door, I ran into a wall. The impact had me landing on the floor with a thud. I rubbed my nose and forehead, which were now throbbing.

What the hell?

When did the wall get there?

I blinked a few times before my eyes settled on boots that didn't belong to me. Slowly my eyes trailed upward to see a man standing before me. Before I could say anything, he was kneeling beside me. Before I could react, teeth were sinking into my neck and I was screaming and thrashing.

Then darkness.

An unending world of darkness.

I was dead.