
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Authoress P. Bey



After being brutally rejected by her goddess sent mate Annalise Scott was extremely devastated. All her life she was a tomboy and unlike other girls she was slim. After that heartbreaking experience for her and her wolf her best friend took her to his Villa and fixed her up. A year later when she returned her old mate saw how beautiful she was an regretted his actions, unfortunately for him it was too late. On the night of the Annual Mating festival which Alpha Martin keeps everything year for unmated wolves she got mated. Not to a random male wolf, but the last living Lycanthrope Alpha! Stop touching her!! Alaric yelled, the man standing before Annalise growled dangerously. Is he crazy? No is he really crazy? He must be crazy to want to challenge the last living 'Lycan' Alpha!?

"Oh my look its the Alpha's son!

Oh my god he's soo hot!!

I swear I'd do anything just to be on his bed right now!!

Please moon goddess I beg of you to make him my mate!"

Those were just a few of the whispers that filled the hallway as the Alpha's son and his crew walked in.

All eyes fell upon them, some with envy, some with lust, some with even love.

But Annalise Scott had something different in her eyes as she stared at Alaric.

The look in her eyes could be best described as a longing, a wanting, a needing.

Just like all the other girls, Annalise shoots her shot at Alaric but the only girl he sees is Giselle, her elder sister.

Anna watched as Giselle latches herself onto Alaric with soo much possession.

In her family of four, she's the tomboy one, the rebel, and Giselle is the apple of there eye.

She's the apple of everyone's eyes, Giselle took after her mother having a sexy figure that every man wants and needs.

Meanwhile Annalise works hard in class and gets straight A's every year on her report card while her sister doesn't even lift a pen.

Even though she does that, her marks are always just as high as Annalise's, why is that? That's because she sleeps around with the principal.

Why study when if you sleep with the principal you'll get high grades for free huh? Unfair right?

It is unfair, but Annalise can't do anything about it, see... While Giselle has an hour glass figure Annalise is slim.

She has no curves and her b*tt is rather small, her breast hasn't even developed yet despite her being seventeen, there not small... But there not the type that a seventeen year old should have.

She doesn't have a problem with this, she actually likes it cause when she wears her hoodies and sweat pants she looks like a guy even more.

All her friends are males, her and her wolf don't seem to get along with females too well so she avoids them at all cost.

She didn't feel insecure about her body until she developed a huge crush on Alaric the Alpha's only son.

Alaric is the type who prefers pretty girls with sexy figures, Giselle is one such girl.

Now, Annalise has tried getting his attention already by wearing minny skirts and tight clothing, but that usually doesn't make you look good if your slim.

She doesn't give up, she isn't the type to give up soo easily, her friends have warned her about wanting Alaric but telling a girl not to love someone she loves is a pretty bad move.

"Anna are you even listening?" Damien said with a frown as he snapped his fingers before her face.

She glared at him and they growled at each other, she was just day dreaming about her and Alaric's future wedding.

"Anna tell me you were day dreaming about that flirt?" He said with a loud scoff, Anna smiled at him.

"Yes I was actually, I was thinking about our wedding but I'm having a hard time wondering were it could be held" she said as she opened her phone to search google.

"Annalise Scott, you need to stop this, Alaric is a player ok he doesn't want anybody Anna, he'll hurt you" Damien tried warning the stubborn Annalise but he should know by now that she takes talk from no one.

"Ugh, your not helping Damien I'm going to class see you this evening" she said with an eye, she put one strap of her bag on her shoulder and walked off with her hand in her pocket.

Damien shook his head as he watched his best friend walk off to class, that boy Alaric is trouble, yes he's hot and good looking but that boy doesn't like girls for what's in inside.

He only likes what's between there legs, Annalise is a virgin and he would hate it if Alaric would be the one to disvirgin her.

Its not like he's jealous, how did Annalise and Damien became besties?

He's gay and shes a tomboy, that makes a perfect friend combo don't you think?

If Alaric should have s** with Annalise he'd just tell the whole school and tarnish her reputation, that's all that these nowadays boys wants anyways.

Remember the boys who would come up to you and want to he your friend? Such beings don't exist anymore, these male species nowadays only want what's between your legs.

Once they get what they want its game over, you'll never see or hear from them again, the only thing you will hear is your friends telling you how they know you had s** with a guy which you never told them.

And on top of that, right now if you find yourself a virgin girl you've got to be the luckiest man on planet earth, the moon goddess has surely taken a certain liking to you for you to find such a rare gem.

Damien shook his head and took his bag from the locker, he took a picture of a girl from the bag and glared at it, she's the one who made him gay, he put Away the picture and head in the opposite direction to his class.

** Boys Locker Room **

"Alaric dude did you see how the chicks were checking you out as you walked through the hallway?" Chris one of his close friends said, He's the Delta's son.

"Dude I totally know, I mean yeah I'm hot and every girl in school wants me bro I mean.. Ahh life's good" Alaric replied as he crossed his legs.

The boys laughed at Alaric crazy behavior, just then the locker doors open and Giselle walked in.

"Hey" she greeted as she went and took a seat on Alaric's lap, he smirked and slapped her a** as she began grinding her hips on him.

"Ohh sh*t, think imma leave you two love birds alone" Zach exclaimed and winked at Alaric before he and the other guys left the locker room.

"Well well well, what do you want snow flake?" He asked as he licked his lips seductively, Giselle smiled and kissed his neck.

"I want you Alpha to be" she whispered seductively into his ear, he laughed silently, no matter how much times he fxcks this girl she keeps coming back for more.

"But there's a problem, my sister is in love with you and I don't want you hurt her" Giselle said with pouted lips as she played with his hair, a few seconds passed before they burst into laughter.

"You mean that grotesque sister of yours? The one with a body as flat as paper? The weak and disgusting one? Ewww I'm offended that she even likes me" Alaric said and they laughed even more.

"I know like everyday I wake up I have to ask the moon goddess why'd she give me such an ugly creature as a sister, I wish I had a sister who was like me" Giselle said with an eye roll.

"Hey forget her ok soo how about we go out tonight huh?" He said and she beamed brightly and hugged him, she smirked inside her mind.

** After School **

"Soo Annalise, tomorrow is your eighteenth birthday how are you going to spend it?" Damien asked as they walked to his car.

"Nah, I dunno, maybe I'm just going to stay home and chill yunno" she replied with a shrug, from the day she was born she has never had a birthday party before so gradually she's gotten used to it.

"Yeah that would be great but one you have school and two you have me" Damien said and nudged her shoulder, she laughed as she forgot that tomorrows Friday and also the last day of school.

"Ok Damien, after school we'll go to a club and hang ok? Then later on we can go for a run" she said and he beamed brightly.

They kept chatting as they walked to Damien's car then stopped abruptly when they heard what some students were saying.

"Giselle is soo lucky.

Exactly, I can't believe that she's going out with the Alpha's son.

They would surely make a great couple am I right?

Yeah but Giselle is kinda slutty

I agree but who are we to tell the Alpha's son whom to date?"

"Hi excuse me what did you just say?" Annalise asked as she walked over to the group of students who were gossiping.

"Your sister Giselle is going out tonight with Alaric the Alpha's son" A girl said and she felt her blood begin to boil instantly, she'll surely confront her sister as she soon as she gets home.

"Anna come on we need to go" Damien exclaimed and began pulling her by the arm to his car, he could feel Annalise's anger from a mile away.

** At Home **

The door flying open and made a loud crash as it collided with the wall, Mr. and Mrs. Scott turned sharply to see the furious Annalise glaring at Giselle.

Giselle has went home early this evening to tell her parents how she'd be going out with the Alpha's son, her parents were soo happy and Annalise ruined the moment.

"Is. It. True?" She asked as she slowly went to stand before Giselle, she rolled her eyes and stood up to look at Annalise.

"Yeah and soo what? He doesn't want you Annalise and he never will. Your just an ugly plain tomboy while I'm curvy and fluffy get that into your thick skull!" Giselle pouted as she flicked her finger on Annalise's forehead.

Annalise growled loudly while Giselle returned the growl, Mr. and Mrs. Scott immediately came and pull the girls away from each other.

"Annalise! What has gotten into you? Your sister is going out with the Alpha's son and here you are jealous instead of being happy for your sister!" Her mother roared at her.

She flung off her mothers hand and gave Giselle one glare before running up to her room with inhuman speed.

** Her Room **

Anna slumped to the floor as the tears she's been holding for so long pour out of her eyes like a river.

She got up and stripped completely naked before staring at her reflection in the mirror.

She's tried everything and anything to gain weight and to be as sexy as her sister but nothing works.

Sometimes she eats soo much food that her stomach aches for the whole night, her parents often scold her on the fact that she's been eating soo much food.

She even did the exercises she saw on YouTube, she went to the gym every weekend, still nothing works.

Still... She doesn't plan on giving up now, she'll make herself beautiful and gorgeous and Alaric will want her!!!