
Let’s Read The Word

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Married For A Minute

Married For A Minute

Author:Stella Okyere



When the award-winning actor Cole William’s career gets mixed up in a scandal his management team quickly comes up with an emergency wedding plan. However, things take a different turn in both Cole and Brittany’s lives when their one minute marriage turns into something they both they didn’t see coming.

The lights flashed in Cole’s face as he made his way out of his co actor Sean Rudolph’s house. He had gone to help Sean out with some documents and was on his way back to his house he least to be ambushed by the paparazzi yet again. He made a quick dash for his car and sped off.

The following morning some tabloids read “Could Cole Williams of ‘Holy Magic’ fame play for the other team?”

Some tabloids read “The dark truth of Cole and Sean’s relationship”

Others read “What goes on between Cole Williams and Sean Rudolph when the cameras go off”

It didn’t matter what they all wrote they were all saying one thing, that Cole was gay.

Naya Strauss, Cole’s manager was not happy about the news at all. She summoned Cole to her office. Cole walked in dressed in a trench coat and dark sunglasses. He sat down and took off his glasses and smiled though he saw clearly that Naya was not happy.

“Good morning, Cole I believe you have seen the news” Naya said almost at the top of her voice.

“That I’m gay? Of course I have, this started about 3 months ago why are you still worried about this?” Cole replied casually.

“It is affecting your fandom, the female fans are not happy have you read all the comments online?” Naya questioned.

“No I haven’t and I’d advise you not to read them either, they’re not good for your mental health or health in general” Cole advised her.

“Cole I’d advise you to take this seriously, Sean Rudolph was a married man when this speculation started now that his wife is divorcing him people think it’s because you wrecked their home” Naya informed him.

Cole shrugged “people will think whatever they want there’s nothing we can do about it”

Cole’s care free and aloof response to the situation seemed to annoy Naya, she got up and paced the room.

“Cole Williams you don’t seem to understand the implications of these accusations on your career… listen to me” she said and sighed “if the public get mad at you and boycott your movies we can’t generate any income to pay you and the rest of the team, also you could lose your advertisement deals and so many other deals”

“Wow is it that serious?” Cole gasped.

“Yes it is! That’s why you shouldn’t have such a reputation, you have to let the public know that you didn’t wreck anyone’s home, Sean’s divorce has nothing to do with you and you have to let the public know that!” Naya said.

“So what are we doing about it then?” Cole asked casually.

“We’ll organize a press conference at 4pm today, I’ll prepare a speech for you, all I need you to do is to do exactly as I say, Cole if you mess this up I’ll terminate my contract with you” Naya threatened him.

“Okay, okay I’ll do justice as you say” Cole succumb to her demands.

Naya smiled with satisfaction “Now I’ve contacted Luna Waldorf’s management, she’ll play your girlfriend tonight I’m waiting on a call from her management then we can proceed with the plan”

“Thank you Miss Strauss can I go now? I need to meet up with Sean and finish up with the documents we are working on” Cole said getting up from his seat.

Naya collapsed back onto her chair “No Cole! No you can’t see Sean he’s the reason why you’re in this mess right now! What don’t you understand?”

“Sean needs my help to file for some…”

“That’s it… you’re going with me to see Luna’s manager since you have a lot of time on your hands”

She got up and took her coat and made for the exit “come on let’s go”

Cole sulked and followed her all the way to Grand M studios. When they got there they were ushered to Boss’s office.

Mr. Marsh was seated behind his desk reading some newspapers while Luna sat in an armchair flipping through a magazine. He put his newspaper down when Naya and Cole walked, he smiled warmly at them.

“Good morning Naya, I received your call, sit down” he said calmly. Cole sat in an armchair facing Luna and stared at her scrutinizing her closely.

“She has a great figure, beautiful hair, she needs to eat more and work on her bust though, her chest is a little too flat for my liking” he thought to himself he paid no attention to what was being discussed

“I’m not ready for a relationship but if I were it would definitely not be this lady, she looks haughty and arrogant she might be proud too not good for me” he kept thinking to himself.

“So Cole, we want you and Luna to ask yourself basic questions before we hold the conference, breed some familiarity so it doesn’t go wrong” Naya said interrupting Cole’s thoughts.

“You want us to go on a date?” Cole asked.

“No need, don’t we already know each other? You and I modeled for W&W designer wears, remember? We hanged out a lot people even thought we were a couple” Luna cut in.

Cole sized her from head to toe, “oh she was that lady from two years ago” he thought.

“Oh then that’s good, that would make it more believable then” Cole said.

But Luna wasn’t pleased with Cole’s attitude how could he forget her so easily.

“We can go for the press conference, but I’d prefer to go in anonymous, keep me a mystery” Luna demanded.

“But why?” Naya asked.

“I have my own reasons, this is also to protect my brand”

Naya had little time to persuade Luna since the time for the conference was drawing nearer. They decided to agree with her demands.