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DEAD BUT ALIVE (April Forever)

DEAD BUT ALIVE (April Forever)

Author:Oueen T K



This is my fist story here on Novelcat April Summers gets kidnapped during a party and then used for an experiment which separates her sould from her body. While trying to capture her soul, she runs back to the past with the help of the time machine. She has to get her body, else she will completely vanish. Her soul is going to be long gone. They have to go back to the future with the help of the time machine which is bad. The evil scientist has followed to capture her in the past and complete his experiment. Find out what hapens in this story...

  Welcome to the future, the year 2300 A.D. Not too far, right…. Exactly! Not too far from 2020 but very advanced compared to 2020.

  In this our time, humans don’t work any longer. Robots do the work… All a human does is to control… In this same year, there is no single poor person or very few poor people.

  The streets are all well constructed with advanced technological systems.

  The security cameras aren’t just security cameras, they are able to detect malpractices such as stealing and many others. The FBI doesn’t need to stress and catch thieves; they have well programmed gadgets/robots to work the magic for them.

  Despite the hyper advanced technological systems, many scientists work all day and night just to bring in far better inventions, never satisfied with what they have so far. This has lead to problems around the globe, the fierce battle among scientists.

  Doctor Rat, an 87 year old scientist, yet with the strength of a 27 year old is no exception. Aside being a retired medical doctor, he has a secret lab where he has been working on a project for long.

  “Alas!” He exclaims.

  He continues, “Just a little touch on this little switch will do.” He presses the switch and green lights shine all over the room, though dim lights, they were able to blind one’s sight.

  He smiled victorious and rubbed the tip of his exaggeratedly pointed nose, his big eyes grew monstrously enormous with joy as he had completed the project he had been working on for a quite long time.

  “After 39 good years of failed attempts_”

  “Bring the specimen.” A younger scientist ordered and they dragged in a little girl, whose legs were bound and her arms as well.

  Her eyes were closed, like one who had lost consciousness but in reality, she was very conscious but too weak to do something.

  “I need to find a road of escape. I need to leave this place as fast as possible. But it seems impossible, I am too weak and my legs and arms are bound.”

  “How the hell did I even end up here in the first place?”

  Throughout, her mind had being doing a lot of thinking.



  I remember I was dressing up for Will’s birthday party. Of course the dress wasn’t a sizable one, so I just ordered that it fit my body perfectly, which it did.

  With our technology, everything is practically possible and this is because of the close competition between our scientists. Every scientist especially here in TRACITY is determined to surpass the other. That is why we find the tons of technological advancements.

  The scientists round the world have received a lot of awards for their consistent creations.

  I was done dressing up and applying make up to my face, just the party that awaited me.

  I walked out of my room, into the corridor which led straight to our parlor. Mom was in the kitchen as I could see through my little contact lenses.

  I went to the kitchen to tell her I was leaving the house.

  “Mom, I am going for the party already.” I told mom and she sighed.

  “Be careful.” She told me and I left for the party.

  But, as I was returning home, the house was on fire and without thinking, I ran inside the fire to look for mom.

  “Mom!” I tried calling her but I got no response. I went to the kitchen and saw her lying on the floor, totally unconscious.

  “Ella, scan her.” Ella is our virtual medical assistance.

  “My scan failed to respond. There are some inter---“Ella’s voice glitched till it was finally no more.

  “Damn it.” I cursed as I struggled to carry my mom out of the fire, out of the house.

  “Ella, please come on. I really need your help.” I cried desperately but Ella wasn’t responding.

  “I won’t waste my tears on the death if I were you.” I heard a voice and before I could even try to see the person, everything became dark.



  “And now, my body is being dragged by some people I do not know. I don’t know if my mom is alive but I have to free myself and find out.” April thought.

  The younger scientist checked his arm and looked at the kid as she was dragged on the floor.

  “You didn’t tell me.”

  “Tell you what exactly.” The old man asked with his chicken voice.

  “That the little girl is still conscious. The bioper was to detect her unconscious state but it doesn’t.”

  “Wow. That little kid is one strong one. I think I will use her like that.”

  “With due respect, dad, we can’t use her because she is very much active. Something might go wrong.”

  “Then let it go wrong, I don’t care. All I care about is to use my machine which took me decades to build.” Doctor Rat turned to the workers in charge of current.

  “Start the operator.” He ordered and the man nodded. The operator was turned on as soon as April was put inside a kind of incubator.

  “This process has to be annulled, dad.”

  “Opposing what I am trying to do now, is trying to become my enemy, Stewart. Do you by any chance want to become my enemy?” Doctor Rat was already angry and so the younger scientist, Doctor Stewart had to stay in his lane.

  “Heaven knows I do not want to trespass my boundaries, dad.” Doctor Stewart replied with fear in his voice and stood aside.

  He stood watching as the operator turned slowly, increasing its speed and more light shining from it. The repulsive force of the electromagnet was so strong that it sent all of them in that room, flying to various angles.

  “I knew this was a bad idea. Her mind is fighting so hard for her to stay alive.” Dr Stewart thought to himself.

  “What is going on?” Dr Rat asked no one in particular.

  He looked intently at the machine and turned to his workers there. “Turn this thing off, immediately.”

  “Hurry up.” He yelled and before they could run to where the cables were, there was a loud explosion in the room.


  Moments later, with broken walls, broken objects, destroyed furniture, scattered over the whole place, nothing was spared from the explosion, not even the incubator in which April was kept in.

  Dr Stewart was the first to regain consciousness after the explosion, only to discover that the girl they had as specimen was nowhere, not even near the incubator where she was kept in.

  He quickly looked through the scattered lab for Dr Rat who was still off.

  “Get up quickly, Rat. The specimen has disappeared.” He said, slapping Dr Rat twice before Dr Rat could wake up.

  “Did you just slap me, Stewart?” Dr Rat asked and Stewart didn’t answer the question.

  “Wake the others up and find the girl. This experiment is totally useless without her and she couldn’t have gone any farther from here.”

  They all dug into searching for April who was nowhere to be found in that hideous lab… the ultimate question that bothered them was where she was blasted to?


BACK IN 2020

  During summer, three Riverdale kids were inside their car, driven by the eldest, Troy on a deserted road which led to the country side.

  Ira, the youngest of them all jumped up all excited and talked throughout the whole journey.

  “I can’t believe mom and dad left us to live at the mansion for the whole summer. This will be totally cool. I can’t wait to meet my friends there.” Ira giggled on the seat and fell down from the backseat.

  “Calm your butt, young lady. There are so many potholes here in the country.” Troy teased and she sat back on the chair.

  Troy looked at his left side and saw his follower, Stella, focused on her phone, not minding her elder brother who was on the steering, or the junior sister who was talking nonstop at the backseat.

  “I wonder when you will ever get tired of your phone.” Troy initiated a conversation.

  “Obviously, when mom and dad get me cooler gadgets. Or, you could just simply make a cooler one for me, since you are the technologist.”

  “Are we at the farmhouse already?”

  “It is not a farmhouse, sis. It is a country house.”

  “Where on earth, did you get that awful name?” Stella asked Ira.

  “The name is not awful. Right, Troy?”

  “Uhm! Right!” Troy answered with unease.


  “Ok, mom. Bye, thanks for calling.” Troy ended the call and turned to the sisters.

  “I can’t believe there are just two rooms and God forbids I share a room with Ira.” Stella groaned dragging her bags to the master’s bedroom.

  “So, I will be sharing a room with you, BIG BROTHER.” She stressed the big brother and Troy scoffed.

  “I am so not sharing a room with you either. You know what, you just stay in mom and dad’s their room. I think I will go to the attic.”

  “But it is so choked up and dirty there.” Ira complained.

  “It is so cool to know that Troy is going to be cleaning for his very first time in history.” Stella corrected.

  “Who ever talked about me cleaning?” He took out some gadgets and Stella groaned.

  “That is the power of modern day science.”