
Let’s Read The Word

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Daisies For Me?

Daisies For Me?

Author:Alexandra Strimel



Miles Miller, is a 17 year old gay. He’s lived in Banes Creek his whole life. After being bullied for years for being gay, having only one friend, and talking to no one except for her and his family, he finds it hard to trust new people. After running from the person who hates and bullies him most, he literally runs into a person that will change his life. Travis Parker, is a 16 year old kid, he’s bi and proud of it. After moving to Banes Creek, a small town in Virginia with his friends and family, he was checking out books in the library. As he was leaving, someone crashed into him, and his life. See what happens to Miles and Travis, will they fall in love and live happily ever after, or will they have some bumps along the way? ____________________________ Hi, this is my first story, so please don’t judge too hard okay? Anyway happy reading ;)

Miles' POV

Damn, I'm running again. Why am I always running from her? "Miles, do you have any idea what you've done?! Get back here!!" She's so god damn annoying. Like, what is she being so dramatic for? Sure, I didn't do her homework, or do her shopping, or go off and die, but I never do what she threatens me to do. I have no idea why she's chasing me through the school hallways right now, and I'm super, duper confused. But that won't make me stick around to find out. Besides, she sounds pretty angry and I'm not getting beat up by her friends again.

"Miles! I'm serious, you're dead if I find you!! I got suspended for three months!!! I know you ratted me out! GET OUT HERE!!" she screamed down the hallways over the very loud student's at their lockers. 'Ratted her out?' I thought. 'What did I rat her out for that would get her suspended for three month- '. Oh, I remember now, but I didn't rat her out! But she won't believe me anyway. So I guess I gotta keep running.

She was still screaming and yelling behind me while I managed to sneak away by hiding behind people, that earned me weird looks, to make my way to the library, which was usually empty at all times of the day. Then just as I was reaching for my salvation

the library door

, the door opened, with a handsome man on the other side. But I was so busy running from that bitch that I didn't even get to appreciate his beauty, and ran into him.

We tumbled on the floor. Luckily no one else was in the library to see the embarrassing moment. I looked up to see his face and to tell him I'm sorry. But just as I was about to say words, air hitched in my lungs. I noticed how blue his eyes were, how beautiful his ink black hair was, then my eye's made their way down to his lips, I thought about how soft they looked, and just as I looked down at his pecs, I noticed I was straddling him and my hands were groping his chest, and then suddenly I hear someone speak .

"Ahem, Hey, I like this position very much right now and your very cute, but you wanna tell me why you ran into me? Not that I mind." the handsome man said with a smirk on his face, eyeing my lips as well.

"S-sorry for that, I was running from-" I started to say as I was getting up from straddling his hips, but just as I was talking he pushed me back down. "What're you d-doing?" I said with a blush, that was very much visible.

"What? I told you I like this position." he told me with a smirk still on his face. But just as I was gonna say something sarcastic, I heard the bloody bitches voice down the hall.

"Miles!! Get out here!" It was faint but I knew she was coming this way. I looked at the door that was still open from when we crashed, and tried to get up to close it, but then, again just as I was getting up, the god damn handsome man dragged me back down. "Listen, I'm sorry I ran into you, but this crazy bitch is chasing me and I gotta close the door." I said as I motioned to the door.

"Then what are you going to do for me to let you go?" he said, side eyeing my thighs that his hands were groping. What the hell does this dude want from me? Is it sexual? Why is he staring at my thighs like that? As I thought that, my blushed face became an even darker shade of red. "What do you want?" I tried to use a confident tone in my voice, but it came out like I was nervous. I was nervous, but I didn't want him to know that! Just as I was in deep thought about regretting saying anything at all. He said something that snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Kiss me."

I froze. I looked up to stare at him, to see if he was serious. Oh, my god, he's completely serious. Is he crazy-. I snapped out of my thoughts again when I heard the bitches annoying voice again.         

"Where the fuck are you Miles?!". Shit her voice is getting louder and more annoying by the second.

"Shit, she's getting close." I mumbled under my breath, but I guess the handsome man could hear because he started to lean up to my ear and whispered something."I'll close the door if you just kiss me." I could feel his breath on my neck, and my brain was getting fuzzy. I didn't even realize that I nodded. "Great!! Then let me close the door real quick." this time his smirk turned into a wide grin.

As I tried my third attempt to get up, I was being lifted up in the air. I was frozen for a second, then started yelling, while he sat up to walk to the door. "What th- the hell?! What are you d-doing ?! Let me go!"

My one arm was holding on for dear life around his neck, hoping not to get dropped. While my other arm was punching his chest. I didn't even realize my legs were wrapped around his waist until his legs were moving towards the door. I blushed the darkest shade of red I ever had in my life. If it got any darker, I'm afraid I might explode.

"Well I have to close the door, don't I? Besides, you're really light, don't worry about it." as he said that, I felt his hands squeezing my ass as he held me. I heard the door click and close. Then he started heading for the table, walked past the book cart and plopped me down on it. "W-was that really n-necessary ?!" I whispered with my face in my hands, trying to hide my red face, that showed my embarrassment. I heard him chuckle and say,"Where's my kiss ... " as I looked up, his face was right in front of mine "Miles." Gooooooosshh, he's so handsome and sexy.

As I heard him say my name I was confused and aroused. First, how does he know my name? Second, how can he say it sounding so sexy?!

I guess the confusion showed on my face because he answered my first question for me "I heard the girl screaming it down the hall.". Oh. Okay, that explains things then.

"I'm not really gonna kiss you though." I whispered.

"First, I don't know you, second you don't know me, third I'm a man and fourth you look new and you look straight." I rambled out.

"First you don't know me because you're right, I am new, second you're right I don't know you, but you're cute. Third, I know you're a man, and fourth just because I look straight doesn't mean I am." he said, stroking my cheek, staring at my lips.

"Oh." was the only thing I could say. Because honestly I think my brain is on the verge of exploding right now.

"So where's my kiss?" he said with a smirk on his lips, while he was staring at mine.

Thankfully I didn't need to answer because Mrs. Holland the librarian walked in. I pushed him away and hopped off the table so that I was standing.

"What are you two boys doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?" she asked in an accusing tone.

I looked at the clock.

1: 23

I'm late.

I've never been late, and now I'm late because of the handsome man. Ugh, I've gotta learn his name and stop calling him 'handsome man'.

"I'm so sorry I didn't even realize" I told her, and I wasn't lying, since it was true. "Alright just go to class boys." she said as she shooed us away. I took that chance to run to class, away from the handsome man.


Hi !!! This is my first story, so it might not be very well written. I hope you like it :

Anyway, make sure to comment

nice things please

1354 words