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CEO Secret Love: A Tale Of Heartbreak And Sweet Romance

CEO Secret Love: A Tale Of Heartbreak And Sweet Romance

Author:Vera Williams



Bridget, the daughter of a billionaire, was hopelessly in love with Anderson, a man she had once rejected. Just when she was about to give up, fate intervened and she landed a job at a prestigious jewelry company, only to find out that Anderson was the CEO. But there were two obstacles standing in their way: Eliana, Anderson’s possessive crush, and Anderson’s reluctance to introduce Bridget as his fiancée to his friends and colleagues. What secrets was Anderson keeping from Bridget, and could their budding relationship survive the weight of his hidden truths?

“Have you ever encountered a guy who just left?” Bridget expressed her grief and regret, revealing, “I did. I lost someone who may have considered me the most important person in the world. Unfortunately, I hurt him by undervaluing his significance In my life. It was all my fault, a flaw from my teenage years. It has been eight years now, and all I can do is admire him on billboards, TV, and the internet. ”Bridget stood on the sidewalk of Aaron Whyte Corporation, her father’s company, with her tall and slender, attractive figure. She didn’t take a step. Her blue eyes were fixed on the massive billboard across the building, capturing everyone’s attention. The billboard featured Anderson Edward, a professional sprinter. Bridget couldn’t help but think of his name. She openly stared at the image, captivated by Anderson’s piercing and bright eyes, framed by well-defined eyebrows that accentuated his chiseled masculine face. She admired his perfectly-sculpted abs, rippling with muscles that gave his physique an irresistible allure. On the digital screen, Anderson modeled for a renowned clothing company.

People often say that the most excruciating goodbyes are those where the person leaves without saying a word. In Anderson's case, he disappeared without uttering a single word. He never looked back, causing Bridget the most painful experience of her teenage years. Bridget was seventeen years old the last time she saw Anderson, and now, at the age of twenty-five, she couldn't quite decide if she was still hung up on him or if she was trying to convince herself otherwise.

After Anderson's departure, Bridget learned that he had accepted an offer from the Benjamin Moore family. The family had presented him with an investment program, as they were one of the wealthiest families in Calgary, and Benjamin was one investor who saw his potential.

"Was he always this attractive?" Bridget pondered, still staring at the billboard for several minutes without realizing it.

"Maybe!" she shrugged. "Although, he never really took off his shirt in front of me." With a tinge of bitterness in her voice, she muttered, "Now he takes off his shirt in front of millions of women, what he had been hiding from me."

"What are you saying, Bridget?" her brother Michael asked. He had been patiently waiting and standing beside her so they could walk to their offices as they were just arriving for work that morning.

"He would sometimes wear pants whenever we went to the beach on weekends. Have you forgotten?" he reminded her.

Bridget turned her gaze to her older brother, and Michael continued, "You deliberately averted your eyes from him when the right person needed your affection," he said sarcastically. Bridget rolled her eyes in response and pointed specifically at Anderson's six-pack, saying, "He didn't have those yet, and can you please stop blaming me for making the biggest mistake of my life?"

“His abs were just starting to show back then. It wasn’t that noticeable,” Michael said, waiting for a moment before asking, “Aren’t you tired of staring at him? Let’s go inside. I have so many things to catch up on in my office.”

“Hmmm…” Bridget hummed and let out a distressed breath.

“Bridget, let me be honest with you. If you can’t stop thinking about him, why don’t you pursue him?” Michael suggested, using hand gestures and facial expressions.

“How long will you keep this in your mind? It’s been eight years. Just let it go,” he added.

When Bridget couldn’t take her eyes off the billboard and didn’t reply to her

brother, Michael continued, “Then go after him and tell him how you feel. Staring at him won’t help the situation.”

Michael went on to recount how many times Bridget had said she was over Anderson’s feelings, but every time his news was broadcast on TV or elsewhere, the memories came flooding back.

“I heard on TV last week that Anderson said Moore’s family would be throwing a big party tomorrow evening for all his achievements on the track at Burj khalifa. You’ll definitely find him at that event. It’s all about him,” Michael said.

It took Bridget a few moments to process what her brother had said, and she responded, “You’re right, bro!” She glanced at him for a brief moment before revealing her sudden decision. “Please inform our elder brother that I want to take a leave from work. I want to see Anderson.”

Just a few minutes before, she had been standing in front of her father’s company, gazing at Anderson’s billboard. Out of nowhere, she found herself in her car, rushing to the airport to catch a first-class flight out of the country.

While in the plane, Bridget thought about her previous attempts to reconnect with Anderson, but all of them hit a solid wall. First, Anderson changed his phone number. She tried sending him messages on his social media accounts, but he only replied twice, saying, “Bridget, I need to pursue my dream! That is my passion, even if it means leaving.” He provided no further explanation. Anderson’s social media accounts soon became inactive after Bridget sent him numerous messages without any response. The last update Bridget received was about four years ago when Anderson was preparing for his first Olympics, which he went on to win the gold medal in the men’s 100m and 200m races.

Just a few days before the start of the game, Bridget went to the stadium while Anderson was training. She sat in a spot where she could easily see him. Bridget didn’t expect any explanation; she simply wanted to see him. During the tournament, Bridget invited her brother Michael to join her.

Bridget crossed paths with Anderson when she intentionally got lost on her way to the ladies’ restroom. She still remembered the shock on Anderson’s face. Unfortunately, all she got from him was directions to the restroom.

“Bridget, you can’t be here, not at the moment. You need to go back to Michael. Turn right, then left, and you’ll see the restroom,” Anderson told her.

As Bridget thought about this encounter, she wondered how Anderson knew that Michael was with her. That was Bridget’s last attempt to get Anderson’s attention. Her pride overwhelmed her after that encounter. Since then, she was among those who secretly wished him well in his journey to become the fastest man in the world.

Bridget managed to get past the security team of Jumeirah’s men, even though it was a nerve-racking scene. Her stunning appearance must have made it easier for her to pass. Although she had packed lightly for the event, she brought the most dazzling gown to show off her figure. Furthermore, as the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Calgary, Aaron Corporation, she couldn’t be seen dressing in an ordinary way at such a high-class event.

Bridget didn’t need to ask where the primary show was taking place. She merely followed the celebrities and gracefully paraded herself with them. While entering the hotel was relatively easy, getting into the grand hall of the event proved to be a challenge. She pretended that she had been inside before, but the security personnel wouldn’t let her in without a special invitation card. Suddenly, one of the guards received a call, and after the call, he spoke in a hushed tone to Bridget.

“Ma’am, I’m very sorry for the misunderstanding,” the guard said. He instructed one of his colleagues to escort Bridget inside.

Bridget was astonished by how things turned out, but she thought that the guards must have mistaken her for someone else. All she wanted was to see Anderson. The guard led her to the VIP section, and she noticed that the front rows were already filled up. Bridget sat in the middle, raising her head to get a clear view of the stage.

The program eventually began, and since it was the Moore family hosting the party, their stunning daughter Eliana was the first to take the stage and welcome the guests.

"Welcome, everyone, for gracing this important occasion in honor of Mr. Anderson Edward, who is so dear to me - someone close to my heart. I am very happy and proud of who he has become and all the medals he has won," Eliana said, highlighting Anderson's achievements. A big screen displayed pictures of him celebrating and collecting his medals on various podiums. Eliana concluded her speech by inviting the celebrated Mr. Anderson Edward to the stage.

This was the moment Bridget had been anxiously waiting for. She felt a lump in her throat when she saw Anderson walking up to the stage. He was dressed in a smart navy blue suit, and his athletic, smiling face looked even more handsome than she remembered. Bridget's eyes were fixed on him, and she didn't want to lose sight of him for even a second. Her intention was to approach him when he stepped down from the stage. She was ready to seize the opportunity and tell him how she felt.

Anderson was on stage, and just as he was about to take the mic from Eliana, she quickly made a special announcement. Anderson stood inches away from her, and their eyes locked together while they whispered to each other. Eliana then added, “As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words,” before happily kissing Anderson in front of everyone. Her actions elicited a prolonged round of applause and cheers from the guests, except for Bridget, whose expression suddenly changed.

Eliana’s face was filled with smiles, twinkling eyes, and relaxed muscles, while Bridget’s mouth turned down, her eyebrows furrowed, and her eyelids drooped. Eliana giggled and playfully smacked Anderson’s arm as she handed him the mic, pouring intense jealousy into Bridget’s heart.

The crowd's words of congratulations such as:

“You look so good together!”

“Eliana and her family have always supported you through thick and thin.”

“ She is the perfect person for Anderson.”

Those words were like thorns and thistles to Bridget. Only added salt to injury.

“We knew this was coming someday!”


“You deserve each other!”

The crowd kept cheering.

Bridget thought to herself, “Why did I even come here?” She immediately stood up and started walking towards the exit door. She felt warm tears streaming down her cheeks, and the pain of the moment was too much to bear.

She arranged for a private jet and flew back to Calgary, longing to be in her room, the only place where she could weep without any disturbance. Upon reaching home, Bridget immediately went to her diary and flipped through numerous written pages where she had poured out her broken heart about Anderson. When she came across a blank page, she paused and began to write.

“My dear Anderson, trying to meet you today was the craziest thing I have ever done. I wanted to see the man who had forgotten about me for the past eight years. I admit that it was my fault, but I never imagined that my punishment would be this agonizing. How come you never gave me a chance? Not even a single moment to speak to me. I had hoped that someday you would come and talk to me, but you never created such an opportunity. Today, I am writing to say that it’s all over. This will be the last time I will write about you and how I feel. I saw that you were already happy with Eliana, and you made it public when you kissed her. I had heard about both of you before, but witnessing it firsthand made me realize that you have moved on, and I have lost you forever. It’s time to close this diary permanently and move on with my life. I wish I had never made this mistake. Lastly, I want to tell you that I love you so much. I didn’t see it then. I was wrong to have missed it, but unfortunately, it’s too late now.

Goodbye, my sweetheart!

Bridget Aaron.”