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In Love With My Best Friend

In Love With My Best Friend




In a popular city, lived a girl named Axiel Vie. A very sweet child who grew up with her male best friend named Jayson Lee. They've been best friends since their birth. Both of their parents are close to each other and supports their friendship. They both care and love to protect each other. They're classmates from kinder to highschool. Not until one day, Jayson finally fell for her. He doesn't know how to express this hidden feelings he's been concealing the whole time. He's afraid to ruin what they have. He doesn't wanna lose her and only wants what's good for her. Everything went smoothly until he found out, Axiel Vie has been dating his cousin a long time ago. This caused his heart to break and kneel down in defeat. Find out what will happen to them. Read their story now!

  Axiel Vie was busy playing with her bicycle when she saw Jayson Lee walking in the street.

  She quickly rode her bike towards Jayson to meet him. Jayson is reading his new comics when Axiel interrupted him.

  "What's that?" Out of curiosity, she asked him.

  He responds with a smile. "My new comics, would you like to try it?"

  She grinned gracefully. "Sure!" And they both went to Jayson's house.

  Jayson's mother notices them and decided to talk to them.

  "Where are you going? Would you like some cookies?"

  They both grinned in excitement. "Yes, mommy. Please?" It was Jayson. Cookies has been his favorite ever since he was a kid.

  His mom smiled and nodded.

  "I'll be right back."

  Jayson and Axiel proceeded to sit in the sofa, reading the new bought comics of Jayson.

  And then suddenly, his cousin, Max approached them out of nowhere.

  "Woah, the latest comic!" He grabbed it without asking permission and then ran away.

  Both Axiel and Jayson glanced at each other after witnessing Max's naughtiness.

  Sure, Max doesn't know how to control himself.

  Jayson ran after him to get back his comics but Max was too quick to lock the door.

  Jayson mumbled between his breath before looking back to Axiel.

  "Guess, let's just watch some cartoons then."

  Axiel just nodded and joined Jayson in watching some TV stuff.

  He gave her some pillow to rest on while enjoying the moment. Until Max appeared out of nowhere again and sit between them.

  They both got shocked. Specially Jayson, when Max threw the comics right back at his face.

  "Your comics are boring. I expect too high." Max's pouted before leaning at the sofa.

  Jayson couldn't contain his anger until Axiel grabbed his arm to remind him to 'stay away from Max'.

  They both know Max is a spoiled brat kid who was raised by a rich parents. He gets what he wants and he doesn't consider other people's feelings towards him.


  Early in the morning, Axiel Vie visited Jayson at their house. She brought some stuff toy to play with him but she found out, he's still sleeping.

  "Come in. Jayson will be awake within a few minutes." His mom said, letting Axiel Vie inside their house.

  Axiel, on the other hand, saw Max whose lying on the floor, topless. He's really an ill-mannered kid but she admits he's cute.

  "Hi," Max greeted her, all of a sudden.

  She just responded with a sweet smile before walking pass by him.

  "Hey, let's play!" Max demanded.

  He's really childish for his age.

  "Okay." Axiel didn't refuse. She's afraid that she might hurt him so she agreed.

  Max held her hand and took her at the backyard.

  Axiel's eyebrows furrowed, as she stares at the pit. It was 2 meters high but Max looks like he's not even scared to look down in it.

  "What are we gonna do?" Axiel asked, curious about why would he brings her here.

  "I have my elves friends there. Can you get them for me? Pretty, please?" Max pleaded her. But she was scared to go down the pit. She's afraid there might be a snake, occupying the space down the soil.

  "No, I can't." She tried to refuse but Max is too fat to grip her hand.

  "Listen here, Axiel. I'm the boss. So, get it for me!" He demanded, furious was evidence in his face as he stares at her serious.

  She felt her shivers in fear. But she has no choice. Max won't let her go.

  "But I can't. How am I gonna get down there?"

  Max just smirked before walking behind her.

  "I know. Watch this." She was shocked when he pushed her down the pit, full-strength with a speed. Causing her to scream loudly.

  Max got stunned when he saw Axiel fell down the soil and didn't move again.

  "Oh no!" He began to be scared and starts panicking before running away.

  Nobody got to witness the scene, except for Jayson.

  He's on the second floor. Watching them from his window, shocked, and scared about what he just saw.

  He quickly ran downstairs and reported it to her mother about what he saw. He told her how harsh Max was to Axiel.

  They quickly called an ambulance and then rescued the poor little girl from the pit.

  Jayson's face was full of concern, guilty why he let it happen. While Max is standing, meter away and didn't spoke.


  The news reached Axiel's parents and they quickly rushed towards the near clinic to see what happened.

  They saw Axiel's condition, lying in the white sheeted bed with a bandage all over her forehead.

  "What happened?" Her mother weakens as she watch her daughter's condition.

  Jayson's mom spoke. "It was an accident. They were playing at the backyard when Axiel accidentally fell down the pit. I'm so sorry, Mrs. Abellana." Jayson's mom apologizes while Axiel's mom keeps crying in the corner.

  She comforts her and assures her that everything's gonna be alright.

  Jayson looked at Max, he saw him grinning from ear-to-ear like he's not affected in the situation.

  "This is your fault." Jayson scolded him.

  Max's eyes narrowed while looking at him.

  "It's not my fault. It's her stupidity that caused her to fall."

  "Liar," Jayson denied Max's statement.

  "I saw the scene while I was in my room's window. I saw it clearly on how you pushed her down the pit!" Jayson's voice was too loud, enough to reach the adults' ears.

  "What did you say?" Axiel's mom reacted immediately.

  Both Max and Jayson got shocked but Jayson proceeded on revealing the truth.

  "He's lying, Tita. I saw him pushing Axiel on the pit! He did it on a purpose."

  "You're lying!" Max shouted.

  Jayson's mom was dumbfounded and couldn't believe her eyes.

  "Did you hear that?" Disappointment was clear in Mrs. Abellana's face. Jayson looked down and apologized for his cousin.

  Mrs. Flores didn't expect to hear her son's statement either.


  "I'm so sorry, Max. But we have decided to return you back to your parents in the States." Mrs. Flores said slowly, making Max gasped out in disbelief.

  "No, I want to stay here!" He pouted, disagreed with her statement.

  "But if you continued to act naughty, we probably won't bear with you that long." She said, calmly.

  Max cried and cried but it was too late. His maid was outside, waiting for him to go out so they can catch up on their flight to the United States.

  "Please, Tita!" He begged while sobbing.

  Jayson is watching them from the living room, eating some popcorn with ice cream on his table.

  "I'm so sorry, honey. But your parents need you." At her last statement, Max face darkened and glanced at Jayson's direction.

  "See you, cousin." He pledge his goodbye before trailing his track outside.

  At last, Jayson's atmosphere went silence. No more naughty kid, hanging around with them. He can finally get his inner peace.