
Let’s Read The Word

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'Why im here, is these new world to me.... why I didnt die, now what game my destiny playing with me' Aera thought to herself she was not expecting these.... After her parents death and with the horrible dreams she always get, she was so frustated with her lifee but something strange happened in her life which was beyond the imagination for her....she travel back in 1802 year from 2021 now what will she do in this kind of situation what god want from her now..... the mystery of her life will she get to know all answer what she wanted.....

Aera Jorge very loving and kind person always helps other and cant see others in pain.... but in her life there is always pain...when she was in high school her mother died and when she completed graduation her father died she always curse her destiny for all this.

She was so lonely without her parents, all her relatives taunt her that she was the reason behind of her parents she? Multiple times Aera tried to commit suicide but there is always something which is controlling her, one energy only she can feel, sense but cant see... the dreams which she sees its badly haunt her, she wanted to know the reason behind her dreams but there is nothing come up.... whenever she tries to find out the meaning behind them , it always gives her more pain and frustration....

After Four Years she used to live on her own with the pain and suffering it's like routine. to her in this four years .... first haunted dream then office, then home and then process goes on in circular motion, she was so fed up with her life... she didnt get close to her colleagues and never had a partner in her life....

Sunday came up and she head to church morning 10 am to pray it was her daily sunday routine to go to church and complain God that why she always the one who suffer the most....

When she went to the church to pray the god and find out the answers of her dreams she saw a man standing there which was looking her with tense look she didnt even know who the man was and why he is staring at her with that kind of look , aera was feeling afraid she avoided his gaze and turned to other side for distancing herself from that man after quiet second she looked back towards the mans direction but he was nowhere to be seen, he disappear like a mystery after seeing that she was so afraid...... but she told herself not to bother. She prayed and head towards the direction of her house but after getting out from the church the man who was looking towards her in church came from behind and said "Dont be afraid from me I just wants to tell you that you will get all answer very soon just be ready to make your life upside down" Aera was frighten from his sudden appearance and the word he said to her, she thought he was some physco 'but how he know that I want the answers' Aera just ignored him and running towards the road to hail a taxi but running very fast she didnt recognize that she slips her leg and drown in the river which was along side the road it was not so big, Aera can easily swim and will get out but there was a force she can feel in her leg which was drowning her down and she cant help but going downward 'im coming mumma papa' she told herself and passed away in the river.....