
Let’s Read The Word

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Deadly Thoughts

Deadly Thoughts




Two high school students excellently hide their true identity as they continue to avoid death calling. One lady groomed in a secret mafia organization meets her counterpart in everything, a typical arrogant but deadly guy in every possible way. Despite hating each other to death, they can't help but team up to find out who is recklessly killing students in their school. Emotions start to interfere in their missions and while one of them tries to avoid associating feelings, they will slowly start to soften in each other's gaze. As circumstances arise in their surrounding, secrets are eventually revealed to each other.


It's shame I couldn't murder anymore.

It’s midnight and I’m walking towards the darkness.

I yawned for the nth time.

This thought became a habit, a routine carved in my mind. My mind’s too dangerous when left wandering.

I walked past the lonely neighborhood of village 39. I love it. The silence as if it was a dumping site of deceased people. But it wasn’t a normal average village either.

Few houses stood enormously you literally look up just to see its overall magnificent design. Mansions that spoke elegance, terror and power. Of different sizes and extravagance. Tall electrified walls separated each estate.

I saw a familiar gray mansion 10 meters ahead and it signaled I am getting near my destination. I don’t feel relieved. I want to be alone with my thoughts more but this meeting is required. It’s once in a blue moon. Death punishment will knock if either of all of us don’t attend. Though I don’t mind the punishment, I also wanted to know what’s so important for a sudden summon.

As I step, I heard screeching cars as if they were casts on fast and furious, racing 30 meters behind me. I hid effortlessly on the old creepy trees until they all disappeared. I sighed and continued walking. I’m sure they were the quadruplets that are not blood related, Skye, Vile, Paris and Saturn. The four toxic venom. Skye was said to be a nun until we don't know what happened but she went out rogue, killing all the priests, sacristan and other nun in the monastery she was in. Vile was famous for chopping off men's penis that even other men in our organization were afraid of her. Paris was sent to prison for killing her ex-boyfriends but she escaped. Saturn, just like me, no one knew what we did to be called criminals.

I search for my face mask in my jackets’ pockets and a ring electrified me for a moment. My silver ring. Resentment visited me again like a monthly period and I wonder if I could have saved us if I remained cunning until the very end. What a waste.

Within minutes of being lost in my thoughts pondering about the destructive past, I reached the soil of our organization. I couldn’t help but feel the coldness that dragged my heart to my feet. Don’t trust anyone.

Yards apart separated by old creepy tall trees mounted within and around the house as if guarding it. They stood firmly on the ground as it terrifyingly dared anyone who would enter the perimeter. All people in this town knew what not-having-tall-walls meant. The monsters pretending as humans inside the Victorian mansion was enough precautionary measures that no stupid human would enter the area unless they want suicide. Freniere Familia. An invisible organization.

I saw the familiar perfect green field that I know very well is full of explosives and death traps. Mortem pasture, as our ancestors named.

I wear my mask, tied my hair in a bun and got ready my adrenaline rush as every nerves in my body went into their excitatory mode. I miss the air that smelled death in the battlefield. A shame I couldn’t play anymore. I positioned my body to run, closed my eyes and felt the familiar breeze of the place. The moon is out and it was the best strategy.

This is what I came here for.

“We always have the same interest, love.”

I’m immediately on my alert mode. Familiar irritating voice. What the fuck is Dylan doing here?

“Oh don’t be surprised, you know we’re twins in mind—

“Do you want to die?”

“Is that a challenge, Cyr?”

I opened my eyes and scanned him for a quick second. He’s all in his gray outfit from head to foot. But he was smirking with his eyes closed. He was in the same position as I am. He's a real fucking nuisance since I knew him.


“Ooooo the great Cyr, afraid of me?”

“What the fuck do you want?”

“Old days. Old ways. Deal?”

I knew that he’s gonna asked me into a match like how we used to play before, even deadly games as this. I closed my eyes. I missed the pleasure of winning.

“What’s the catch?”

“I’ll walk home. You get my tesla.”

“I don’t need a car.”

“You know you’re the only lady I knew that isn’t fascinated by cars but could drive any of it to hell. C’mon you don’t want my expensive—

“I’d rather have your head on a plate—

“Ouch love, that’s kinda harsh of you. Can you just have my heart? I’ll give it willingly—

“In a plate?”

“You’re so gross. And heartless. Okay, if I win, you’ll agree on a date with me, deal?”

I almost laughed. His confidence is always taller than him but I kinda like that part of him that made me smirk.

“If I win?”

“You can ask any favor from me, now or in the future.”

I thought of it. It’s not fair but I pondered again. In our organization, if you put your trust on anyone, you might get killed or betrayed. I’ve always been wary even with Dylan but one skill I have, my eyes can tell if one is lying in front of my face or not. And he is not, even once. I might need a favor from him in the future although I am certain I can always manage.


“YES! That’s it, Cyr! I can’t wait to beat you!”

“Don't you think that should come from me.”

“Rules?” He just smiled and ignored how I rolled my eyes at him.

“None.” And he ran faster than the blowing wind. And I felt cheated but as we said no rules so I sped up to catch up.

The field is so wide and another 100 meters until we reach the mansion.

The night is silent as we silently ran with the cold wind avoiding our death as well as being excited by the threat it caused on our life. It is almost addictive like a drug in our system. And it has been years since we came back here, and we miss the fun. And by fun we meant our deadly trainings where half of our class went to rest. In heaven or hell, if it really does exist. I hope it does. Too many people deserve severe punishment for even existing. I would never deny I am one.

A sudden explosion went off and I know it's from Dylan's position. I didn't turn. I know he's testing me. It's a fake. Contrary to the grunt of pain I heard, I know Dylan wouldn't even make a noise when he truly is hurt. I observed everyone of our class before and every time he's hurt, he didn't let anyone display sympathy over him. He would rather die than be pitied, that I know for sure.

Just as I had concluded, he was alive. He might think I didn't notice his quick movements but his speculations were wrong. Since he's ahead of me I can see every move in my frontal view.

I would love to enjoy every death traps that was waiting for me but I couldn't afford to lose to Dylan. By a date he meant he will be the boss for one day, and what madness lies with his smiles I can't speculate. I better die than even become his doll for one day.

I sprint and avoided every traps I sensed.

I reached the front area of the mansion. Also the parking lot. Different expensive and sports car were paraded.

I feel my lungs burning but I calmed my breathing.

"You're late. Cyr. Again." A lady guard suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Is Dylan here?"


"Is Dylan here?"

"I-I didn't see him." I didn't notice how I changed my voice until I heard her stutter.

Dylan's not here. I can sense it. He's not inside. I turn to look around the wide field I came from. Is he seriously dead from the explosion earlier?

"Wait- where are you going? The discussion has already started--

"Dylan's not here yet."

"General order number six, lady. If he's not here when he's supposed to be, he's already dead."

"Do you bet your life on that? Because I'll gladly take your life."