
Let’s Read The Word

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Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale




Mary Jane Oakley comes to East Wood High with a mission to take everything and anything, She sets her eyes on George Harman, The oldest son of a wealthy family and she immediately wants him. All Mary Jane's life she had gotten everything she wanted, Mary never cared about the identity or price tag if she wanted it, she would have it.

East Wood High was built on a large expanse of land situated in a remote town called Eastwood. Eastwood High was one of the Ivy League schools that the children of the rich and mighty dined and learned. The School was owned By the Herman Family, A wealthy conglomerate family that made up a large number of the one percent of the blue bloods of the world.

The Herman Family was headed by Xander Herman, The CEO and founder of Herman Corp and the current principal of Eastwood High.

Eastwood High was a school for the Elite of The Elite. Students from all over the rich families of the world attended Eastwood High all with the intention of gaining more power and making Memories. The school was a stepping ground for anyone who wanted to achieve great things both academically, politically and business wise.

Eastwood High was a school that wasn’t accessible to all, despite its scholarship body formed by the school’s PTA, it was a hoax. The scholarship only covered the students fees which was ten percent of all the fees per semester, The student’s family was expected to cater for the other ninety percent of the fees which was well over two hundred thousand dollars per semester. Everyone knew it was a ploy to get rid of the lesser individuals, or as the students of Eastwood High called them, ‘The Red Bloods’. The school’s policy to only accept the kids of the Rich and wealthy was of little use as even a school for the rich and wealthy, Still had a hierarchical system.

Eastwood’s Hierarchical system was simple, there was the Rich, there was the super-rich, there was the wealthy, the extremely wealthy and then the Council of six. Being Rich in the outside world was great but being rich in East Wood high left you are lacking; you were considered the grass root. A group of students that found themselves at the extreme end of the food chain in East Wood High.

Being Super Rich was nice, it was a middle point between being bullied and being left alone. It was a rather comfortable spot although a tilt in your parents’ status could mean good or bad for you. In a matter of a seconds, A student in the super rich group could find themselves wealthy or back to square one.

The Wealthy were what you considered the rich-middle class in the real world. They were comfortable and had more privileges than the super rich. In the class system of Eastwood high they were ranked the third highest and were often respected as such. The wealthy were allowed to bully, and attend parties at free will, they were never bullied and were often right-hand men to the Council of six. However, they were less subordinate to the super wealthy.

The super wealthy was as important as the student council in the school. They were what the council called an opposition. In their own right they could be considered just as wealthy as the council of six, but not as influential. They were the subordinates of the council and mostly ran for the seat of the council members but that was never guaranteed.

The council consisted of six of the most influential families in the world. Each family was represented by a student, one who would uphold the essence of what it meant to be a member of the council.

The first member of the council of six was George Herman. George was the first son of Italian businessman Xander Herman. Despite his good looks and charming exterior, George was the most feared and respected Student at Eastwood high, already owning a Whooping 1.7 billion dollars to his name, that is excluding his properties and endorsements. George was the embodiment of everything a good student was, Perfect grades, good Athletic performances in football and wrestling, perfect at piano playing and a good singing ability. He was everything to his father and was always making him proud.

George was however a much darker and sicker person than he let on and his behind the scenes attitude was what made him the strongest and most untouchable person in Eastwood High.

The second most feared person in the council of six was Francoise Saxon. Francoise was the only son of Single French Businesswoman, Milena Saxon. Milena Saxon was a restaurateur and owned a chain of restaurants all over Europe. Due to her immense wealth, she was able to make the cover of Forbes as the third richest woman in the world with a net worth of 77 billion dollars. Being the only son of His Mother, Francoise is guaranteed all her ever-growing fortune.

Despite His wealthy status in the council of six, Francoise is often regarded as the most grounded out of all six members. He had earned him self the title ‘The Silent Killer’, a title that attributed to his calm demeanour but harsh punishments.

Geraldine Baldwin ranked third on the list. Geraldine was the council member in charge of overseeing results. Her job was ensuring that no one dared to challenge the council members academically. Her parents, Christian and Angeline Baldwin were both full owners of their fashion brand called C&A a company named using their abbreviations. Their company was worth 70 billion dollars, ranking them as the third richest family in the school. Geraldine was respected as the richest female in the school.

She was also the smartest girl, as her CGPA sat at an impressive 4.88 just a point below George’s 4.98. Geraldine was a good swimmer and enjoyed volleyball two of her favourite things that she held records for in school. Geraldine was competitive and she hated being challenged, she made sure to take down anyone who challenged her, not minding if it was a fellow council member.

Melissa Byron and Ashton Buffet sat at the same rank in the council. Their parents Bernard Byron and Alain Buffer were best buds and quite coincidentally shared the same net worth, both being worth 65 Billion United States Dollars each. Melissa Byron was what Eastwood High students called the ‘Angelic Queen Bee’, She had the composure of a queen bee with her often stylish outfits and expensive bags, but was an angelic being with how much she helped students who was bullied or lessened their punishments. Melissa was undoubtedly the most favourite female in the school and for this reason, she was always at odds with Geraldine.

Melissa loved two things, Her parents and Music. She had no boyfriends and believed that love was fake excluding the one her parents had. She was the head of the school music club, a title she shared with George.

Ashton Buffet was the most unpredictable member of the council. He was known as the Chameleon of the council. His actions were uncertain and usually unexpected. He could be calm and collected today and be lousy and loud tomorrow. He was mostly unreliable but when he wanted to be reliable, he always made sure to go all in. Francoise only liked football, not school but football. He was the football Captain for the Eastwood team and spent a good number of his time practicing for matches.

He wasn’t as academically inclined as the rest of the council members, but that didn’t stop him from being the 6th best student in school.

The last member of the Council of Six was Isabella Bechtel. Her father was Spanish Doctor and businessman Rafael Bechtel. Unlike everyone in the council, Isabella’s father was a doctor who had made his 40 billion dollars fortune from investments and owning several hospitals in the world.

Despite his Spanish roots, Rafael Bechtel had conquered the west in his field of medicine and was Forbes cover star of leading world doctors. Isabella was the only member of the council who was formerly in the wealthy clan and had quickly risen to the top of the ladder. Her father’s Influence was one of the reasons why she had been selected for the council.

Isabella was the first in the history of the school to become a council member from the wealthy class.

The council of Six were highly respected in Eastwood high, Every student was expected to pay homage to each council member and no matter the class the student fell in, he or she was expected to carry out any punishments given by them.

The respect given to the council was much bigger than that, the council was given a building were their meetings and relaxations were carried out. It was a building made specifically for the comfort of the council members.

The building was a three story building that contained, a basket ball court, spa, in door pool, relaxation rooms for all six members, a kitchen and a chef to make them food and a punishment room were students were punished. It was the perfect place for the council members, and they carried out their selective class sessions with their teachers there as well.

The council meeting was usually held in the dining room of the house. The dining room had a round table with the capacity of six seats that was situated in the middle of the room. There, each council member would seat according to their ranks in a seat designated with their names. The seat at the head of the table facing south was occupied by George Herman. The left and right seats by his side were occupied by Francoise and Isabella. The right-hand side represented the second highest person by order and the left represented the lowest person in order.

Through the left side of George as if drawing a circle was Isabella, Ashton and Melissa, Geraldine and Francis who sat by George’s Side.

“The meeting would commence now”. A chauffer said handing George a file. George nodded at the man and the two other chauffeurs in the room to leave.

“Let’s start then”. George said allowing everyone to open the file in front of them. They read through the first page for a few seconds before someone spoke.

“I do not support this”, Melissa spoke up with a sympathetic expression, “It’s Harsh”.

“Here you go again Melissa, always wanting to offer commiseration to a student, I have so much disdain for your attitude”. Geraldine’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she hissed at Melissa.

“Calm Down Geraldine and easy with the big words”, Francoise said looking at her from his side, “not many understand you”. He laughed out looking directly at Ashton.

Ashton only rolled his eyes, not quite following the meeting.

“I think it’s harsh George”, Melissa continued completely ignoring Geraldine’s rudeness to her.

“How so, the constitution already states the punishments for crimes, Derek assaulted a member of the council,” .... George paused and looked at Geraldine nose flaring, He smirked,

“A high-ranking member of the council at that” He corrected himself, “He only deserves the worst punishment”.

“But still, Immersion in water, Mass embarrassment and Expulsion??”, She asked looking at everyone, “That is a bit overboard, I do not support”. Melissa stated firmly.

“What do you propose we do?”. George asked Melissa ignoring Geraldine’s face that was full on Anger.

“Expulsion and a fine, 10,000 dollars are fine”. Melissa said.

“I disagree!”. Geraldine said hitting the table, “I was assaulted by a red-blood at my party and you expect me to sit back while his punishment is reduced??!”. Geraldine yelled to Melissa who kept her hands folded ignoring her.

“It’s still too much!”. Melissa said unfazed.

“It isn’t Melissa, No one can understand the anger she feels, I think we should let her go through with her preferred punishment”. Francoise said placing a hand on Geraldine’s Back, he rubbed circles on it trying to calm her down.

“But there was no evidence to prove....” Melissa tried defending further but George cut her short immediately.

“That’s enough bickering, we would settle with a vote, A vote of five, myself excluded”. George said calming reading the file and not looking up. The noise had died down and only a staring contest ensued between Geraldine and Melissa.

“All in favour should raise their hands”. George said. Geraldine, Ashton, Francoise and Isabella all raised their hands leaving Melissa alone.

“That settles it”. George said marking the first page of the book, “The punishment takes effect tomorrow after the welcome party”.

“Welcome party?”, They all asked turning their pages to the next.

As they read through the page a couple of mixed feelings filled the room.

George had a neutral face that was devoid of emotions, Francoise seemed rather interested, Ashton had an indifference and quite Frankly didn’t want to be there, Melissa seemed intrigued as well, Geraldine had a fear in her eyes and Isabella was all smiles.

“Finally, Something Different”. Isabella said smirking.