
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:S. M. Savage


Steamy Stories

Dante awoke to a beast trying to kill her and a hunger for it's blood... * * * [Reverse Harem / Polyamory / Post-Apocalypse / Erotica Romance] Reverse Harem where the Protagonist will end up with all the Male Leads. Explicit Sexual Content.


I don't think I'm human anymore...

I didn't wake to the sound of the birds chirping, nor the sound of my father talking loudly to someone on the phone. I woke up to growling, at first I thought it was a dog. That was until I actually saw the beast.

It is a dog- or was one at one point. Inky black blood rapidly dripping from a gash on the side of it's head and onto the old wooden floorboards as the beast continuously stared at the blank wall. Growling at nothing. It was this beast that had woken me up and it's the same kind of beast that had a helping paw in my death.

The empty and painful feeling you get in your stomach when you're so very hungry and haven't eaten for days hit me full force. Forcing me to my knees at how intense the pain is. My stomach rumbled and growled, and when I looked back up at the beast. All I could see is the black blood dripping from it's head wound.

I lick my lips, a growl rumbling from my chest and the beast snaps its head around to face me. Letting out a growl of its own. It's lips pull back to reveal sharp and deadly white teeth, black eyes watching.

No pupil, no white sclera, just pitch black eyes. The colour of the beast's blood.

It lunges for me, it's jaws wide open as if it were to swallow me whole. I throw myself to the side in an attempt to doge it. The beast will be my prey, the cure to take this horrid hunger away and I will see it though.

Getting back up to my feet, I turn around and snarl at the beast. A red tinge clouding over the corners of my eyes. A tingling and painful feeling spreads over my right hand, and a pained yelp leaves my mouth.




Looking down, I stare in horror as my fingers lengthen, the cracking of my bones brings a satisfying feeling over me. Sharp claws rapidly grow from my finger nails, and red blood begins to slowly drip from it. A feeling like needles spreading over my infected hand and fur sprouts from the gray colour my hand is turning.

I look back up at the beast just as it pounces on me, forcing me onto my back. It's jaws wide open over my throat. I guess this is what I get for getting distracted. A sudden calmness washes over me the moment it's jaws clamp over my neck.

It is painful, at first, then, the world turns dark as my throat is promptly ripped out.

• • •

The sunlight blinded me when I woke up again, the smell of metallic blood hit me and confusion washed over me. My throat was ripped out, so how am I breathing now? A groan leaves my lips as I sit up, feeling my throat with my hand.

It's perfect. Not a scratch. Not a bite. I wonder if I look in a mirror would my neck be scared.


A shiver runs down my spine as I stare at my reflection in a puddle of red blood. It's my blood, I'm certain of it. The beast's blood is black, not red.

Getting up to my feet, I inspect my once beast-like hand and let out a sigh of relief. It's back to humans. A growl catches my attention and I twirl around to see the same beast that ripped my throat open, staring at me with hunger in its eyes and heart in his clawed hand.

First it ripped out my throat. Then it ripped out my heart.

However, I'm hungry too, far more hungry than it is. A growl rumbles out of my chest, the painful and tingling feeling spreading through my right hand again.

I won't allow that to distract me this time.

I step away from the beast. I need a weapon, but the only weapon I seem to have at the moment is... is my deformed monsterous hand. Briefly glancing down at my mutated hand, the sharp, long claws is my only chance at not dying by this beast, again.

A snarl leaves my mouth, my lips pulling back to reveal my teeth, and the beast saw that as a threat.


It lunged straight for me, it's jaws wide open the same way it did the last time. Instincts of whatever it is that I have become washed over me and it no longer felt like I was in control of my own body.

An enraged snarl left me, and I jumped up as the beast was pouncing through the air towards me. My mutated hand reaching out and slashing the beast across the face with my claws. Black blood began instantly dripping from the wound, and the blood slowly dripped from my claws.

A wicked smirk curls up onto my lips as I brought my hand up to get a taste of the black blood of the beast. And the taste of the blood drove me crazy, what remained of my humanity fading into a hunger that could only be cured by the black blood of the beast.

Red clouding over my eyes like I was wearing tinted sunglasses. A growl rumbles out of my chest, full of dominance. That stunned the beast and that was all I needed to drive my hand straight through its chest. Bones snapping as my hand went in, and I found myself shivering in delight.

The beast roared in pain before its life was cut short by me pulling out its beating heart. Its body dropped to the floor almost instantly, warm blood gushing out of the hole in its chest.

Bringing the heart up to my mouth, I bit down on the heart. The blood rushing into my mouth and I greedily drank until there was nothing left to drink. Throwing the now useless organ away, I fell down onto my knees beside the beast. Leaning over its corpse, I began lapping up the blood from the hole in its chest.

Slurping up as much blood I could get until my hunger felt satisfied. The blood of the beast cast a warmth down to my stomach.

Fire began spreading through my veins as I drank the last of the blood from the beast. I felt hot, very hot, and it was agonizing. Stumbling away, I let out a yowl, beginning to tear the clothes from my body before collapsing onto my knees a few feet away from the beast.

Every inch of me is on fire, and I fall onto my side beside the corpses of my kill and curl into a ball, whimpering, as the pain increases tenfold. This is the worst pain I have ever felt before, white hot and searing through my abdomen.

A loud cry left my lips, it sounded much more like a howl. My hand changed back to the human hand I knew all too well.

I couldn't think, I couldn't move. The pain is too much. The fire is spreading rapidly through my veins. So I lay there, until I fell asleep from the pain.

I awoke to the sound of a hiss and the same agonizing pain I fell asleep too. A whimper left my lips as I attempted to get up, only to cripple from the pain. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I had a feeling I would soon find out.

A hiss sounded just above my ear, strong hands pulling me up and into the hard chest of a stranger. His touch against my naked back cooled the fire spreading through my veins a little, a gentle lick to my neck had me letting out a relieved sigh.

He pushed me onto my hands and knees, his fist gripping my blonde hair and yanking my head back. Leaning over me, he breathed in my scent, his eyes has a faint blue glow to them.

"You're the one whose howl is driving us crazy." His voice was low as he spoke near my ear, another hiss leaving his mouth. "The Doctor did say there would be a Female Bloodline Slayer, but he left out the part that she'd go into heat after her first feast."

Author's Note:

The 3,000 word limit is unnecessary, I had to split this chapter up into two parts.