
Let’s Read The Word

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Stranger Times

Stranger Times

Author:Kat Hernandez



Zara is a Young woman who loves her kingdom, many twist and turns are at her feet as she is introduced to the King of Atlantium. Her only friend is a Blind seer who gives both The King and Zara guidance throughout the chaotic times that approach The Kingdom of Atlantium.

  How did I get here, where did this all start.?Everything feels hazy now. When I close my eyes I can see the events before now. I remember Opening my eyes to a Gently lit room. The small Fire still curling and flickering on the torch, that was lit hours earlier. I slowly pushed myself up from my Hay filled mattress that I had fallen asleep on. I could see outside the clay window of my home no sun yet shined, still the bright glimmer of stars. I stood up to get ready for the day I grabbed my handmade towel That I had woven from fleece that my father had sheared earlier that year. I Walked out of my door and over to the hurriedly, Trickling stream that was right beyond my lightly crooked fence. I splashed water on my face and washed off the Salty sweat from the day that passed. The fresh, cold piercing water freshening up my Tired sore eyes. Alerting me of today's missions. I remember listing everything off to myself over and over. Then Looking up to the sky and seeing the light purple and pink begin to push the Glittery stars to their daily rest. I hurried back into my home to start cooking something for breakfast. "Chicken, rice, carrots, spice smells so yummy taste so nice!" I sang to myself as I swiftly cut up veggies and tossed into my stew pot. After breakfast, I could see the peak of the sun shine now so I quickly grabbed my favorite ribbon off the shelf and put my Dark Chocolate hair into a bun. Town Aaron's were first on the list of things to do before sundown. So I Gracefully walked down a very long and winded dirt road towards the inner city of Atlantium. The moment I step in the market side of our Kingdom, the loudness and music that crowds the streets began to flood my ears. I can hear the shouting and bargaining of shops Galore, sales to my left and so much more. I quickly make my way to the Farmer's and buy what I need. suddenly, when I think the towns already loud enough I hear the Roar of the people as an enclosed waggon passes on the street. I think to myself "that must be the king." I get ready to start heading home and Ouch.! I fall to the ground, everything I have Bargained for all around. The man who shoved his way into me without a thought, Grabs my arm quickly picks me up and drags me along. By the time we have stopped we are far outside of town. All the things I have gotten were left behind. The sun is at its highest peak which means I am far behind on everything that needs to be done. I look at the man who dragged me way out of town and start to shout. "What do you think you're doing dragging a lady way out here!"

  The man turns to reveal his face to me and I go pale.

  K..King, Helios! I stammer and Forcefully bow. King Helios, is one of the youngest to rule Atlantium Hes not much older then me. As I am spaced out in the bow position the King asks "How much longer are you going to Keep your head bowed Woman?" Embarrassed and Dazed by his reply I shoot up straight and Quickly apologize. The King looks at me frustrated "Why didn't you get out of my Way?! Don't they teach you women manners in school?" The way The King talks to me furiates me and I quickly snap back. "EXCUSE ME? If anyone hasn't been taught manners it's you Mr, man child King. You knocked me over and Dragged me all the way out here! I lost all of my stuff because of you!"

  Remembering everthing that I bought all scattered at the market. The King grabbed me and put his face in mine and stated "You do realize who you are talking too don't you?!" I shoved him away and said "Exuse me, your royal high-ass." All while bowing and begining to walk away. I could hear the King beging to stammer and kick rocks saying "Where do you think your going?!" .. "Home!" I answered swiftly.

  As i continued to walk home I began to think about everything that I said, along with what I lost at the market. I finally arrived to my home by this time the sun was nearly down again. I quickly went over to my garden and picked a few things to eat for the night. Knowing tomorrow I have absolutely no choice but to go back to the market in the morning. As I began cooking I hummed to myself and was immediately interrupted by Banging on my door.

  Feeling the tightness in my stomach begin. After everything that had occurred that day. I knew the chances of being thrown into the dungeon was a possibility. Only a fool like myself would be brave enough to back talk a King.