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A Surrogate For The Billionaire

A Surrogate For The Billionaire

Author:Lizbeth Rose?



Zendaya Smith has a tough life. Her mum is in the hospital sick with surgery being the only way out but she does not have the money. Working hard to provide for her sister and herself. After the death of their father, things were so hard for them. One good thing is that she is brilliant and she has a fully funded scholarship for university. Working three jobs is still not enough until she came across a pamphlet. Ashton Hawke is the CEO of HWK group of companies, a company that has hands in hotels, restaurants, bars and resorts. After a heartbreak he vowed never to fall in love again. His mother kept pestering him to get married and have children. To fulfil his mother's wish of grandchildren, he decided to get a surrogate. Simply contractual and no feelings attached right. Easy. But will the relationship be purely contractual or will there be more to it.

Zendaya sat beside her mum who laid sick in the hospital bed. She needed a transplant but with no sufficient funds, she could only lay in the bed relying on medications and machines.

Zendaya tried to work hard to save up money but she still other daily needs to provide for, her younger sister who is only nine years old. Her mother was sleeping like she always does due to the drugs administered to her. Fortunately for her, she had a fully funded scholarship that took her through university. So she did not have to worry about college funds. She could not wait to finally convoke and get a stable job so she could support the family more. She was taking two courses in the University, the first was Veterinary medicine which has always been her dream because of her love for animals, and the second is Business Administration.

Zendaya looked at her phone to check the time. 1:45pm. Sophie would close from school soon. She also has to resume at one of the three jobs she does by 3:30 giving her enough time to drop Sophie off at their neighbour who is kind enough to help.

With one last glance at her mother and a kiss on her forehead, Zendaya left the ward and took the elevator down. She got into an old car, it was so old but it takes her places. In less than twenty minutes, she arrived at Sophie school and waited for her to show up.

Sophie came out and got into the car smiling at her bug sister. "Hey, Sophie. How was school today?" Zendaya asked as she drove the car out of the parking lot. "It was good. We were finally given our roles for the play and I got the main lead." Sophie replied excitedly. "That is so good to hear, I can't wait to watch the play." Zendaya told her little sister. She always tried to make sure that Sophie did not feel the tension in the house and grow up normally.

They arrived at their small apartment. "Okay, go freshen up and change so I can drop you off with Elena. Don't forget your homework." Zendaya said to Sophie who nodded and walked into the house.

Elena is the building owner and also a close friend of their parents, even when their father was still alive. To relieve the burden of having to pay rent, she told Zendaya to move into a much smaller apartment that no one ever rented so it was like a spare room and made them stay there for free. Also offering to watch over Sophie whenever Zendaya was busy with work. Zendaya was always grateful to the woman who only thought of them as her kids also.

"Hi, EL" Sophie greeted when a lady opened the door after Zendaya knocked. "Oh, my little firecracker is here. I was just wondering when you will show up so we can bake some cookies." The lady, Elena looked to be in her early fifties but it was obvious that she took good care of herself.

"Thank you once again, El. I really appreciate it." Zendaya said dropping Sophie's bag. "Young lady, if you thank me again. I will deprive you of my famous chocolate chip cookies for a month." El said to Zendaya with a playful offended look.

Zendaya simply smiled and left for work. She got into her truck. "You and me again, Hans." She whispered, yes, she has an habit of naming her stuffs. She drove off to the diner that was usually freaking busy at that time of the day which is why she offered to work that shift as she got tips and the pay was a little more due to the rush.

She greeted her fellow workers, went to the locker room to change into her working shirt and apron before stepping out. Sometimes she worked as a waitress and sometime jn the kitchen to help the chefs since she could also cook.

Soon enough, she got so busy switching between waitressing and cooking with the chefs. Two hours later, she finally got a break and stepped out to the back of the kitchen where it immediately grew quiet, away of the busy and loud kitchen. As Zendaya ate a sandwich she managed to make for herself in the kitchen, she calculated their expenses and the few tips she had made and hope to make more before closing for the day.


Ashton Hawke sat in the chair in his very large office, he was busy reviewing some files that his personal assistant dropped on his desk earlier that day. Just as he signed the last paper, the door opened and a woman walked in. She looked to be in her late fifties,dressed in a gown that would make one think she is younger. She walked forward and took a seat in one of the couches in Ashton's office. "Good morning, mum. How may I help you." Ashton said taking off his reading glasses. "Just came to spend some time with you, before we leave for lunch." Mrs Nicole Hawke replied him.

"We?" Ashton asked. "Yes, we. So do your thing, I'm just going to enjoy my Kdrama until you are ready." She said taking out her ipad that contained only movies.

"Why don't you find someone else to spend time with?"he asked his mother. " Well, I did find someone else, yesterday, and the day before. I need someone new. Maybe a little angel from you." Mrs Nicole said.

Ashton sighed, he knew this was a conversation they would have sooner or later." Mum I have told you." Ashton began. "Okay, just because that girl whom I always hated now I know why did not work well for you does not mean another one won't. Why are you avoiding the topic of having a family." Nicole interrupted him.

"I am just busy." Ashton simply said. "Tell that lie to someone who will believe you. Your younger sister already gave me a grandchild with twins on the way." Nicole said.

"Then go play with them." Ashton told her. "They live in Atlanta, you expect me to take a flight any time I want to see my grand babies, you are closer. Give me one, or two." Nicole said to him. "Why do you plan to get married, when you are close to your forties. No one would want you by then,you will be too old." She continues

"Mum. I just clocked thirty two months ago. " Ashton groaned. " So, forty doesn't seem so far away. Anyways, let's go have lunch. I am kinda hungry." Nicole said getting up, she put her ipad back into her bag and stared at Ashton waiting for him to stand. And they left his office together.

Ashton was back at his office when his best friend since middle school came in. "Hey Ash." Alexander Moore was a simple guy, also a CEO of a tech company. Ashton always make use of his help to find information about potential business partners to avoid any issue.

"Hey, Al. How are you doing today?"Ash asked." I'm good. Let me guess, your mum asked for grandkids again. "Alexander said smiling. "Yep." Ashton replied.

"Dude, if you don't want a girlfriend or wife. I think I have an idea to give your mum grandkids."Alexander said." What, a one night stand. "Ash asked. " No, surrogacy. I mean you could sign a contract. State your condition and you will monitor the lady to make sure nothing goes wrong through the whole pregnancy period. "Alex explained to him.

" And how do we find a volunteer?"Ashton asked his best friend."If you are in, just leave the rest to me. I will find at least ten candidates before the end of the week." Alex grinned. "Okay, but don't let everyone know that it's me before the press gets hold of the news." Ash told him.

"No problem."


Zendaya sat beside her mother’s hospital bed, her heart heavy as the machines beeped softly. Her mother’s face looked so pale and fragile, her breathing shallow, and the weight of everything felt suffocating. The doctors had made it clear—without surgery, there was no hope. But where would she get the money? Every penny she earned went toward bills, Sophie's school and trying to stay afloat.

She lowered her head, feeling the exhaustion from juggling three jobs, school, and caring for her sister. As she adjusted her bag on the chair, a small pamphlet slipped out and fluttered to the floor.

Zendaya picked it up, her brow furrowing as she read the bold headline:

**“Surrogate Needed. $500,000 Reward.”**

Her breath caught in her throat. Half a million dollars. The exact amount that could save her mother, secure Sophie's future, and free her from the crushing weight of debt. She scanned the details, her heart racing as she read the number to call.

It was tempting. Too tempting.

Tears welled in her eyes as she glanced at her mother. Could she really do this? Was this the solution?

Zendaya and Sophie walked into their home, exhausted from the day's activities then they both went to freshen up and dress for bed before coming out to eat the dinner EL made for them.

Sophie was already eating her dinner enjoying the meal. "Don't forget to brush." Zendaya told her and Sophie nodded. Her pigtails bouncing up and down.

“Mrs. Elena’s lasagna is the best,” Sophie said with a soft smile, her fork digging in eagerly.

Zendaya forced a smile in return, though her mind was elsewhere. “Yeah, it is. Make sure you thank her tomorrow.”

“I will,” Sophie said, though her eyes betrayed her concern. “Z, do you think Mom will be okay?”

The question hit Zendaya like a punch in the gut, and for a moment, she didn’t know how to answer. She sat down beside Sophie and brushed a stray curl behind her sister’s ear.

“She’ll be fine, Soph,” Zendaya whispered, her voice steady even though her heart was anything but. “We’re doing everything we can.”

Sophie nodded, her small hands gripping Zendaya’s. “I know you’re working hard. But it’s scary. I don’t want to lose her like we lost Dad.”

Zendaya’s throat tightened. She pulled Sophie into a hug, the familiar scent of her sister’s hair grounding her in the moment. “You won’t. I promise.”

After dinner, Zendaya guided Sophie to bed, pulling the covers over her. “Try to get some sleep, okay? You’ve got school tomorrow.”

Sophie nodded, though her eyes were still full of worry. “Goodnight, Z.”

“Goodnight, Soph,” Zendaya whispered, planting a soft kiss on her forehead before quietly leaving the room.

As she closed Sophie’s door, Zendaya leaned against the wall, her body feeling heavier than it ever had. The weight of their situation seemed to crush her more with every passing second. The hospital bills. Her mom’s deteriorating condition. The surgery that they couldn’t afford.

Her mind drifted back to the pamphlet.

She pulled it out of her bag, her fingers tracing over the bold words again:

**“Surrogate Needed. $500,000 Reward.”**

She stared at the number printed at the bottom. Half a million dollars. More than enough to save her mother, keep Sophie safe, and give them a future free from the constant fear of losing everything. But at what cost?

With trembling hands, she sat down on the edge of her bed and dialed the number.

Each ring seemed to stretch for an eternity. She almost hung up, fear gnawing at her insides, but before she could, a calm, professional voice answered on the other end.

“Hello, how may I assist you?”

Zendaya hesitated, her voice caught in her throat. For a moment, she wanted to drop the phone, pretend she hadn’t called, and keep searching for another way. But deep down, she knew she didn’t have time. Her mother didn’t have time.

“I... I’m calling about the surrogate position,” Zendaya said, her voice shaking.

“Of course,” the woman said smoothly. “We can discuss the details. Are you available for an interview? We’ll need to go over your health history and other qualifications.”

Zendaya’s chest tightened. An interview? Could she really go through with this? She didn’t know, but what choice did she have?

“I’m available,” she finally said, her voice quieter than before.

“Great. We’ll schedule something for you right away,” the woman replied, efficient and polite. “You’ll receive a text with the location and time.”

After the call ended, Zendaya sat there in the dark, the silence of the apartment pressing in around her. She had just taken the first step down a road she couldn’t turn back from.