
Let’s Read The Word

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The Lost Kingdom

The Lost Kingdom




I met him when I was a kid the distrutor he came and went in the blink of the storm eye some call him horror some call him hell and I call him storm be cause I was the first one to see his face but little did I know I was seeing his face for centuries.

  I was bout 8 years old when I heard the whispers I couldn't forget that guy. He seems really old at heart with a serious face. Like a cute doll in a monster collection, he was really interesting to watch and I cannot forget the way he walked on the top of my neighbor's roof that was blown off I could hear screams inside as the wind blow but I couldn't figure out what was going on. "Who are you?" I said to The distracted guy on the roof he didn't even look at me. He slowly turns around and jumps from the rooftop without a blink of an eye he was in front of me and I could see my roof slowly starting to left. " Your worst nightmare "he whispers as he slowly turns his face away from me. " Don't turn your back at me?" I said as my head started to hurt and I got a flashback "Tayrol" my lips manage to pronounce those words "It's you" I said as the name fades from my head. He slowly turned around and place one of his hands on my cheek " my name is storm don't call me that" he smiled and looked at me. My thoughts began to fade "call you what?" I said forgetting everything that I was told by him.

  His face became dark and I could hear the sky making a loud noise and he removed his hand from my face and slowly fade in the air. He wore a black shirt and black pants, not the normal clothes we wore it was really fancy and I can't forget how his hair fall over his face and his height was really tall maybe it's because I am so short but I could tell. I watch as the wind whispers as he vanishes. the wind says a name the more my memories of the storm fades away. " Serah " mom called "what are you doing out here are you crazy girl get back inside " if she could only know, I didn't know how I got there in the first place. That was then and this is now. Ten years have passed now am in a new town and seeing new faces living in my own apartment and wow life is amazing I do have a roommate but she is never home so it's like being home alone and it's amazing. I got a job working for a very huge law firm and wow the view was amazing I finally got over my ex and life seems like it's on the right path for once. Beep I heard my phone rang as I took it up rush through the door. Where are you that am about to leave? I ran out of the house closing the door behind me. After entering the car I took my regular seat beside Valaria. "Next time am going to drive waiting on you is going to make us late during the morning " she laughs while being dramatic. " Come on Val am only late one morning, but you were gone I would drive and besides waiting on you is like waiting on a pregnant lady to give birth. It's either quick or it takes too long". She opens her mouth and places both his hand on the chest. I laughed until I couldn't catch my breath." Drive woman" u said as we laughed all the way to work. When we reach the courthouse Val search for the best parking spot. She always does this that's why hate driving with her we get up too early and reach too soon we are going to be late because of her and her perfect spot here she said as she turns in her favorite spot for today. " Hope this case doesn't last very long. "It will be over in a drift", " speaking about a drift a storm is going to pass soon and girl you know what that does, yes a delay I here's it will be passing tomorrow or lastest tonight". I looked up to see the cloud all dark and grey. "Serah, baby don't leave me I need you" my imagination went wild and I'm not sure if it's a flashback or just me thinking about a dream guy. I couldn't see his face but there was rain everywhere. Not even a second after the rain started to due and Val ran towards the building and me just behind her washing the breeze blow and whisper I could hair word and it, not the first since I was a kid the breeze only whisper one thing one word and it was Tyrol but what is a Tyrol. Brushing off my crazy thought the day went by quickly the eyewitnesses made the case a winner fight wanting my client breakdown into tears as the case was rest made me happy but the thing the guy said to me made it wonder if she should be in a nuthouse or just jail life sentence." I'm just the dust of what's coming but your boyfriend is the blood born, you will be his downfall if not he will be ours". I took a cab back home since Val had some extra work to catch up on and am a good lawyer but Val. she is the best, I slowly enter my house and took a shower as the word that he said to repeat in my head." boyfriend is the blood born, you will be his downfall if not he will be ours, if not he will be ours, your boyfriend is" then it stopped when a drench myself from top to bottom and wrap a towel around me. I'm much older too old to think about silly childhood memory and that memory stays when it feels like and we somehow forget. But every time it rains it comes back. After taking a shower a got dressed and off to bed I went with nothing to think of I started to play a game on my phone and wow it's amazing. My avatar looks nothing like me but somehow I like it. Soon after I heard some knocking at my door suddenly I saw a shadow under the door I slowly walk towards my front door. I slowly pulled the grill and turn the doorknob by surprise I saw a guy he was white as the day's sky and his hair was black as cole his lip was cherry red but I could see his eyes because he was on the break of passing out he fell into my arm and I was shocked but I slowly pulled him into the house and closed the door. I turned on the light and place him on my sofa he looked like a guy from a price shaming movie in his full black suit then I remember " don't call me that call me storm" These are the words that run through my head. I try my best to think straight because no I know I'm just trying to find someone to fit with the picture and he was just the one. I shook it off and

  And went into the kitchen and place the kettle on the stove to make him a cup of tea after I finished places it on the table in front of the sofa. The suit that he is in looks really thick and it has patterns on it it seems it was it made him sweat so much I decide to take it off under the jacket he has on a really while T-shirt and it thin enough to see his tatted chest it places the jacket in the next chair in the hall and sit beside him and watch as he breathes in and out I didn't realize this before but he is really handsome so beautiful it took my breath away. Not even a second after his eyes opened and the same time his eyes opened is the same time the rain starts to fall and he jumped from the seat and started to look around the house "where am I?" he said as he looked around. Soon after he starts to panic I need to get outside now he didn't even look at me it's like he didn't even notice I was there. " It's too late I have been in there for more than 5 sec this roof is going to blow", I stared at him with a curious look and answers him " no it's not," I said as he slowly turns to look at me his eyes were as dark as the night sky and I could feel the emotions in his hands as he touches my cheek "Serah," he said as I looked at him. And another memory flashback in my head I can't forget the day he touches me on my cheek like this as he fades into thin air. But instead of making him know I remember I act like I didn't even remember his face maybe I could have an imaginary trama so instead I did what was best. "Who are you," I said as he slowly removes his hand from my cheek" no one he said as he got up to try and leave. The difference between other people and mine is that I have a safety lock on the grills of my door. I walked behind him as he rain started to fall harder outside " you can't, I mean there is a storm outside storm you can't go out", I said as he looked at me what didn't you just call me nothing I said the is a storm outside and you should stay in I said as he looked he up and down. " Let me go and it will calm" I open my eye astound by what he just said " no It won't I said as I came from between the sofa to face him he holds on to my hand and pull me so that my back hurts the wall. "Wow, you have gotten real tall since the last time I" then he stopped what he was going to say and change his word try to scare me off he slowly moved his lips towards my mouth" I know you don't want a guy that you haven't seen before in your house watching you while you sleep," he said as he slowly laughs " now let me out before I hurt you " he said as another memory came into my head "you know I will never hurt you if am angry it's only to protect you to love you. kiss me if you want me to stop and whisper my name then I will know you want to remember if not memory won't show and I'm free to go".