
Let’s Read The Word

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4 O' Clock

4 O' Clock




Love. Hatred. Sadness. Regrets. Azi Laurél Heimsworth's grades fail during mid-semester because her gloomy past is haunting again, making her mind being clouded for these past few months. Being determinated to pass again, she looks for a student-tutor who will teach and raise her grades up with the help of her frienemy, Zach Herron. And then she met Loki Sanchez, a wise arrogant man who could possibly help Azi to fulfill her desired grades. Azi wasn't really agreed to Zach's recommendation but she had no other choice. She have to chase and convince Loki just to hear his precious 'Yes'. Feelings were formed as the time go by but the fate won't let them feel in love. What will they do when this dilemma happen?

"Work really distracts sadness, huh?" I mumbled out of the blue. I'm on my way towards the Herron's Industry for the business proposal that Mr. Jack Mendez asked me to do. I've been his secretary for two years and I'm still working my ass on it.


Although my work is quite exhausting but it's still worth it. It helps me forget about my past and plus, I have a crush on my co-worker. Kidding aside, my brother wants me to work there. I am emotionally unstabled that time and I thought the work might be an opportunity for me to forget anything so I agreed.


By the way, it's been a long while since we last met. Five? Three years ago? I forgot. Maybe I really did improve on my moving on process. And maybe someday, I could completely forget him all along.


"Good morning, Miss. Do you have an appointment with Mr. Herron?" I almost flinched when I heard the sweet female voice that made my consciousness back. She's probably Mr. Herron's secretary. I didn't notice that I'm already here!


I smiled back as if nothing happened, "Yes. I am Mr. Mendez's secretary and he assigned me to send these reports to Mr. Herron, is he inside?"


"Yes. This way, Miss." She led the way towards Mr. Herron's office and left after we arrived in front.

I knocked on the door twice and heard the 'come in' voice inside so I walked in, still acting formally.


"What are those, Ms. Heimsworth? My request reports?" Mr. Herron asked, greeting me with his famous bunny smile. I almost forgot to mention, Mr. Mendez and Mr. Herron are best of friends including him and my brother. I remember back then that they were inseparable. Kinda miss those days, though.


"Yes, here they are," I handed him the folders. "Also, Mr. Mendez wants to send his regards to yours."


"Also tell Jack to suck his own dick and tell him that he's an ass." I laughed quietly, "Oops, my bad! Just kidding!"


"It's okay, Mr. Herron," I said. "I mean, we're still friends, right? We shouldn't have to be that formal everytime, you know."


"Yeah, of course." He grinned while he averted his gaze to my back, "Why don't you greet our dearest friend, Loki?"


I was taken aback upon seeing the masculine figure standing right in front of me. I didn't notice that he's walking in!


My hands were trembling badly and I'm afraid he would see this. What will I do? Should I walk away like I did before? Should I face him bravely as what I have promised to myself? Or should I act like we're complete strangers? I don't know. He probably forgotten me as what I'm trying to do right now. Until now.


"O-oh! I'm sorry, Zach but I-I have to go. Ashton just texted and said that we're going to meet right now at the ground floor. Bye!" I quaked, slightly terrified as I quickly made my way towards the door but someone already grabbed my wrist before I could get out!


"You're ignoring me, aren't you?" a deep, husky voice filled my ears that send shivers to my spine. My eyes watered a bit as we made our eye contact. No, please Azi. Don't fall with his gaze again. Shit.


"N-no, I'm not. Why would I? I... I just have to go."


"I will let you get out of here and meet your brother but we need to talk." he seriously said. His drunk eyes almost made my knees wobble. He seems desperate to talk with me!


Oh no.