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CEO's Surrender: For You, I Can't Win

CEO's Surrender: For You, I Can't Win



“Marry me, it's a win-win choice.” Bryan Turner never expected to be proposed to, especially by an ugly woman. The third daughter of the Keith family, the notorious loser, but why had she been able to hack the security system and get in just one hour earlier? "What can you offer me?" "First, I'm a perfumer and a doctor, and second, I know your secret..." Bryan's eyes narrowed. The CEO of the largest perfume company was unable to smell anything, a secret he had long since resolved to keep until his death. ".... But I can also heal it." Finley handed him something, and then for the first time, Bryan could smell since he was born, "Tell me what you want ...." Bryan stared at her, "Help me have a child, I want revenge." Seeing Bryan silent for a moment, "Oh, If you are worried about my face, then ....." Suddenly Finley chucked and began to remove her makeup .... Bryan first believed that this was just a fair-matched win-win partnership, but he never expected that after meeting this fiery yet sensitive lady, he would ultimately lose everything, starting with his own heart.

"Bryan Turner, will you marry me?" A daring question echoed through the lavish confines of the private room.

In fairness, numerous women had consistently sought the attention of the tall and devilishly handsome Bryan. He was currently lounging on the sofa. However, this woman managed to stand out as the first to brazenly articulate her intentions.

Ironically, she happened to be the least attractive one.

It was impossible to overlook the prominent birthmark stretching from her cheek to the tips of her brows.

Despite her unusual approach, Bryan remained composed on the sofa, exuding an air of nonchalance. His sharp eyes, however, were coldly assessing the woman now, akin to a panther sizing up its prey.

Other than that, he showed zero reaction to her gutsy declaration.

Just as the onlookers awaited the woman's ejection from the exclusive lounge, a smirk spread across Bryan's lips. Audible gasps were quickly stifled as confusion filled the room.

Did the devil just smile?

Perplexed crowds turned their attention back to the woman standing in front of them.

No matter how gazes scrutinized her, she stood as a portrait of unattractiveness. In fact, her dark, sallow complexion and that large birthmark on her cheek repelled the onlookers.

With Bryan facing her and his back to Harry Miller, Harry completely missed the smile on Bryan's face. At this moment, he was focused in escorting this insane woman towards the exit.

"How did you get in here, you crazy woman? Leave at once!" Harry's exasperated voice cut through the room. He had witnessed countless attempts by women to captivate his boss, but this marked the first occasion someone had the audacity to do so while dressed in such shabby-looking t-shirt and jeans.

He rolled up his sleeves as he forcibly removed the woman from the room. Right then, a chilling, aloof voice arrested his movements.


Bryan's scrutiny of this peculiar woman had begun the moment she sneaked into Gin Bar. Having effortlessly disabled the building's security system, she had escaped the grasp of all highly-trained security guards sent to apprehend her.

Bryan, outwardly indifferent, was concealing a growing intrigue towards her.

All this trouble for a marriage proposal?

The astonished spectators began exchanging hushed whispers.

"Someone pinch me, please. Is Mr. Turner actually interested in that crazy woman?" The disbelief echoed through the room, and it wasn't entirely unwarranted. After all, Bryan wasn't just strikingly handsome; he was loaded and wielded great power.

Observers, bewildered, shifted their gazes back and forth, struggling to foresee the possibility of such an unexpected pairing.

Harry, caught in the midst of the unfolding spectacle, found himself frozen in his tracks.

"Sir?" he stammered, uncertain if he had misunderstood Bryan's orders.

Did Bryan mean to put a stop…

And, Bryan's subsequent words erased any lingering doubt from Harry's mind.

"Leave us."

Yet, his command left Harry slack-jawed, as Harry realized that, contrary to his assumption, it was he, not the crazy woman, who was being shown the door.

"Sir, this—" Harry began, but Bryan's leveled stare silenced him.

Whatever protest Harry had been gearing up for was swallowed right away.

"Please excuse us," Harry managed to utter, before hastily ushering everyone out the door and closing it behind him. Standing guard just outside, he prepared himself to re-enter the room and evict that intruder.

Now left alone in the room, the woman and Bryan exchanged silent, intense glances.

How intriguing! This woman didn't seem the least bit flustered about being left alone with Bryan. After all, he instilled fear in everyone down to their bones. In fact, she appeared even calmer now that they were left alone.

After a brief pause, Bryan couldn't help but smirk. "Who are you?"

"Finley Keith," she replied with a confident smile, extending her hand for a handshake.

Bryan flicked a disgusted look at her outstretched hand. "Dirk's daughter?"

"The one and only," Finley responded, retracting her hand without a hint of awkwardness.

Bryan, despite his thoughts, kept his expression unreadable.

Infamously labeled as ugly, uncouth, and an idiot, Finley Keith was considered the black sheep compared to her two dazzling sisters. She was forever destined to be the ugly duckling that wouldn't transform into a swan.

When Bryan's grandfather, Alton Turner, was selecting a potential granddaughter-in-law, only her older and younger sister made the cut; Finley never made the list.

Seeing her for the first time, Bryan could now understand why. However, it appeared that part of the rumors surrounding her might not be entirely true.

Miss Finley, at the very least, proved herself far from an idiot. However, Bryan couldn't help feeling utterly put off by her. Had she gone to such great lengths to just make this bold declaration? Having had his fill of scheming women, he was going to chase her away as soon as he knew what was hidden up her sleeve.

"Don't be too quick to judge, Mr. Turner," Finley interjected, before promptly taking a seat right next to him. If she were to notice Bryan's discomfort and subtle shift away, she would know that she'd done an excellent job of pretending.

"Mr. Turner, I've heard you're dealing with quite a challenge," Finley began with a cheerful tone. Searching through her backpack, she pulled out a pink perfume bottle. "As the heir to the Turner Group, owners of one of the biggest perfume brands globally, may I ask how you're handling the loss of your sense of smell? I can't help but wonder what would happen if people found out about this..."

She shook the bottle slightly, locking eyes with Bryan. A mischievous grin played on her lips.

Bryan, suspicious, narrowed his eyes at her. The revelation about his lost sense of smell was a secret known only to a select few, all of whom were deemed trustworthy.

But, how had she uncovered this closely held truth?

Finley chuckled, "Don't bother asking how I found out. Instead, you should be asking how I can help." Without waiting for Bryan's response, she flipped open the perfume bottle and waved it under his nose. "Smell this."

Bryan, in a reflexive act, take a whiff despite knowing it was likely futile—


Bryan's eyes widened, and he swiftly snatched the bottle away from her. Pouring a drop onto his wrist, he closed his eyes, taking in the scent.

Peonies, oranges, lilies, grapefruit...

It wasn't an illusion!

He could distinctly smell and identify the notes in the perfume.

A rare glint of excitement appeared in his eyes. He turned to face Finley, giving her his full attention. "Explain."

Countless experts had failed to help him, yet this young woman, with a simple wave of a perfume bottle under his nose, seemingly cured him.

Silently, he asked, "Who are you exactly, Finley Keith?"