
Let’s Read The Word

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After The Beep

After The Beep




A year has passed and Saddie Delgado hasn't moved on when her best friend, Stellah Carter, died after the beep while dialling her phone. Saddie blames herself, if only she saw the call, Stellah wouldn't be six feet under the ground. She swore to punish the murderer as Saddie secretly investigates for Stellah's case. No one knows even her childhood friend, Jacob. Not until a cocky son of the head police investigator, Lindon, who is also handling the case found out about it. He's a snitch. He told Jacob everything and now look who's investigating the case together finding out behind Stellah Carter's case is just the beginning of the end? When a tech-geek, Louisse, started hanging out with their group, how invincible can they be as danger started following them everywhere while unravelling every mysteries?

"Play it again," the young man demanded upon finally hearing the record tape before the murder happened.


"The recording, do it. We might contain some clues. I'm positive."

"Okay smart pants, hakuna your tatas."

Rolling his eyes with his colleague's comment. He disregarded his presence and fished the small notebook in his pants. The clicking sound of the tapes and odd creaking noise of the record counted from one to three. . .



"Hello this is Saddie speaking, currently busy dunking my donuts so just leave a message after the beep."


"Saddie? Remember our promise to keep in touch together? Here I am!"

"Hey, Saddie? Something weird happened to me but I shouldn't be bothering you at late night like this. I'll call you again tomorrow!"

"Saddie. Oh. Saddie."

"Saddie, they're here."

"Saddie, please reply."

"Saddie, they're everywhere."

"Saddie, I'm keeping my voice low as possible. I can hear their footsteps down. Please help me... I need you."

"It looks like it's gonna be the end. Ah, I still wish for the day that we'll be hanging out together."

"Saddie. Remember the papers we used to draw in the attic before? I hope the termites won't find them. So long, is it even possible that we will be finally together?"


"Hi this is Saddie speaking, I apologize for making you wait long. Please do leave a message after the beep."


A terrifying sound croaked through the phone. Cold, hoarse, and a dangerous tone. "You're next."


One guy pressed the pause button. It was still clicking, echoing through the silent room, while the eerie rattle didn't bother them. The night was deep, the rays of the moon shined perfectly across the dim room, as the owls hooted while turning their heads.

"Well? Found anything?"

The young man caressed his chin when his lips curved slowly. He pressed his pen and closed the small notebook on his hand.

He heaved a sigh and crossed his arms. "Officer, where can we find this girl Saddie?"




Drowned by my thoughts, casted away in the depths of the sea, and getting lost in the abyss of my reverie, a mere human dared to disturb my sacred world as he earned a glare from me.

I shook my head. What happened? I glanced at our classroom that is half empty and myself sitting in a corner. A dream? Ah, no. It was a painful memory. Humans are no different from evil beings. They are the worst.

“What?” I asked without hiding the annoyance in my voice. He gave me a toothy grin.

“Guess who will be the cleaners for the day?”

I made a face at Jacob, the only guy who has the stinkiest breath in the campus and unexpectedly, my only close friend. I scanned his visuals from his eyes that almost can’t be seen as he squinted it and that annoying mischievous smile. As if I’m not used by his presence. We’re literally inseparable since when can I remember.

“Who?” He bowed and playfully offered his hand at me.

“My madam and yours truly.” I smacked his right arm. As if on cue, the bell rang and everyone immediately headed to the door racing outside making Jacob and I the only one's left in the room. What a bummer.

"We can ditch this one, you know?" I suggested, anticipating for his reaction. Surprisingly, this raven head grabbed two pairs of broom and handed it to me.

"Same old Saddie, but no way. I'll clean this part and you do the back."

I groaned. "No way."

"Stop whining!"

While ranting non-stop and giving the floor the most hardest swoosh I made, we finally finished cleaning the area. Curse those jerks who would stick their gum on the chairs. As*holes.

"Shoot, I have no idea that it's already this dark." I hugged myself when I felg the cold air kissing my spine. Even if Jacob and I wore our coat, the cold is no joke. I scooched up a bit beside him and clung in his arm.



Silence engulfed the whole area and I wasn't able to tell him a word. I stopped my tracks and looked down at the dirty white tile on the floor. I heaved a sigh and gritted my teeth.

"Hey, hey." He enveloped his arms around my shoulders.

"It's getting dark. Let's just go home, okay?"

I nodded. I felt the warm and a comfort touch in his embrace. When I noticed that Jac is literally locking me in his arms. I tried to get out of his grip but this weirdo just grinned at me.

"Hey, knock it off."

"Jac. I'm warning you." He shushed me and I look like a worm while squiggling around his arm. I breathed heavily and aimed for his shoulder to bite it when a horrible scent lingered in his body. There was a disgusting popping sound. I almost gagged and threw up. My mouth was literally open! Jac burst into laughters as he ran leaving me behind. I can't let that booger escape without getting revenge!

"That's disgusting, Jac! Come back here you little!"

I gasped for air while chasing him and it sums up that we look like total idiots running around chasing each other. Don't get caught, Jac, I'll beat you up into pulps.

As soon as he stopped while still laughing, I have no idea that we already passed the hallway and walked through the pathway heading to the gates. The soft hues of tangerine in the sky turned darker as the sun is nowhere to be seen. Little by little, the surroundings grew dim.

"Man, it's so dark."

Mr. Tobb, the security guard who's in charge of the night shift must've forgot to turn on the lamp posts.

I turned at Jac and pulled his ear. "You disgusting creature!"

He let me torture his ear and even manage to laugh. "That was the combination of sweet potatoes and ice cream. Pretty interesting, huh?"

Sweet potatoes?! No wonder his fart smelled like a garbage dump but it's worse! I gave him a dry look and he let out his signature toothy grin and a peace sign. Later on, I found myself chuckling with him.

"Can't you atleast hold it? Ew, Jac, eww." My chuckles turned into laughters while recalling what he just did.

"Mr. Todd, what exactly happened that night?" We were interrupted by a deep voice in the background. It screamed with so much authority that made us stop and wonder who the heck it was.

"I apologize young man but I was told not to tell a word to strangers."

I heard a sigh of frustration and footsteps coming closer. "I told you, I'm part of the investigation but I just left my I.D. Just please tell me, just a little bit detail would suffice."

Investigation? Is he a police? Possibly but no. What about that night? What case are they talking about? Why does it feel like something inside me is in rage while a few flashbacks that I tried to forget are trying to destroy the barriers that I created. Why?


I gave him a sly smile. "Let's go home." He nodded at me and took my hand, squeezing it lightly. "Addie, I'm sorry."

I glared at him and squeezed his hand back tightly. "Sorry for what? Making me clean and let your fart feast on my nose?!"

Shoot. Both of our eyes widened when we realized how loud my voice was. And just right at the moment, a blinding light came in our direction.

"Who's there?!"

I covered my eyes. "Greetings, Mr. Todd. It's us, Saddie and Jacob. Please stop pointing the light at us already." Mr. Todd immediately apologize when we heard someone scoff.

"How bold are the kids in this school? Hiding under the tree just to do something unpleasant? Disgusting."

Excuse me? My eyes turned into slits while glaring at him. The nerve of this jerk to accuse us. My blood boiled from the sight of his face and even his voice.

Jacob whistled at him. "Why? You jealous?" I smacked his arm and he let out an 'aw'.

"Who are you?" I asked arrogantly, making my voice evident that I was pissed, damn pissed. His attention was on Jacob as he looked at me, scanning my whole presence.


I clenched my fist, crescent mark from my nails are digging in my skin. That guy looked at me. "By her? Nah."

I scoffed. "People who look at themselves highly are so stupid," I stated without batting a lash trying to look through his soul.

He growled. "Am I talking to you?"

I shrugged. "You are now."

Mr. Todd noticed the tension of the air and waved his hand when that guy was about to blow another phase.

"This young man here said he's Lindon. He will transfer in a few days and he said that his father is the head Investigator for the crime that has been up in Dellocke. Same year as you, I guess," Mr. Todd explained.

"Kids, huh?" He growled again parting his way with us. What a rude guy. A total jerk. I stared at him walking until his presence drifted away, as if he never existed.

"You two lovebirds, go home already."

Before I could protest, Jacob already dragged me to his precious motorcycle. Like what I said that the two of us are inseparable, I mean it. I have no idea how it happened or maybe it all started one summer vacation when the three of us. . . I mean just some random summer vacation when his mother became best friends with my Mom that made the two of us closer together.

"Lovebirds, eh. We should take that suggestion." Jac handed me my helmet while wiggling his brows. He then revived the engine of his motorcycle before I positioned myself behind him.

"Shut up. I'm still pissed about that guy earlier and don't forget that you poisoned me with your fart."

My eyes rolled on its own. Jac being my number one listener, he didn't complain as I ranted when that Lindon guy just made me feel humiliated all of a sudden. Don't blame me, my frustrated side just can't help but to feel anxious all the time when some things happen that I don't fancy. Confusing and complicated but that's just how my life works. Ah, just forget it.

Few blocks away, we sighted our apartment. For informations, the apartment that Mom left us is quite big, it has separate rooms for the two of us and has one living room and kitchen. Jac is like my big brother that sometimes gets too annoying but he's the only one I have in this place.

A comparison for him would be. . . Ah! He can be the peanut butter to my jelly. Kidding aside, my partner in crime. That's it.

"Looking good Miss B!" Jac pointed our landlady and winked at her.

"Just about time, you two are late!" We receive a few words from Miss B and finally, she let us got inside. Our room is on the second floor at the very end of the corner.


"Mashed potatoes?" I grinned.

He ruffled my hair before inside his room.

Ah, what a long day. I dived into my bed and closed my eyes for a minute or two. I hummed an unfamiliar song and my mind flashed some random scenes. I grimaced for the cringe memory that my brain decided to watch.

"Why does it happens all the time."

I rolled my eyes and went my way to the center of my room. I made sure to lock the door and everything. I stopped at huge tile and knocked at it. It's a wood disguised as a tile. After pulling the carpet out, I opened the lid from the wood like tile and various things welcomed me. Red strings, old newspapers, suspects, theories. . . and that recording.

Case of Stellah Carter. New victim. Suspects. A year ago. Murder. Unidentified. Cold case.

I am Saddie Delgado and Stellah Carter is my bestfriend. Just a year ago, she gave me a message but unfortunately, I wasn't able to answer it. And just a year ago, Stellah died by the hands of a cold-blooded murderer who is still lurking around in the corners of Dellocke.

I didn't tell Jacob, but I'm secretly investigating her case and I assure her. . . Justice will be served.