
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Precious Pinky



DETECT ME ~PROLOGUE~ Avery Grey. She is ruthless, heartless, cold, mean, and one of the best assassin in the industry. She's completed thousands of assassination in her career, completing every assignment. She has no fucking time for men, love or friendship. The only thing that seem to always capture her heart was her guns and the only scene pleasing to her sight, is the blood of her victims flowing on the cold ground. She was doing great in her job as an assassin until she was giving an assignment to end the life of a billionaire who she doesn't even know. Well, she doesn't even want to know about anything relating to her victims. It was like a rule. But like the saying goes... every rule deserve to be broken..... **** Avery was expecting to see an ugly looking man with yellowish teeth, bald head, wrinkle face, big nose...just anything that sound so unattractive as her victim but she was in for a big shock when she saw him. And for once, she was attracted to something that wasn't her gun. But the problem here is, this attractive young man needs to be killed by her. She needed to keep her reputation. She has to do her job without any distraction... those were are conclusions but to her greatest surprise, she walked over to him and made a deal with him. Something she has never done before in her entire life as an assassin. *Let's strike a deal, shall we?* She smirked. *You have four weeks to detect my intentions towards you, if you don't, you die.* *Excuse me?* Her smirk only grew wider. *Detect me.* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MATURE CONTENT! 18+ Strong sexual content and violence!

~She's like no other girl~

Romance, Love, Friendship,

men... she has no fucking time for those bullshit. They weren't the kind of things that interest her. Guns...blood... money... things like that are what interest her. She was like no other girl. She was different. Totally.

She focused her scope. Her eyes scanned throughout the beach 1500 meters away. Her breathing steadied as she focused on her target. The laughter of the kids, the happiness that filled the environment did nothing to stop her from what she was about to do. Besides she was paid for this and there's no way she was about to let her client down. Her target aligned perfectly within her sight. He was like her usual kind of victims, Ugly looking man, bald head, overweight, brownish teeth and those smile that make your skin crawl. No surprise he was surrounded by trashy whores half his age on bikinis. Would it be a bad idea if she just as well kill them as well? Okay now, she needs to focus on the one she was paid for.

Now the question for the day: Head shot? Or heart shot?

That were always her biggest dilemma during her missions. She sighed and settled for the head. She held her breath to focus the shot and pulled the trigger. His head practically exploded, sending blood flying all over the whores he was with as his lifeless body plopped down to the floor. The whores screamed at the top of their lungs as they scurried away from his body. Mothers ran towards their kids to protect them from any harm. The white beachy sand was turned red. His security rushing to him, frantically trying to grasp what just happened.

She pulled down her gun and grabbed her phone from her pocket then dialled a number. It rung for a while but was later picked on the second ring.

“It's done.” She spoke out, her gaze never left the scene ahead of her as she kept staring through the binoculars. She loves scenes like this.

“Good. The rest of the money will be transferred to you very soon.”

She hung up the call and dropped her phone back into her pocket. She smirked to herself and started packing up to leave. Her mission here were accomplished. She reached out for her pants pocket again and pulled out a pack of bubble gum. She opened it and took out one, throwing it into her mouth. She slung the bag of weapons over her shoulder and made her way downstairs.

The vantage point she picked was an old warehouse building about a mile away. She started humming Press by Cardi b as she descended the twenty-six flights of stairs to the abandoned building. Sirens screaming in the distance, knowing they were clearing up the mess she made. She smirked as she blew a big bubble with the gum she was chewing. She slung her legs across the motorbike and started the ignition, it roar into life. The vibration of her phone snapped her back to reality. She grabbed the device and glance down at the screen, a smirk played on her lips as she saw the credit alert. She returned her phone to where she had taken it from, she puts on her black helmet and quickly drove off.




She pulled Into an isolated street and made her way through the forest surrounding her. Her house was away from the hustle and bustle of New York, she like to keep her isolation for obvious reasons. She pulled up to the front gate, scanned her fingerprint and watched as it slowly slide open. She drove past the gate and immediately the gate closed shut. She drove past the second gate before she finally pulled over in front of her mansion.

She hopped down from her bike and make her way to the double doors and swing both of them open roughly.

Like always, she was welcomed with the silence of her home. It was like a silent mortuary but the different here was, there wasn't any tombstone and she was also alive not dead. She dropped the bag of weapons on the floor and walked over to the bar, she brought out a bottle of whiskey, poured herself some and chugged down the liquid in one shot, it burned her throat but she was already use to it and no longer feel anything from the burn.

She dropped the empty glass on the table and began making her way upstairs to her bedroom. She needed a good shower and a good sleep. *God bless her soul.* She finally got to her room, she swung the doors open to her sanctuary. Her room were mainly of black colors. From her bedsheets, curtains, her wall paint, to her dresses. They were all black. The color was a good description of her dark soul. She stepped into the bathroom, and started to shower.

With was a large walk in shower, with waterfalls shower heads covering the entire ceilings within it. There was a bench in the corner to sit away from the water, that was lightly decorated with a vase, her hair shampoo, conditioner, soaps and some flowers in the vase container. Probably the only girly thing in her entire room.

She turned on the shower and stepped in, titling her head back and let out a sigh. She leathered her hair with shampoo, enjoying the Vanilla scent. Her shoulder relaxed and she felt the hot water soothe her muscles.

After a while, she walked out of the shower, putting on a black robe, she stepped closer to the mirror and stared right at her face. It held no emotions as usual. It never did. Like seriously, what do you expect from a trained assassin? This was her life. And it was damn so perfect for her. Her hands shot up to her neck and her fingers trailed against the necklace around it. All her life she has been trained for this one purpose; Killing, and that's ever since the night she lost her family. She lost everything. Love, friends, family, everything. She technically has nothing to live for.

She stepped out of the bathroom and walked over to the bed, she lied down and pulled the mattress over her body and stared at the dark ceilings. But she was brought back to reality with the ringtone of her phone. She hissed in anger as she grabbed the annoying device from the bedside table and answered the call.

“What?” She questioned coldly to the caller at the other line.

“Hey, calm down, little monster.” The voice of her co-worker was heard.

She rolled her eyes, getting out of bed, she walked over to the balcony but made sure to snatch a pack of cigarettes from the way. She took out a stick and put it in between her lips, she lit it up, and rested her body against the railings, her gaze rested on the beautiful view of the city. *Fuck this.*

“What is it?” She asked, as she took a long drag of her cigarette and puffed out the smoke.

“You know just why I'm calling, don't you?” She didn't answer so he continued. “You have another mission.”

A smirk played at the side of her lips as she puffed out yet another smoke. “Please me.”




She stared at the man through the binoculars, he was an old man, white hair, wrinkled face, annoying personality, he wasn't a fine man, he was just...ugly. He was yelling at his secretary while she shivered in fear, her gaze were lowered to the ground afraid of what next was to come.

Avery rolled her eyes at the stupidity of the young secretary, it was quite obvious she wasn't really afraid of being beaten or yelled at but was rather afraid of losing her job. Avery lowered down the binoculars and started preparing for her assignment of the day. She got no fucking time to watch a scene as boring as being beaten by your boss. She set her gun and looked through the scope, her target aligned within her sight. The Secretary will sure be grateful to her for what she was about to do, trashy men like him don't deserve to live. She held her breath as she focused her shot and she pulled the trigger. She watch as the bullet flew through the air and hit her target right at his heart, his secretary screamed at the top of her lungs as her dear boss plopped down on the cold floor.

“Boom!” She smirked. She packed up her guns and left the building where she had watched her target before killing him right in front of his secretary. No regret there, she had done worse than this and she cared less. She hopped into her motorbike, pulled on her black helmet. She took out her phone and sent a quick text message to her boss. *It's done. When do I receive my pay?* She dropped her phone back into her pants pocket before starting the ignition, the bike roared to life and she drove off in a full speed. She loves her life this way. And she couldn't ask or wish for anything better.




“You are here.” Her co-worker, Dylan said as she walked into the agency. She just nods her head, and sunk into the chair opposite from Dylan. She was a girl of few words, she talks when it was necessary but keeps shut when whatever been said isn't necessary. She was a girl of principle. “I guess you are here for your pay.”

“I waited for a whole week but didn't receive any alert. I'm quite pissed off right now and as much as I want to blow off your head, I still want my money.” She said coldly.

Dylan chuckles nervously. He knows what she can do and what she just said now wasn't just a threat but was something she could definitely do if he double crossed her path. Everyone in the agency were very afraid of her, they respect her and does as she say. She might be rude, mean, ruthless, heartless, cold, bossy, anything but there was still one personality of hers that stand out from the others...she was a charismatic leader.

“um...she hasn't transferred the money yet.” Dylan stutters.

“Excuse me?”

He quickly dropped on his knees. “I'm sorry. I'm very sorry, she should have paid first before I told you about the mission but she pleaded with me to...”

Avery raised her hand up, indicating him to keep shut, he did just that. She stood up to her feet and make her way towards the trembling boy, knelt in front of her. Who would believe a guy would tremble because of a girl?

“You asked me to do a job that wasn't yet guaranteed?” He nods his head, shakily. “Are you fucking with me right now?”

“I'm so sorry.”

Shooting this fucker right on his head wouldn't take her anything but he was still a member of the agency and there was a rules which states that; *Every members are brothers and must not be killed by each other.* She hates that rules but what could she possibly do? She still have to stick to the rules.

“Who is she?” She asked, leaning against the desk.

“Why do you ask? Don't worry I will get her to pay up.”

“Don't piss me, Dylan. Because that decision wouldn't be good for the both of us.” She hissed. “You couldn't get her to pay for a whole week so how could you possibly get her to pay now?” He didn't say anything. She was right afterall. “Send me her details immediately... I need to pay a visit to her.”