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For 10 million, I pretended to be the CEO's girlfriend

For 10 million, I pretended to be the CEO's girlfriend


Short romance

I was Amelia Bert. I worked for Prince Charming, Benson Field, as his secretary. Besides his daily life, I was also in charge of his girlfriends. In general, when Benson took a fancy to some girl, I had to help him to get the girl to his bed. When Benson was tired of his girlfriend, I prevented that girl from appearing before him again. I couldn't help coming up with some fantasy after serving Benson for a long time. I wanted to be Benson's girlfriend too! One day, I got a perfect chance...

I was Amelia Bert. I worked for Prince Charming, Benson Field, as his secretary. 

Besides his daily life, I was also in charge of his girlfriends. 

In general, when Benson took a fancy to some girl, I had to help him to get the girl to his bed.

When Benson was tired of his girlfriend, I prevented that girl from appearing before him again. 

I couldn't help coming up with some fantasy after serving Benson for a long time. 

I wanted to be Benson's girlfriend too!

Apart from love, Benson was generous to his women. 

Benson would drown his girlfriend in fancy jewels, designer bags, houses, and anything she wanted. After that, Benson compensated his girlfriends one million dollars when they broke up.

I remembered Eveline, who had set a new record with her one-week relationship with Benson. I didn't know how Eveline had displeased Benson, but she quickly disappeared. 

Even so, Eveline still got one million dollars as compensation!

Therefore, I believed that whoever became Benson's girlfriend would earn at least one million dollars even if there was only a one-night stand.

Benson was like an agent who exploited his employees like me and then transferred the wealth to his ex-girlfriends.

For an employee like me, Benson was an evil capitalist. 

For his women, Benson was a lovely philanthropist.

There came the question, who didn't want to be Benson's woman?

Yes, I, a female secretary, Amelia, had wanted to be his woman for a long time.

Different from Lena Rosalind, who wanted Benson's love, I just coveted Benson's money. 

I wasn't greedy. I didn't need a lot of money. I just wanted enough money to buy a villa at the foot of my dream place, Peretti Hill. 

I wouldn't call myself a gold digger, for sure.

I just wanted to get reasonable compensation for my extra work, emotional trauma, and personal injury back from Benson in another way. I worked 24 hours per day all year round, which left irreversible damage to my young body. Benson's ex-girlfriends spilled hot coffee on me and ridiculed me as a nanny. 

If I became Benson's girlfriend, there would be sex that I considered as compensation for my past emotional trauma. 

To be honest, I had coveted Benson's body for a long time. 

When I was new to the job, I went to Benson's place for some documents. Then I saw Benson, who had just gotten out of the shower.

Back then, Benson just wrapped his lower body with a white bath towel.

After that, I couldn't forget his brawny chest, broad shoulders, long legs, and oh my gosh, those V-line abs. 

The problem was that I didn't know what kind of girls Benson liked after a three-year study. 

Benson had all kinds of women as his girlfriends. Among them, some were fat, and some were slender. Some were beautiful, and some were mediocre. Some were cheerful, and some were introverted. Some were of few words, and some were chatty. Some were shrewd, and some were clumsy. 

Sometimes, I suspected that Benson was doing a study about the diversity of women through his relationships. 

Benson's ex-girlfriends were so varied that I couldn't find a common point among them. 

The rule that men loved beautiful women didn't work for Benson, either. 

Benson had one or two ex-girlfriends who were so ordinary that they wouldn't attract my attention in the crowd. 

It was still a riddle for me that why Benson had courted such ordinary women.

However, these women brought me great courage. 

If Benson loved beautiful women as the other rich men did, it was impossible for a vanilla girl like me to attract his attention.

I had high hope since Benson had generous and unpredictable love. 

I firmly believed that I would get the chance to climb onto his bed if I had enough patience.

By all means, I had to get his one million!