
Let’s Read The Word

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That Summer I Met Him

That Summer I Met Him




The leaves fell down around us. The summer sun’s heat pierces my skin but I couldn’t care less. The sunlight bathed everything with that fairytale glow. The sweet breeze blew. The kids walking hand in hand as they ate their ice cream sort of brought me back into the past. Today was like the day I met him: Me, riding a bicycle and him, walking down the pavement. I grab the handle of the bicycle and watch him as he make his way towards me. I do not know why I feel nervous. A trickle of sweat drip on the side of my face, my heart beat fast and I could hardly breathe. He was meters away, until it grow shorter to a foot and then bam, he bumped into me and we fall down, him on top of me. This felt like a deja vù, like it was our very first encounter. We scurried to get up but ended up bumping our heads together. I glared at him as he got up, He didn't even offer me a hand. He didn’t even give me a second glance. He just passed by me. Not noticing me. Not even looking at me. I let go of the bicycle and turn to face him. I remove the helmet that I was wearing and grip it tightly before screaming, “YAH! My hands curled into a fist and before I know it, the helmet I was holding was already flying towards him.I raise my hand as if to save him but it collided on his head right before I could even react. It sounded a hollow thump and a pronounced groan. His hands made his way to the back of his head as he turn and face me. With those eyes that seem like it was murdering me, he chase me off and I hastily took my bicycle and ran. I couldn’t help but feel happy instead of guilty as he ran after me. This was like before. This was like that summer, that summer I met him.

Chapter 1


I raised my head as the little boy called my name. It gives me goose bumps every time I hear him call me as though he was right here, next to me, breathing.

He was running towards me, holding a colorful kite on his small hands. He let go of it as he held the camera with both of his hands. The younger version of me, peek from above the tree and say hello to him.

I remember this scene.


The second call came from my mother, not from the old video I was watching a while ago.

I took out the VCR from the player and turned off the TV before I sat still on the bed.

Memories of the past kept on hunting me though I chose not to dwell on them. With a sigh, I snatched my bag from the floor and stomped my way out of my room, feeling sullen.

I was looking at the pictures on the cream colored walls when I was suddenly enveloped by the familiar smell of waffled, making my nose perk up. I hastened my pace and jump the last step, smiling to myself as I strut inside the kitchen.

My mother sported her formal dress with a pink apron tied round her waist, making the scene oddly familiar. It was just like when I was a child.

"Morning mum, " I kissed her cheek and sat down, giving half a smile.

"Morning." She gave me a nod in return before flipping another pancake, her eyes lingering at my bag and my outfit "What made you decide to go to school today? I thought-"

“I need to pick something up from school and maybe hang out for a little while, " She handed me a plate and passed me the chocolate syrup, a knowing smile gracing her lips. I rolled my eyes and squeezed at the syrup. "Well, I guess the three of you should go together and say your goodbyes. It is about time, after all.” She gave me a meaningful look before flipping another pancake.

By goodbye's, she meant saying farewell to our teachers.

I shake my head, thankful that I was able to have a fairly normal life even when my parents are both business tycoons. It was a miracle when my parents allowed me to attend a normal school when I was used to be homeschooled.

After the accident happened, everything changed.

I understand - they just wanted what is best for me, though sometimes, I wish everything was normal.

I cautiously glanced at my mom and noticed her talking over the phone, probably about business, again. I pushed a piece of pancake round my plate, thinking hard before looking at her, "Mum, these are your special pancakes and you rarely make this except when you want something from me, are you--" I was interrupted by my father sneaking up from behind as he kissed my mother.

"Alexandra, we're attending a meeting at the city. Do you wanna tag along? Maybe we can just drop you--" My father was interrupted as he noticed me, playing with my food. “Alexandra, I am talking to you.”

"Dad, just call me Alex, okay? And no, I am going to spend time with my best friends." I added more chocolate syrup and stuffed the rest of the pancake inside my mouth. Another one of my antics so they won't talk to me seeing as my mouth is filled.

I rose from my seat, glaring at the both of them as I noticed them nervously looking at each other. I walked out of the balcony doors with my bag hitched up my shoulders sitting down on the swing by our garden.

I was taking my time, just thinking about the possible scenarios when I heard Kathy shouting my name "ALEX!"

Her sister, Keith was sprawled on the back seat not caring about anything but her precious book.

I shake my head. It is only them who could make me feel free to giggle or smile or just do anything without thinking about consequences. We have been best friends since preschool and we all complement each other: The girly girl, the nerdy one and the goody two shoes.

We made up a very perfect team – the kind that was indestructible and inseparable.

Kathy is the bubbly fashion freak who loves to dress me up while Keith is the nerdy psycho who would memorize the whole book just for fun. No matter how they were so different from each other, they were best of friends and never have I heard them have a serious fight before. They are my sanity and I won't be the same again without these two.

I snatched the book away from Keith and that earn me a poisonous glare from her. It doesn't affect me though, being born as an Anderson has its perks and also disadvantages that I will never forget.

I captured the twins in a big hug and got inside their convertible. I glanced behind and sure enough, the range rover is following us. Ugh, they never stopped.

“Lucky, your folks allowed you to ride with us.” Keith mused, shaking her head at me.

“’ight. They aren’t as chummy as before. I remember how it all changed,” Kathy sighed as she stepped on the pedal, “Good ole times, you are never that free today as you are in the past.”

“I know,” I bit my lip and rested my back on the seat, “Drive on will you and please, turn on the radio.” Kathy shakes her head before laughing out loud when the tune comes in.

The whole ride was filled with us singing with Paramore and as we arrived at school, I shivered, feeling nervous. It has been months since I’m in and it’s not easy to go back. We parked and got out, Kathy captured the end of my coat and gave me a smile. I shrugged at her before heading down a different hall.

My bodyguards, Jake and Paul followed me as I walked through the busy hallways. I don't understand why I need to be protected so much if the media don't even know I existed.

As soon as I opened the door, Mrs. Hartley looked up and cried out. She quickly crossed the room and hugged me. I simply laughed. She is the woman whom I considered as my second mother for she cared too much about me developing my talents.

She raised me into someone who has a deep passion for arts and she helped me to recover from the darkest moments of my life.

She wiped the tears flowing down her cheeks and handed me my graduation gown. "I'll miss you. Promise me you'll visit." I stared at her and just nodded, unable to agree with her about my future visit because I have a very complicated life. After what seem like hours, I dropped my arms at my side and sighed. I walked off, unable to look back and say something for I'm sure she's bawling her eyes out.

I went down the halls, heading for the gym and sitting at the nearby bench. I was having flashbacks when Kathy caught me on a bone-crushing bear hug. "Kathy---can'-t--breathe---need--air" I stuttered looking at her with half opened eyes.

"Oh, sorry" she said. "It's okay" I told her then Keith snapped up and said "Stop that dramatic scene, will you? I've had enough for today, okay?"

We laughed at her sarcastic comment and after a minute she joined in. I reached up and hug them both.

“So, who wants Ice cream?" I asked, knowing what they will say. "Meeee!" they answered in chorus.


We ended up at the park, sprawled out on the mat we've brought with us.

The ice cream I had with them with was long gone. I quietly stared around, reminiscing the old days I spent my time here.

"Hey, Alex."

"Hmm?" I glanced at Kathy as she curiously looks at me.

“You remember those times we spent out here during the summer?"

"Of course, I wouldn’t forget them even if you paid me to. I remember pushing you at the pond thinking that it was fun to watch you swim with the ducks." Keith laughed at that but that made Kathy punch her twin on the arm.

"Well, at least I wasn't the one who ended up with a tub of paint on her butt!"

"Hey! It wasn't my fault. Dwayne pushed me—" Keith stopped talking and look at me with her eyes full of concern. "So sorry, Alex. I don’t mean to."

"It's alright. It's been a long time. He doesn't even remember to pay me a visit, or call or even messaged me. I get it that everyone's so busy. He probably is but I wish, he didn't cut all the connections. He shouldn't have made promises at all." I clenched my jaw and sigh. "That just makes everything worse, his promises are all empty."

“Anyways, past is past. Who would have thought that sweet little boy will turn up as a git?" Kathy laugh at loud and we join her.

After a while we stopped laughing and I couldn't help but sigh once again. I hated the fact that they are criticizing him but it is true. He was a git and a snob.

I pushed myself up and sat with my legs crossed. Kathy followed before asking another question again. She pointed at my body guards before looking back at me.

“So, what's your plan after graduation?" I looked at her in question and she just continued. "When will you have your own life? Are you going to be like this, forever?"

"Not forever. I—"

"I know that you have to follow your parents. I know that you are bound to be their successor but aren't you given any option at all?" She snatched my bag and empty the contents on the mat. My sketchbook, pencils, and watercolors with my brushes lay on the mat as if to prove Kathy right. "What about these? You dreamed about being an artist. You promised us that you will tell them.”

"Just, shut it!” I said, gritting my teeth and she shot me a look of hurt. "You don't know anything. I have to grow up from this hobby. These silly dreams have no place on my life now." I shove all of my thing inside my bag and walked out of there, my chest heaving.

I decided not to look back at her because I am a bit ashamed of how I acted. I feel bad for what I have done but I do not want them to judge my life like that. I don't want them to rub it in my face that I couldn't do anything with my parents' decision. I could hear my bodyguards following me out of the park but I didn't pay them much attention.

I kicked the leaves littering the sides of the streets and glared at the people who are looking at me. They look away with guilt and I huffed in frustration. I arrived at our drive way and stopped as I saw my mom, bursting out of our front door. She pulled at my arms and we went inside the house.

I can feel the curiousity clawing inside my brain as I stared at her with my eyes wide.

Dad was already sitting on one of the couch by the living room, a wine glass on his hand. He glanced at me and mum before pointing down at the unoccupied seat. I sat down and watch as my mother settled next to him, "Alex, there's something that we have to tell you."

My mother looked at my Dad, taking his hand. I cross my arms over my chest and said, "What is it? Are you finally going to confess that after all this time, I am not your daughter or something?"

“Alex, this is not the time to joke about something so serious.” Mum mused, her eyes wide when Dad took her hands and said, “We have negotiated with the Coleford's as to assure the future of our company, which means, a partnership is at hand.”

“So? How does that concerns me? I don’t care about your company. I am not interested with it.” Mum rose from her seat but Dad tugged her down, shaking his head at me.

“Yes, it does concerns you. You are every bit as connected to this company as you are connected to us.”

“But I don’t want to be part of it at all!” Mum started to go red and she pushed my Dad back as he tried to stop her, “It doesn’t matter if you want to be involve in this or not for you have to marry their son, Alex.”

"So you're telling me that, I ,as your only daughter, was being sold up to some random guy who would also take place to his family's business?" I looked at them with disbelief, shaking my head. “Mum, Dad, do you even know what sh*t you are asking me to do?"

They stared at me with wide eyes, a bit taken aback with my words. I barely utter swearing words except when I'm very angry!

"Do you even think of me as your daughter? Do you consider my happiness, my freedom? Do you know him? Have you already met the guy? Do you know if he's kind or if I would even like him? Or if he would even take care of me or hurt me?" I got up and stared at them, my eyes feeling hot all of a sudden. "Do you? DO YOU?!" I stopped.

I remain standing in front of them, my eyes blurry with tears. "Mum, Dad I know you love the business as well as me, but from the moment our company grows, I can't feel you. It's like you are just robots coming home for the weekend and after that leaving me to care for myself." I glanced up and saw their eyes filled with guilt. "Mum, " I turn to her and held her hand on mine, "you know that I made a promise to him, to Dwayne. I am still in love with him. He will return. I just knew that he would."

My mother cupped my head before she pulled me in, hugging me. "I know that, Alex, '' she sobbed. “I know you loved him and I know that he does the same to you too but, he's gone. He's not coming back."

I stared at her, confused. "What do you mean he's not coming back?”