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Butterflies In Love With Flowers

Butterflies In Love With Flowers




Jianyu's daughter has to find a way to get revenge upon the murderers of her father,Park Jianyu. While in the same adventure,she meets with her unknown sister from the betraying mother. What happens next?? Will she accept and forgive her half sister's mother or will she still be determined to get revenge upon her father's death??

As legend speaks of a mighty warrior known as Park Jianyu. He was born to Zixin Jianyu and mother Naning Ai. His mother died during his birth on a full moon night and was therefore taken care of by his grandmother Geng Lin Lin . His father died in one of the numerous wars with their Wunang neighbours when Park Jianyu was barely a young teenager. He belonged to the Wuni clan in Kangli, in the shores of the Lake Suyin.

He belonged to the Wuni clan in Kangli, and he was believed to have once walked the shores of Lake Suyin. The Wuni clan occupies the cherry blossoms belt at the foot of the Inning mountains. He was possessed of unearthly and unexplainable powers, and his flesh was made of lava and ice. Arrows and spears simply deflected from his body, making him invincible during warfare. He was famously known for his capability to tear an entire army apart.

The Wuni's traditional enemies at the time were the Nanling. The Nanling's like fighting at midnight but Park Jianyu with his group liked daytime. The Nanling’s were very good fighters at night compared to daytime. While people were fighting, Park Jianyu was to be seen at home taking care of his garden and his expecting wife. But when his people were under Nanling threat, he could be seen asking for his spear and shield. When he went to the battlefield he could kill so many Nanling's all at ago and eventually forcing them to retreat to their homes.

Park Jianyu was so powerful such that the Nanling's used to be so much afraid of him. When they went to war and found out that Park Jianyu was also in the battlefield, they would retreat back to their Nanling residential areas. Park Jianyu would go to the Nanling people and take their horses and other items without resistance. This he did in daytime. Those who may have attempted to resist were being killed on the spot as they could not kill him. This was because Park Jianyu was made out of hard volcano stones called ‘Jianyu’.

When these enemies were trying to spear him, their spears only burnt up and exploded as they could not penetrate through him. This is when they started to worry of what substance Park Jianyu was made out of. They tried all they could do to kill him but they couldn’t succeed. After some time, they concluded that he was the god’s creation and therefore could do nothing about it.

The Nanling were tired of being defeated at war by the Wuni. One of the Nanling's thought it wise that they give him one of their beautiful daughters of their clan to marry. Eventually they found one beautiful young decent lady from a literate family of Lun who owned very many stores of noodles in town and told him that they have accepted defeat and the only price they could pay was to offer him their beautiful daughter in marriage so that he could stop attacking their homes during daytime to take their horses. Given that their gem stones were sacred to the Nanling’s, anyone who could come and take their gem stones was seen as sacred.

The girl’s role was to find out how to defeat him. They therefore picked the most beautiful Nanling girl and sent her to him as a gift. Though the Wuni elders advised him not to take the girl, Park Jianyu did not heed their advice. Park Jianyu's eventual downfall came at the hands of his wife after she bore a daughter Nuo Zhan and his wife left with her to keep her parents company. Now it happened that whenever Park Jianyu was sick, his only one and first wife,Shu Ju would care for him. One day he fell ill when his first wife

Shu Ju

was away. He therefore called his Nanling wife

Bao Baozhai

to bring him some herbal medicine. Park Jianyu instructed her to cut his palm with a knife and instill the medicine. She was surprised when she saw his palm bleed.

That night,Bao Baozhai crept out of Jianyu’s homestead and ran back to her people. She was received with joy when she told them her husband’s weakness: that his palm was made of flesh and was vulnerable to attack. The news quickly spread. The Nanling knew that the Wuni would not expect them to attack as Park Jianyu had married one of them making them kinsmen. They then attacked the Wuni in the middle of the night. The Wuni fought fiercely and Park Jianyu killed so many Nanling warriors that they decided to retreat. As he was running lazily, one Nanling warrior remembered that Jianyu's strength was in his palm. He stood at a green hill with flowers and threw his spear at Jianyu's palm. Park Jianyu fell down and died.

Park Jianyu disappeared from the battlefield after he was stabbed, the Wuni people for who Park Jianyu fought went home wailing terribly as their hero had been killed. When he died, there was a strong wind everywhere and over the whole of Wuni and Nanling, there was a thick cloud covering on the sky. The area suffered a two-year drought before he appeared in a dream saying where he was.

He appeared to nine different old men who were his late father's friends in a dream directing them to where he was. However, at first they could not reach him as he was in a bush a few metres from River Nang, where nobody could find him. It rained heavily for three consecutive weeks after Jianyu’s body

the rock

was discovered and the community offered sacrifices to pay their respects.

Only to find out later that the spy woman was pregnant with Park Jianyu's baby.

She had been banished from Wuni as a curse to the community and went back to Nanling expecting a child.

His first wife Shu Ju was treated well and protected by the Wuni's as Nuo Zhan was considered as a blessing while the other child who was to be born was considered as a curse to the Nanling's and mother.

Nuo Zhan was trained in the likes of her father.

Everything happened well.

In the village of Lun behind the lice-white mountains were sombre and towered over the village lived a man Zixin Jianyu with his expecting lovely wife Naning Ai and his mother Geng Lin,his late father Donghai had been burried in the mountains of Yuo.

Naning Ai with syrup sweet lips saccharine sweet lipsmoon and a three ring bun hairstyle with shadow-black hair that fell on her back.

She had a shapely figure.

It was imp-thin.

She was wasp-waisted.

She had glossy skin.

She had slender eyebrows.

She had a soothing voice of sweet fragrance like of the rose flower.

She had shiny, halo-white teeth.

Her long silky fingernails were varnished and a flower patterned dress.

A young lovely maiden with nine ring bun hairstyle moon shadow-black hair,Bolin her name,she looked out the window as she flung them open letting fresh air into the room of the small homestead at about noon.

Time seemed to be running.

The sky was tar-black and the large clouds were moving towards the homestead.

A tapping on the window and then it became a pitter-patter.

People on roads and markets ran for cover outside and umbrellas were opened as the clouds spat out their beads of water.

Puddles began plinking as the rainfall became heavier.

The roofs of the carriages danced with spray and murmuring of the rain could be heard through the window.

It sounded like the buzzing of angry bees.

Later in the day food was served and the family gathered to eat the food.

But Naning Ai's food seemed different since she was seven months expectant.

According to her doctor she needed to eat healthy food.

But all the rest just ate Braised Sea Clam with Chicken Soup,ah Yat Abalone,guilin rice Noodles

While Naning Ai ate white Cut Chicken,duck’s Blood and Vermicelli Soup and shaanxi’s Biangbiang Noodles.

While on the table everyone enjoyed the sweet meal until when their neighbor Donghai's wife Ting Nuo who was also pregnant but 5 months wanting to name her young baby girl Ai Daxia after her best friend's name Naning Ai expectant came onto the table but Naning Ai shared with her while all the others just grumbled as if she was eating their food.

"What's wrong? Why are you reacting like toddlers ,is she even dining on your food over there's like a buffet ?" Asked Naning while all the others just glared at her.