My name is Danny, Danny Clive, I'm 16, a normal-looking high school kid. But, wait... How should I say it, I'm not an ordinary boy. Nope, I am not, because I got this sort of gift. I can see ghosts. Dear best friends till the end, Ash, pronounce it a gift. But to me, being able to see ghosts is not considered as a gift, or a talent, or a speciality, but it's a freaking curse. I hate it so much I even had considered doing an eye surgery just to replace both of my eyes with anyone willing, just so that I can't see that damned ghost anymore.
It all began when my grandmother died when I was 10 years old. I was so close to my beloved Nana Shirley back then. I used to spend my school break at her house and had so much fun with her, Nana Shirley was just so good at baking, and she just loves to do so when her grandson was around.
So, when she died I was so heartbroken. I cried and missing her every day. I don't even want to go to school after that. My parents were so worried about my condition. My mom was trying her best to cheer me up, she even let me play online games after curfew. But, to me, when Nana Shirley went, it feels like I had lost a very important part of me. Because I missed her so much I always wish to at least meet her in my dream every night. Until one day, this one particular night.
This is what happened on that particular night, the night that just changes my whole life. That night it was a stormy night, I was already asleep when something woke me up. I heard a voice whispering in my right ear 'Danny, Danny honey '. I sat up, looking straight to my right, that's when I saw it, a figure standing right not too far from my bed. My room was dark but the lightning came gave enough light for me to see the outline of the person there and when I saw her, I shivered. She said 'Nana misses you so much too' and Nana smile. I heard someone screamed and realized it was me. I screamed like a banshee and ran out of my room to my parent's bedroom.
I banged on their door like crazy, and my dad opens it. He asked 'what the hell are you doing Danny? What are you screaming for?' I didn't even bother to answer him and just rushing in and get on the bed, pulling the cover to my face. My mom sat up asking 'what is it, honey? Tell mommy'. I pulled the cover from my face and stared at my mom and dad 'Nana said she misses me so much too'. Mom's eyes widened and I can see dad tried to say something, but mom immediately told me that it was just a dream. I shake my head and said that it wasn't 'Nana was there in my room, I saw her, she said those words to me and I freak out, that's the reason why I was screaming.' Dad just shook his head in disbelief but still, he goes into my room to check. When he came back he said that's everything was tipsy normal in the room, but I didn't go back to sleep in there that night and both mom and dad didn't even go against it.
The next morning, I get up and go to my bedroom. I take a breath before I open the door and peeped in a bit, when I was sure that everything is alright I get in quickly to get changed. While I was changing my clothes I noticed that the air in the room is colder than usual. I ignore it and just closed the door then get down to get breakfast. Mom and dad are already starting then mom saw me and she gets up to get her phone. Mom needs to give my school a call. She knew I didn't want to go to school again today.
I sit next to dad who was having his coffee and when mom gets back to the table he sighed. "Danny, you can't keep on being like this. I understand that you were affected by this tragedy, but, you're not the only one. Do you see any of us giving up on going on with our life?" he asked. I shake my head and continue playing with my cereal. Dad continued talking 'this is not what your Nana would want. She would want her beloved grandson to keep on living his life.' Dad finishes his coffee get up ready to go, but before he leaves he makes me promise that I will go to school next week. I didn't argue and just nod my head.
But that day no one even mentioned a single thing about what happened last night and I was just glad cause I didn't even want to talk about it either.
After breakfast, I go straight up to my bedroom. When I get in I still feel the unusual coldness again. Then, I saw her. Next to the window. She was standing while smiling at me. Nana. But this time I didn't scream like I did last night, instead, I look at Nana and I smile too. I feel my tears running down my cheek and I said "I will keep on living for you, Nana". Nana smile and slowly came closer and wrapped her arms around me, giving me a slow pat in the back like she always did when I had a rough day. She keeps on patting my back and I just hug her back and I can feel my tears running down like rain.
That's how it all started. How my Nana is the first ghost I ever see. I never actually mentioned this to my parents. The only one who knows about this is my best friend, Ash. Right after that, I never see Nana again, and I never feel so heartbroken like I did before. I keep on living as I said to Nana but I still miss her every single day.
My ability to see ghost's kind of affecting my everyday life when I was a kid. But, as I grew up I eventually get used to it. I learned not to give attention to them, and most of them didn't bother me at all. I can say that there are three types of ghost, there's one type that really just minding their own business, roaming around without even care, I call this one as 'the roamer' and there's one who just wanted to talk, probably because they're lonely and wanting the company of a person. If I were them I would feel that way, just wanted to talk to someone cause you just miss being alive. I named this type 'the talker'. Then, there's the third type, who is pretty annoying, they just like to bother you all day long with gruesome looks and following you everywhere until you screamed at them and making me looked like some crazy weird-ass guy. They know that no one else can see them except me but that didn't stop them from giving me jump scare and bothering me all the time. I called them 'the bugger'. This type of ghost that I wish when every single time I'm outside I hope I didn't meet. Even though I tried my best to not pay attention, especially when I'm in public places or transports, but somehow, it's impossible to do so. Including right now.