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Unintended Wife

Unintended Wife

Author:Author Feathers



On Mr. Ashley Romeo's wedding day, his bride was absent. Elizabeth was quickly made to disguise as her since she had the same resemblance as Mr. Ashley Romeo's runaway bride. However, Elizabeth thought she would only disguise for that day and go her way but Mr. Ashley Romeo loved her aura and determined to marry her.

Elizabeth's POV

I sat along with many crowds in one of the most popular wedding in town.

Mr Ashley Romeo is a young popular business tycoon getting wedded today.

Who doesn't know him? He's every lady's crush cause of how spectacularly handsome he looks.

"His wife must be lucky" I thought.

I started feeling like easing myself and I excused myself from the crowd to the bathroom.

On getting to the bathroom, some men bundled me all of a sudden with my mouth covered.

I was surprised they carried me into the chamber that the couples were supposed to be.

"What am I doing here? Why did you bring me here?" I asked after they had dropped me in the beautiful chamber.

"We are so sorry but we are indeed fortunate to see you." One of the men that bundled me said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked angrily.

"Don't you see the couple are not at the stage yet?" Another man asked.

"And what is my business with that?"

"The bride called that she had followed a man she truly love to Italy, please act as Mr Ashley Romeo's bride for today, please." One of the men said and my mouth dropped.

"The bride ran away?" I asked and they all nodded.

This would be a big shame for Mr Ashley Romeo considering how reputable he is in the society and the number of people gathered for his glorious wedding.

"Why did you choose me, then?" I asked.

" look identical with the's time now, please do this for him." One of the men pleaded.

"Fine...where is Mr Ashley Young?" I asked nervously.

I never knew a day would come in my life when I would ever meet that popular man.

"Right inside that room." One of the men pointed to a room and I breathed heavily first before walking in slowly.

I walked inside the room that Mr. Ashley Romeo is. I was indeed nervous.

"Ella, what took you so long." His voice came through and I turned my head wondering if he was not informed that his bride won't be coming.

"Hey! I'm not Ella." I said in my mind but I couldn't mutter the statement out.

He didn't even look at my face, he just held my hand and at the sound of the MC , we walked before the crowd.

I had been dressed in a beautiful bridal gown by his men.

On getting to the stage, we went to sit at the little house always built for couple in marriage.

After series of events, we were called out to stand before each other before everyone.

"Mr. Romeo, do you agree to take Miss Ella as your wife?" The man asked.


"You can now kiss your bride." The man said and Mr. Ashley Romeo unveiled me and expressed shock.

"Huh? Is this Ella?" He asked seemingly confused.

I shook my head.

"Your wife ran away and I was asked to represent her so you won't be brought to shame." I explained in a whisper.

"What! How can I kiss a stranger? " He exclaimed.

"We are waiting Mr Romeo, don't be shy." The MC said.

Mr. Romeo looked around and saw that all the crowds attention were on him.

"It's my first kiss, how can I give it to a stranger?" He whispered.

When I saw that the people were beginning to be suspicious, I moved my head to his, grabbed his head and kissed him softly.

Yummy! His lips are so sweet and beautiful.

Programme went after programmes and I acted well like I was the real bride. He hasn't said any word to me ever since I kissed him.

I knew him to be popular and rich and I understand that rich men can be wicked atimes, I do not want to be a victim.

I'm only trying to help. I had already planned how I will run away.

It was finally time for both families to take pictures, the families of wife approached me while I simply lowered my head like I'm shy.

They must not know that I'm not their daughter.

A man I assumed it be the real bride's daughter pressed his eye on me. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

Has this man find out already that I'm not his daughter.

Mr. Ashley Romeo held my hand and dragged me a little to the sit where pictures would be taken but the man's eye were still fixed on me.

He finally walked to me and my mind began to beat.

"Face here and smile!" The camera man said and I faked a smile as I poses for the camera.

After the first shot, the man came to me and said; "Ella, are you alright?"

I simply nodded my head not wanting to look at his face.

He took steps back because of the crowds that were there and kept observing me.

After pictures were taken, it was time for everyone to go home.

I didn't know how to escape from the crowds that were dispersing to their various abode.

"Who are you?" Mr Ashley Romeo asked as we walked into the chamber that we had come out from.

"I was hand picked by your men to act as your bride, according to them , your bride ran away. " I said and looked at his beautiful face.

"Ella can not run away, she was probably kidnapped " He muttered under his breath as he looked straight.

He turned to me.

"And you dare kiss me?" He said.

"I had to act like I'm your bride, don't you get?" I asked.

"I don't care, guards?" He called.

I was so infuriated. See someone that I helped now calling guards for me.

In a brief seconds, my hands flew across his face and I ran speedily away.


She slapped him