
Let’s Read The Word

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Broken Rose

Broken Rose

Author:Moonlight serenity



A weak werewolf is bullied and abused. She finds her wolf then meets her mate but he hates her till he sees her protect his family when he couldn’t and tries to win her back. Scarlett jean Rose is a Alphas daughter but was born weak and her pack hate her. They bully and beat her till one day she leaves and then is captured by a group of men. She finds her mate and he wants to reject her but he can’t so treats her bad. One day his family get attacked and he get hurt bad this is when she shifts for the first time and saves them. He falls in love that moment but he has to win her back

  Chapter 1

  Scarlett’s POV

  I’m Scarlett, I’m an alphas daughter not that it matters in my pack. You see I was born small and weak. I don’t think I’m the prettiest of she wolfs. I have long thick black hair it’s down to my butt. Dark blue eyes but the always look dull and lifeless. And I’m really skinny you can see my ribs which is really bad for a wolf. My body is covered with cuts and bruises and scars so I don’t think anyone could ever love me, even my mate would probably reject me for how bad I look. My mother and father are the alpha and Luna of the Black Rose Pack.

  Tomorrow is my 18th birthday where I will hopefully get my wolf and be able to leave this pack.

  The alarm went off at 6am, I switched it off quick and raced to the bathroom to wash before the pack wake up. All I want to do is keep my head down not get any beatings and get today and tomorrow out the way. I sneaked down stairs and started prepping breakfast like I do every morning. Got the pancake mix and the bacon and eggs and started popping it all in the pans. I can hear thuds upstairs which means the pack is waking. I start dishing up and cleaning the pans and making sure the kitchen is spotless. I then quickly go to leave the kitchen to get ready for school. I walked with my head down as I have been told never look at pack members and never ever talk to them. I haven’t had a conversation with anyone in 6 years. Am I lonely? Yes, but I would rather be lonely then dead.

  As I scurried out the kitchen I walked in to something with a thud I fell straight on to my butt. I knew I was going to be in trouble now I tried to get up quick to leave when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, it was so painful I could feel my eyes start to fill with tears, I knew what it was I was kicked. I got up and went to walk away but I felt a punch to my jaw which sent me flying across the kitchen floor and in to the glass doors the other side. The glass smashed and sliced my arms and legs. I could feel the warm blood ooze from my cuts. What the hell are you playing at Scarlett a voice shouted. The voice I dreaded it was the Alpha. I looked down at the floor and showed my neck

to bear your neck is to show your submission

  I could feel and hear his footsteps getting closer I started to whimper. He reached down and wrapped his fingers around my throat, he lifted me up and slowly squeezed. He looked round and I assume it was to the person who kicked me.

  I said what the hell happened here, his voice was raised and it made me whimper more. I didn’t dare open my mouth so I stayed quiet, the blood still oozing from my wounds it must be bad as I started to go light headed and dizzy.

  The next voice I heard was my sister’s Sapphire. She was dad’s favourite child she was strong and pretty, she has amazing long blonde curly hair, crystal blue eyes and was one of the best fighters in the pack. Every man wanted to date her and every girl wanted to be her.

  She came running up to dad and started crying. Dad it was all Scarlett I was just walking down for breakfast when she came running out the kitchen and run straight in to me. I told her to move and she spoke dad, she told me to shut my slutty mouth. When I told her to stop she slapped me so I pushed her away and she fell into the doors. I didn’t dare speak even tho it was all lies. The Alpha dropped me to the floor and in his loud Alpha voice said get up and get yourself cleaned then get this mess cleaned. I want it spotless before I get back I have a meeting right now. He left and I quickly limped to the bathroom. I got the first aid box and started to clean the cuts. Most wolves would of started to heal by now but because I am not allowed to eat much or often, I’m beaten regularly and still not found my wolf I’m weak so it takes me weeks sometimes months to heal.

  I started pulling glass out of my cuts and and cleaning the best I can, tears started rolling down my cheeks and I started to sob softly. I can’t wait to leave this hell and be free. I stitch the wounds myself the pain is something I’m used to now so I stitch them and bandage them. I unlock the door and slowly limp down the stairs, all the pack have left so I start cleaning the kitchen and washing up. I start to dream about my wolf and what she will be like and also finding my mate and what he will be like. After the kitchen is clean I change in to a long sleeved black polo neck top and black jeans and black trainers. I brush my long black hair and tie it in a high ponytail. I grab my makeup

which was what other pack members have thrown away

and start covering the cuts and bruises on my face. When everything is done I grab my bag and leave. I wasn’t allowed a car and have no friends so I had to walk. School was only 20 minutes away from the pack house so I put my bag on my back and started limping to school. I got to school just in time so I hurried to my locker and grabbed my books then made my way to my first lesson which was maths, I hated maths because miss picken our teacher liked to pick me to answer questions knowing I’m not allowed to talk in front of pack members. I limped to the back of the class and went to sit down when suddenly I hit the floor again with a thud. I could hear my sister sapphire and her friends Lilly-May and Amber giggling as my butt hit the floor. I tried to get up when I felt one of my cuts open and a warm liquid dribble and seep in to my jeans. The bad thing is it was high up my thigh and on the inside so it looked like I wet myself. Miss Picken walks in and shouts for me to get up. I stand slowly and everyone starts laughing, can only mean they think I have wet myself. Next thing I hear Sapphire she is laughing and then shouts miss she is disgusting she has wet herself and left period juice all over the floor. I wanted the ground to swallow me up there and then. My eyes started to fill but I was not going to let them see me cry. Miss Picken shouted for my to get out and go see the school nurse. I packed my things and left the class room. I walked to the school nurses office and knocked the door, I heard a soft voice say come in. I placed my hand on the door handle and opened the door slowly and walked in. The nurse looked at me and sighed, she was nice and always tried to help me. I walked in and she locked the door behind me. I took my note pad and wrote down what was wrong. She gave me the sympathetic look and asked me to remove my jeans I did and she gasped when she saw all the cuts and blood. She walked over to her draws and started to get all the items she needed to fix me. She asked me to hop up on the bed and started to clean my wound, I flinched and whimpered. I’m sorry Scarlett I’m trying to be gentle I just smiled and looked away. She finished fixing me and then said I could get dressed, I did and smiled to show I was thankful. She unlocked the door and I left. Maths was almost finished so I went to my locker and got my stuff for next lesson biology. Great just great biology and most people out of my maths class is in my biology class. They already think I came on my period and now I’m going to get teased more. I put my head down and headed to class, was almost outside when the bell rang so I waited till the class emptied and then quickly headed to the back of class and sat down. I got my books out ready and waited. People started to pile in and take their seats, that’s when I heard sapphire she started laughing and mocking me. I’m so used to it I just switched off and started copying the work off the board. Mr cannon walks in and starts the lesson he tells everyone to work in silence, I was so happy and relieved. The bell rings and I pack up my things. I wait till everyone leaves them I limp out, it’s lunchtime so I go outside and sit under my favourite tree. I do this most days as I’m not allowed money for food or get food from the house so I sit here and catch up on homework. The rest of the day is quiet and final bell rings I pack my stuff and limp home as I have to cook tea for the whole pack.