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The Billionaire's Secretary: What's Wrong With Secretary Renee

The Billionaire's Secretary: What's Wrong With Secretary Renee

Author:Delaney Bree



“I trusted you Logan” she said to me, with disappointment contoured on her face. “what do you mean?” I asked her with curiosity laced in my tone, as I grabbed her by her arm pulling her towards the wall and pinning her down. “Let me go!!, you’ve broken the trust we had built so far, all for some useless secret” ***** Things take a huge turn, when Renee who is the secretary and lover to Logan Steele finds out a deep secret that he has been hiding from her all the while they’ve been together. What is going to happen to the once fun and loving Renee? Also, will they give up on their relationship or will they find a way to rekindle the flame, learning to love and trust each other all over again?

Renee’s POV

Today makes it two weeks since I applied for a job at Illuminate cooperation, one of the biggest company in Los Angeles and fortunately, I have been called in for an interview by 9:00am. It is currently 7:24am in the morning, I feel so drained and I am already having a rethink, if I should really go for this interview or just sit at home and apply for a job that is way in my league.

I dragged myself out of my bed as I walked groggily to the bathroom to quickly freshen up and prepare. After having my bath, I dressed up in my low quality suit that still looked presentable and okay for the interview. When I was done, I proceeded to leave my house, taking a cab to the company, it was about fifteen minutes’ drive.

“The company looks nice,” I managed to utter as I stood outside the big building in front of me after coming down from the car and paying the driver his money, taking in the view. The building had to be about twenty stories tall as I even had to stretch my neck higher than usual to be able to see the top of the building, and that is where I had to go, to the very tippy top.

I sighed as I looked around. Everywhere looked and sounded busy, with everyone each doing their own thing.

“I look good right?” I asked myself, looking around to be sure no one heard me talking to myself because that would make me look weirder than I already am.

I took a deep breath and began to walk closer to the building. As I stepped into the glass building, the sight of productivity enveloped me. Everything looked so professional making me wonder if I was even fit for the job.

The sight of people dressing elegantly was making me have a rethink of my decision. My mind was telling me to just turn back and forget about this so called interview and on a second thought I really need this money.

“Maybe I should just forget about this and go apply for a job at a bar” I muttered to myself as my legs began to make the decision on their own to just turn back and head right home.

I had already began to walk towards the door with my files in my hand as both of my hand slightly hugged my chest when I bumped into something hard, making the files in my hand drop, hitting the floor and making me stumble back aggressively almost falling down, when I felt a hand grabbing my waist. It took me few seconds to grab what was happening, but in that instance I remembered I was still in someone’s arm and as I was about to stand up straight I felt the hand that was holding me from falling release his hand from my waist, leaving me to my fate as I fell butt face first, my butt hitting the hard tiles.

“Argh” I screamed as the pain from my butt immediately sent a signal straight to my brain.

“Really? You should have just let me fall flat to the ground the first time, why save me when you know you will still do something this stupid?” I screamed at whoever the person was that seem to not have manners or know how to treat a lady.

I tried to get up from the floor, using my hand to dust my dress that already had a strain.

“Do I look like your Daddy?” I heard someone say as I was still trying to dust the weird stain that refused to leave my dress.

Is this person kidding me? I was already getting angry with how everything seems to be going for me.

“First of all Mr. I don’t___” my sentence was cut midway as I looked up and the person before me was mesmerizing.

He looked dashing, attractive, stunning and every word that had to do with handsome, name it he was all. He looked fierce, there was this aura around him that made me feel like he was someone of high importance. He looked pleasing to the eye, like a piece of art. He had golden brown hair that went well with his hazel eyes, he looked about six foot tall or more, contradicting my own height of five foot six. The suit he wore complimented his large body physique making him look___.

My thoughts were cut short as he cleared his throat.

“You were saying?” he said to me, looking at me with a smirk on his face like he knew I was actually admiring him.

I had totally forgotten I was supposed to be angry with him at that moment for what he did to me and here I was drooling over him like he was some type of dessert that that I was addicted to.

I quickly used my hands to cover my face as I was beginning to become embarrassed with all what was happening.

Wait!!! Why was I embarrassed? I was supposed to be angry, with this oddly handsome man that stood before me.

“Okay Mr. arrogant, here’s the thing, you are the one at fault here. Why? because I don’t understand why you would try to save someone at first then___” I was cut short again by this same manner less and arrogant man that seems to enjoy cutting people short.

“I simply just decided against it” he said as he still held that annoying smirk on his face.

At that instance, I felt pure anger shoot through my bones.

Is he trying to be funny? Or is he just a manner less piece of sh*t that doesn’t know when to be serious? He no longer looked handsome in my eye or mesmerizing, he looked like someone I was willing to punch right in the face, targeting his nose and breaking it.

Maybe I should just go for it?

Without thinking twice, I lurched towards him ignoring the two guards that were beside him. I was determined to teach him a lesson even if it meant sacrificing my own comfort, my own tranquility and my own happiness. I clenched my fist and moved my hand forward hitting him right in the nose, my initial target. I smiled at myself for a job well done as I saw blood immediately start to drip from his nose.

“Boss!” I heard one of the guard scream as he got closer to him to attend to his runny nose.

I checked the time and gasped for air as I was already ten minutes late for my interview all because of this rude man. I quickly picked my files from the floor, luckily for me they were not scattered, so it was easy for me to gather myself together.

I began to run towards the elevator while the man kept shouting some words.

“Do you know who I am?”

“Get her”

“How could you do this to me?”

I looked back for a second as I saw the man holding his nose and one of his guards running towards me.

“Oh shit” I panicked as I kept pressing the elevator button to close, luckily for me it closed before he had the chance to come at me.

I sighed in relief as I was finally able to get away from the man and his body guard.

On getting to the twentieth floor where the interview was to take place, it was announced that the interview was to be on hold and we had to wait for about twenty minutes, because the CEO had some issues to resolve.

I had decided to use the restroom to while away the time while I get myself prepared and ready for the interview. Twenty minutes had gone by and the interview had begun. They were five people before me and when it was my turn, I began to feel sweaty. I shook it off and took in a long breath as I entered into the office.

Immediately I entered, my eyes widened in shock as the person that sat before me was none other than Mr. arrogant that I had an issue with about thirty minutes ago.

“You?” was all I could utter from my mouth as I knew I was totally fucked.