
Let’s Read The Word

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They are both married. But their bond is unbreakable no matter the efforts they put to stay away from each other. They are fated together but will there be consequences if they decide to leave their marriages. Will they fight for their marriages, or will they fight for their consequential love! Join Gabrielle Sterling and Jason Alistair on their journey.

Gabrielle Sterling smiled at her reflection in the mirror as her cheeks curved in a flirtatious smile revealing her two dimples. Finally the most awaited opportunity had presented itself. She would soon be working, and most importantly helping her husband, Keith Sterling with their daily expenses.

"Good morning love," Keith kissed his wife's lips softly.

"Good morning," She replied back applying a shiny lip gloss on her lips.

Keith wiping his wet hair with a towel sat on their bed. "You know you can always change your mind,"

Gabrielle stared at him through the mirror and smiled. "You have been the one offering financial help in this house Keith. Let me help. I know you prefer if I just stayed at home taking care of myself," She rolled her eyes. "But I want some Money to myself. I want the privilege of working, spending my own money through my own sweat,"

"I understand. But if I were to choose I would still prefer you at home. I know I don't have the most decent job but I always try hard to provide everything that you need,"

Gabrielle walked over to her husband and sat down beside him. " You and I both know the main reason why you don't want me working, don't we?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Can we not go back to that conversation again,"

Gabrielle smiled at her jealous husband and kissed his cheek. "I will always be yours. No man can be compared to you, okay? You don't have to be so insecure over nothing sweetheart,"

"But I don't want men out there licking their lips over you. You're beautiful, flawless, your curves are everything. And more so you're married. Please never remove that ring whenever you're at work, okay?"

She shook her head, "Seriously Keith! Why would I? I promise that I won't,"

"Thanks. Now hurry up. We don't want you getting late on your first day," He smiled wryly at her.

Their marriage was now two years old. Gabrielle being twenty two when Keith had proposed to her, she had not hesitated. He was the love of her life and she was down to get married to him and make babies with him. They had sealed their vows an year later after Gabrielle had finished her degree.

His idea of her being a stay at home mom had not being pleasant at first. She had worked her ass off to attain a degree in Finance and had been looking forward on getting a job. But since her love and trust to him was stronger, they had come into terms with it. But now two years later, she had gotten bored of staying at home. With no child to take care of and keep her busy since they had decided they would get a child when she turned twenty five. She would be turning twenty five in two months time and get rid of the implant on her arm. She smiled at the thought.

She alighted the cab and walked past the pristine glass doors of the big storey building. The big reception welcomed her as she walked towards the blonde seated on the reception desk.

"Hi. How can I help you?" The petite blonde asked in a calm voice.

"Hi. I'm Gabrielle Sterling. I'm here for the ongoing interview," Gabrielle smiled at the receptionist.

The receptionist scanned through her computer and confirmed her name. "Fifth floor. Best of luck,"

Gabrielle mumbled. "Thank you,"

The elevator binged as she stood for a moment and heaved a sigh. This was it. She just had to impress and get the job.

There were other applicants as she assumed waiting for their turn. They all diverted their eyes to face her as she took a seat next to a spiked hair guy.

"Who comes to an interview in spiked hair," Gabrielle thought to herself.

The line continued untill her name was called. Adjusting her red skirt that had risen up, she walked past the glass door and stood before the interviewer. Manager. The wooden tag on her desk read.

"You may have a seat," The woman spoke her eyes still hooked on the papers on her desk.

"Thank you," Gabrielle responded.

"Gabrielle Sterling right?"

"Yes ma'am,"

The interview continued perfectly. Fingers crossed, she walked out of the office hoping she would be the one lucky to receive the call.

Her phone rang in her bag. Freya. Her best friend.

"Gabi! I'm in town! I need to see you as soon as possible. I miss you so much," Freya shouted on the phone.

"What! Let's meet at our usual restaurant. In twenty minutes," Said Gabrielle as she pressed the ground floor button on the elevator.

"Bitch! I missed you!" Freya jumped to hug Gabrielle as soon as she walked inside the restaurant.

"I missed you more. When did you get back?" Asked Gabrielle as they both took their seat.

"Yesterday night. But I didn't want to call you since you know..It's not like when you weren't married we would literally talk for hours," Freya frowned. "But you know I'm happy that you got married to Keith. Your bond was just something else,"

"Sometimes I miss when I used to be independent. But then when I think of Keith, I get rid of the idea. He loves me, takes good care of me, showers me with presents occasionally, even when his pay is not that much! I don't know. I love him so so much Freya,"

"Oh God! Don't make me jealous right now! But he'll no I don't wanna be cuffed to one guy YET!"

"Still hoeing? You're seriously missing out Freya!"

A waitress appeared at their table and took their orders.

"I'm not really ready to settle. Maybe next year when I turn twenty six. Or rather twenty seven. Twenty seven is a serious age right?"

Gabi giggled. " You think about it. Who knows. Maybe you're going to find your prince charming at forty,"

Freya slapped her hand playfully. " Gabi! Hell No!"

"I'm just kidding. Anyways have you heard from Heather? I haven't talked to her since Saturday. After her dad passed away. I've tried reaching her but her phone is off,"

"I talked to her yesterday. The burial is on Thursday. We should go. She really needs us,"

The waitress placed their orders on the table.

"Of course we must. She's our best friend and the least we can do is be there for her,"

They continued chatting for another one hour talking about Gabi's interview and other staff. Freya's phone rang in her pockets.

"Okay..okay..I'll be there in thirty," She finished the call.

She turned to Gabi taking her handbag."I'm sorry Sweetheart. I need to take my younger brother from school. Mum can not make it,"

"It's okay Frey. When do I see you next?"

"Uh.. we'll plan on the phone," Freya kissed her goodbye and left.

Gabrielle walked to the park and sat on an empty bench. It was still quite early to head home. Anyways she would be going to an empty house since Keith was still at work.

A nanosecond hadn't passed when someone cleared his throat behind her.

"Uh..Excuse me..But you just sat on my seat," The vaguely familiar guy spoke.

Gabi gasped. "What?! Your seat? In a park!"

"Yes! This is my usual seat when I come to relax here," The hot man responded in a lofty voice.

"Did you just call him hot! You're married for Heaven's sake," Her inner voice exploded.

The guy stood there raising his brows at her. He was in a black suit, red tie and brogue shoes, his hair well combed to the back. She was married but admitting to herself that a man was smoking hot wasn't a crime to her. Keith saw more beautiful women too out there.

"Excuse me? I'm I crowding your thoughts already?"

"Whatever! I was just leaving!" Jerk! She stood up from the bench and left without another word still wondering why the guy looked so awfully familiar.