
Let’s Read The Word

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Defend Me, Attorney

Defend Me, Attorney




"If pleading guilty means protecting you, I will." Tall, smart, not-so-dark but undeniably handsome. Everyone who have seen and met the 19-year-old Traise Stevens would never think otherwise. Aside from he was taking up BS Biology, Traise was also a consistent dean's lister—a model student over all. However, one Saturday night, the almost perfect guy that everyone in school was head over heels for painted the sky with blood. HE KILLED HIS DAD.


  After I received such message at this hour where everyone was asleep, I immediately get my jacket on top of my study table. With ease trying my best not to make any noise, I sneaked out.

  Dad will really kill me if he finds out.

  I grinned.

  Soon as I closed the gate, I replied, 'On my way.'

  In a blink, the cold wind touched my skin. I shivered as I put my hands inside the pockets of my jacket, seeking for a familiar warmth.

  Within few steps, I saw a familiar figure standing at the corner of the street. From there, I noticed that the orange light coming from the nearby light post was the only light guiding him away from the night's total darkness.

  As I scanned him, I noticed he was wearing his weary and overly used black jacket he had been using since high school.

  He waved his hand soon as he saw me. I smiled.

  "What's with the sudden text?" I asked, smiling.

  He smiled back. "I just wanna see you. Why? Can't I?"

  There was something wrong with his smile. Instead of his signature cheerful and bright smile, it turned into a bitter and weak one. He looked so exhausted, seemed like he aged a lot when in fact he was just 19.

  "You speak as if I'm your girlfriend when I am not," I jokingly said, trying to lift up the atmosphere. "Is there any problem?"

  "Do I seem problematic?" he asked, acting like he was offended.

  "You always are," I joked.

  We ended up laughing.

  "How's school?" he asked soon as we went back to our senses.

  I grinned.

  "Well, just so you know, girls from different departments are asking where you are and when are you coming back. Even Lady Snorlax, she misses you."

  We laughed again, making fun of our professor who openly showed her sexual desire for him.

  "So, when are you coming back?"

  He shrugged. "I doubt that. I'll take a break from school, I guess."

  My eyes widened. "Why?"

  "It's dad..."

  I felt my heart took a sudden leap. His dad had always been his problem since we were children. He was, and still is, being beaten up for apparently no reason at all.

  His family was once a wealthy family in our city, not until his alcoholic and gambler dad ruined things for them.

  His mom had no choice but to accept random cleaning jobs for years until my dad personally hired her to do our laundries and that's when we became friends. I was a witness of how traumatic his childhood was.

  Nevertheless, he turned out to be a tall and smart man as we grow up. My dad sponsored his school tuition and expenses in exchange of him tutoring me for free.

  In College, he took BS Biology as his pre-med course while I took Political Science as my pre-law.

  I witnessed how he lost interest in his studies. He was forced to take countless part-time jobs just to earn money so his mom won't be beaten up anymore.

  "W-What's with your dad?" I asked with anger arising within me. "Your mom got beaten up again?"

  He smiled weakly and he looked down.

  "He didn't. This day, he didn't..." I looked at him. "Wow, Traise! That's new!"

  He smiled shyly.

  "Courtney, isn't it a piece of a good news? It's the start. Mom won't get slaps and bruises anymore."

  I forced a smile. "As he should."

  He laughed. "Now you sound like a mad girlfriend."

  "Do you want me to?" I jokingly said.

  "I'd love to."

  He looked down and let out a sigh. "But I can't and I should not."

  I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

  "I know you like me," he said. He was smiling when he met my eyes. "My body might had been numb from all the beatings I got from my dad but my heart isn't."

  "Since when?" I asked. My eyes were alarmed. "Since when did you know?"

  He shrugged. "I don't know. I just feel like you like me."

  "How?" I asked with nothing but determination in my eyes.

  He looked at me and it was clear that he was seeking if there's still a way out.


  "Tell me, Traise," I said eagerly. "How did you know?" 

  When he realized I won't stop unless he'll give me the explanation I wanted, his face started to soften. He stared at my eyes intently and suddenly, his lips curved a small smile.

  "When you started giving me the look I gave you the moment I first laid my eyes on you..."

  My jaw literally dropped. My heart just skipped a beat and I felt the entire zoo inside me.

  How should I respond to that when he was looking deeply at my eyes and with a smile on his lips?

  His smile widened. "I like you too."

  He smiled weakly.

  "But I should not," he followed. "I must stop."

  "Why not?" I asked. A mixture of love, pain, and fear could be seen in my eyes. "You know I like you, you want me too. So why not? Why make things complicated for us when everything is mutual?"

  "It's not that easy," he said. His eyes started to be emotional.  "I'm...too messed up."

  "So what?" I asked. "You know I like messy things."

  "You... You don't understand," he argued.

  "Then make me understand," I eagerly replied.

  "It won't make sense," he responded.

  "Then make it makes sense."

  He looked at my face again and he was probably looking for an escape. When he ensured that I won't let this go unless he'll give me a valid reason, Traise heaved a sigh.

  "My family, my dad, even me, myself. My mind was exploited even at a very young age. I got all forms of beatings from dad that made me numb of it. I am the problem, Courtney."

  It caught me off guard. I never knew that the reason could be this deep.

  "See? I'm too complicated for you. I want the best for you but I will never be the best. I'm of those filths that might ruin you. With the dirt in my hands, I don't wanna ruin you. You're too precious for that."

  "Then I'll fix you," I said. "If you want, I'll hold your hand while you fix yourself. I can always wait, Traise. You know that."

  "You have no idea of what you're saying. No one can save me," Traise said and he looked directly at my eyes. "Not even you."

  That created a bang in my chest I couldn't handle.

  "That's actually why I went here," he said and tears were visibly forming in his eyes too. "I'm saying goodbye."

  My eyes grew bigger. "What... do you mean?"

  He gave me a weak smile. "I know I've said goodbye for too many times, but this time... it's real."

  Just then, his tears fell.

  "Farewell, the best thing I never had," he said while looking at me. My tears fell on my cheeks. "'Til we meet again..."

  In no time, he turned his back. I watched him as he walked away. It created a deep pierce in my heart both literally and figuratively.

  In this melancholic moment, he came to me like a thief in the night, carrying my own heart with him as we parted ways.

  I started to cry so hard that even my sight got blurry due to my tears. With my chest feeling a lethal pain, I turned my back as well.

  I can't watch him slowly fading in the dark.

  I just... can't.

  I started to walk but just when I was about to reach our gate, I heard noises—really loud noises as if it was an emergency or something.

  Bewildered, I looked back again and that was when my roots were about to disown me.

  There were cars, plenty of them—which were police mobile cars and all the police came out from it. In my horror, they gathered around Traise and pointed their gun at him.


  My eyes widened.


  Faster that I can, I ran towards their direction but I was too late—he was caught and was pushed against the car as they tried to handcuff him with his hands on his back.

  The next moment I knew, he was being arrested and was forced to go inside the car.

  Just then, our eyes met.

  He stopped, he smiled weakly, and he mouthed, "I love you..."

  That broke me.

  When the police car closed, things came clearer to me as if I just got splashed by a cold water.

  I tried to come near him hysterically but the police did not allow me. Until the car departed and I was left standing still while crying.

  "You know him?" a police asked me, watching the car departing as well.

  "W-What's going on?"

  But what I heard left me dumbstruck.

  "He killed his own dad."