
Let’s Read The Word

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Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom




-"They raped her and killed her" - "what are you talking about?" -"That student from psychology department, who you all thought ran away, is still there, uder the cherry blossom, the dorm incharge buried her and never let anyone know" -"How can you be so sure?" -"Because... ... .. "

Roger looked at his window of his dorm room for the last time, he particularly liked this view. It has a garden but that was not the reason of his attraction, it was for the Cherry Blossom tree that mesmerised him every time when he looked at it. This tree has something special that it never wilts even in cold winters.

He sat there in a daze before someone knocked on the door, "Roger! Hurry up! We need to get to the station ASAP."

"Coming..!!", he hurried taking his bags and he saw everyone is already outside settling their bags in taxis. He hurriedly locked his room but as he turned around he bumped into someone. He almost yelled at that person until he saw her eyes. She had a jade like skin with a pink blush just like the Cherry blossom outside his window and a slender figure. The most beatiful things were her eyes, they seems like the clear and calm water of a lake. Her eyelashes were long just like the waterfall. Her deep blue eyes were deep as if it has It's own secrets yet they were innocent. Roger was hypnotised until, " Sorry! I didn’t mean to bump into you"

"Oh! It's nothing... Just forget it! Anyway I'm Roger, Roger Han and you?"

"Cher-ry Folret!", she said.

" Nice to meet you Cherry! By the way, are you new here? But I don’t think new students should be in today"

"Oh! Sorry! You might have mistaken, I was here last night with Scarlet, she let me in for one night after the final exams. Because my apartment was a little far away from the station, into the suburbs but I needed to catch the train early" Cherry explained.

"That means you are also in our year but I never saw you, which course were you taking? " asked Roger curiously because it was being hard for him to accept the truth that he never noticed this fine girl earlier, If he had, he would have been already made her his girlfriend.

"I was taking Sociology and you" asked Cherry.

"Physics" replied Roger

By the time they came outside they found all students have already left except these two. So, they decided to hire a taxi to Station.

They talked for a long time and Roger found that Cherry was an orphan who was brought up by her grandmother until she died and later she was raised up ina foster home for 8 years because all her relatives were not interested in taking care of her.

Sometime later they reached at the station and Roger asked, "Then where are you planning to go?!"

"To the capital" replied she

"Do you have someone there?"

"No! I just want to go there and rent a apartment for a few days, later I'll think of something else"

"Okay then! Have a good journey"

"You too"

Roger bid farewell and started to walk towards his destination but suddenly he felt something as if he is going to miss something very important.

Suddenly he turned and ran towards Cherry's train. He started to find her seat crazily and as he found her, Cherry was surprised.

"Why are you here again? Did you forget something?"


"What did you forget, Roger?"


Cherry was dumbfounded hearing his answer. "I'm an orphan with no background, don't try to mess with my feelings"

"I'll never.. Will you just let me accompany you in your journey?!" asked Roger

"I don't see any reason to deny you" replied Cherry shyly.

And Roger hopped on the seat beside Cherry and the train started.