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Betrothed To A Maniac King

Betrothed To A Maniac King

Author:Authoress Honeydrop Oyinkansola



He makes use of her has his sex toy even after he forced her to marry him, he seems to not get enough of her he never seize to abuse her. * "You're mine" he said in a claiming tone "I'd rather die than belong to a beast like you" * * She had everything a girl could desire, but she always hated being a princess. As good as being royalty seems, the burden can be unbearable at times. Ariadne had always wished to be just like other girls, who live their lifes freely without having to sacrifice their dreams and happiness for other people or other things. She wished a simple life for herself, walk around the kingdom, make and visit friends, become successful in her moulding talent, get married to the man of her heart and have and belong to a happy family. But all these things cannot be possible because of her royal lifestyle. She knew she never had a chance of choosing the man of her dreams, because most princesses are married off for political gains. And that will surely be her case. But her father King Maximus loved her and her younger brother, Prince Riley dearly and was always patient with her. He lets her meet with her suitors and also convers with them. Not like other kings who gets their daughters married off to anyone for their political gains. He fulfilled the promise he made to her late mother to take care of them against all odds. Ariadne knew she had to get married someday, but never never in her life had she thought of ending up with a "Maniac King"

In the royal garden of the princess quarters, Ariadne sat on a stool singing while moulding a pot. Her hands covered with Clay, while her dress stained with dirt. Her face also got stained in the process of trying to remove her untamed hair from her face. She was busy doing what she loves doing best when she heard a high pitched voice

"Ariadne!!!" her nine year old brother yelled her name in delight as he ran to jump on her, which made both of them falling on the floor.

"can you be anymore childish!, if I hadn't directed myself to the other side, we would both be dewlling in mold" Ariadne scolded her brother lightly.

"I was just so happy to see you" her brother said while pouting.

Ariadne chuckled lightly, she loved it when her brother pouted like that. He looks extraordinarily cute.

"why are you smiling" her brother said frowning.

"Oh Riley, what can I do with you" she said as she pinched his cheeks lightly.

"heew, don't stain my cute face with your dirty hands" Riley said trying to clean his face. Ariadne smiled, then mischief formed in her mind.

"since you said you are happy to see me, Can

I at least give you a hug" Ariadne said grinning widely at Riley

"No you can't!" Riley shook his head vigorously

"Yes I can" Ariadne insisted still grinning like an idiot. She knew her brother cares about his looks and appearance, and won't love to hug her looking this awfully dirty, but she couldn't just get enough of teasing him.

"No you can't!"

"Yes I can"

"No you can't!

"Yes I can" Ariadne said approaching him. But before she could reach him, Riley ran off and Ariadne chased after him. The two siblings running and shouting around the garden.

"Your highness" Riley's personal maid came into the garden bowing her head in respect, which made the chase between the siblings stop and look at the maid.

"Prince Riley hasn't had his breakfast and its almost lunch time, I already prepared something for him to eat" the maid said looking at Ariadne.

Ariadne frowned and turned to look at Riley who was busy scowling at the maid.

"Is that true young prince" Ariadne asked her brother with a serious expression on her face.

"dear beautiful sis. . . . ." Riley was trying to get to Ariadne when she stopped him

don't you dare use sugar coated words for me Riley! why didn't you have breakfast?, why don't you ever listen to me?, what if something happens to you?" she ranted like a mother hen.

"Alright, alright, I will eat, but on one condition" Riley gave up at last not liking to see his sister fraustated.

" what is it?" Ariadne raised one eyebrow and folded her arms

"you have to eat with me" he grinned

"okay" she replied not wanting to argue with him anymore. Ariadne went off to clean herself. Then they both walked out of the garden going to the royal dinning room, with the maid trailing behind them.

Ariadne and Riley finished eating and were chit- chatting with each other, when a guard entered and bowed

"Princess Ariadne, his majesty seeks your presence in his study" The guard said.

Ariadne then stood up and went to her father's study wondering what her father wanted to see her for.

"My lovely princess"King Maximus said as his daughter entered into his study.

Ariadne offered her father a smile

"You called for me father" Ariadne said sitting in front of her father.

"Yes, yes, my lovely daughter,we received a letter, a marriage proposal to be precise, asking for your hand in marriage, and I need you to be informed before I accept the proposal." her father spoke

"and may I know who that is?" Ariadne asked her father.

The king looked at his daughter for a while before saying

"King Stainer of Wisconsin kingdom"



Your Magnificent story writer

Authoress Honeydrop Oyinkansola.