
Let’s Read The Word

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The Devil's Infatuation

The Devil's Infatuation




As a nineteen year old who had spent her entire life living with her parents, Angela Johnson would have never expected anything slightly different or abnormal to happen at any moment in her life That was all until she ran into a murder scene one rainy day while returning from school It would have been so much tolerable if the killer wasn't the most gourgouse specimen she had ever laid eyes on and didn't have a pair of horns growing out of his head Or if said murderer didn't end up being a devil straight out of hell and wasn't obsessed with her Now said killer was proclaiming himself as her soulmate and was being insistent in dragging her to hell with him " Don't think I'll let you go any time soon. If I can't have you now, I'll just kill you and wait for you in your next life time "

Angela Johnson took in a deep breath, her face scrunched up in disgust. She had completely just how much she hated hospital, fact being that she couldn't even remember the last time sh3 had been in one

" don't make a face" her mother scolded

" Remind me again why we have to be here?"

" Because, stupid girl, your grandmother is sick and we need to take proper care of her"

Angy didn't say anything

She knew uttering another word would have her mother back at her throat. She focused her attention on the hospital staff each rushing off from one duty to another

' being a doctor must be exhausting'

She couldn't even begin to put herself in their shoes. She already despised blood as it was

" excuse me, Mrs Johnson? "

A pretty nurse walked up to them

" yes?" Her mother stood up to face the nurse expectantly

" the doctor Say's you can see her now"

" thank you"

Angy rose from her position to stand beside her mother, together they followed behind the nurse through a long hallway bypassing many other wards before they arrived to the supposed room her grandmother was admitted into

The nurse excused herself and walked away while Angy and her mother entered the Ward

" Good afternoon mom"

Angy's mother greeted walking towards grandmother's bed, Angy followed

" hey grandma"

Her grandmother smiled as angy gave her a hug

" how have you been dearest?"

" am fine, its you we should be asking that. Are you feeling better?"

" very much, thank you"

Angy took a seat by the bed while her brother brought out all the fruits and beverages they had bought settling them down on the bedside table

" how was school dear?"

" it was fine, though homework is still quite troublesome"

" don't mind her mom, Angy's just being lazy"

" am not"

My mom sighed

" whatever"

She turned back to her grandma

" I want to talk to you dear"

" what about?"

" in private"

Her gaze turned towards my mother, the two seemed to communicate without words

"I'll go buy us some drinks"

Mom gave an excuse before walking out to of the room. She was confused, didn't mom already buy the drinks? Nonetheless, she gave her full attention to her grandma

" how old are you now? "

" I turned eighteen six months ago"

" are you considering settling down?"

She rolled her eyes. Not this again. She knew her grandmother was old schooled but she couldn't honestly be expecting her to get married now was she?

" grandma I.."

" listen my dear, I know you are too young for marriage but trust me it is for your own good. They are greater forces are both of which you might not understand"

" grandma, you're not making sense"

" don't be like your parents, I think you should go to church and be a bit more prayer for the devil is not far away, we have to keep him at Bay"

' devil? Church? Was Grandma on some kind of drug or something?'

" I don't understand what you are saying?"

The old woman sighed

" I had a dream my dear. A horrible dream"

" people have dreams all the time grandma. They are just fictions of our imagination. It doesn't mean they signify anything at all"

" I hope you are right. But I want you to keep this just in case"

Grandma pulls out itching from under her pillow, It had a metal Cross at the end of it. She handed it to me

" keep this with you always"

She took the cross tenderly. Whatever drugs her, grandmother was on she hoped it would wear off soon

" I'll be fine grandma. No devil is going to go after me. You rest assured"

The old woman smiled at the reassurance though for some reason and you thought she didn't look much convinced.