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My GF Turns Into a Cat

My GF Turns Into a Cat




Stella was a famous cartoon artist. She had a secret crush on her neighbor Evaan. Fat and lack of confidence, she dared not to confess her love. However, one day, when she woke up, she found she was in Evann's bed. She wanted to scream in joy, but she could only meow... Gosh! She turned into a cat! She tried her best to make Evaan realize she was not his cat, but she failed. Gradually, she found it was not bad being his cat. She could eat, bathe and sleep with her dream lover. Then she found Evaan's biggest secret: he also had a secret crush! And that girl was... her?!

Stella woke up with a snort, smacked her lips and then blearily opened her eyes. She was up against something comfortable...and warm… was it her pillow? No...It was too warm to be that...this type of warmth...came from a person…

Wait, what?! 

Stella's eyes flew open in an instant and she nearly screamed in shock...there, right next to her...was Evaan Lanson, her next door neighbour who worked as a financial manager for one of the country's leading banks, the tall guy who was probably the most handsome man she'd ever met and not to mention...her long-time crush!

Stella blacked out.

Then, a minute later, she woke up, found she was still next to Evaan in his bed and started freaking out again.

Why was this happening to her? Did God decide to randomly take pity on her and grant her her wish?

She shook her head. Why would God do that?!

She blinked rapidly and took in a deep breath before trying to think about things rationally.

She was just a random girl, a full time comic artist, who was a little bit on the chubbier side or so she thought, and wasn't even that good looking.

Because of this, despite her huge, ginormous, planet sized crush on Evaan, she never told him that she liked him. But boy oh boy, did she still take every chance possible to run into Evaan.

Every morning at 7am, Evaan would go out for a morning jog while walking his dog. Coincidentally, VERY coincidentally, Stella would also just happen to have her milk delivered at that time everyday as well, so she got to have a front row view of Evaan running, his chest bouncing merrily with the effort. 

After Evaan would go for his shift at the bank, he would come home every weekday at 6:30 pm on the dot. And coincidentally, VERY coincidentally once again, Stella would be out of her house at that time as well, in order to throw the garbage out. This was the time she would gather all her courage and greet him everyday and he would greet her back enthusiastically.

The night prior to this fateful morning, Stella hadn't done anything out of the ordinary. She remembered going through her routine and then painting for a few hours until midnight struck and fell asleep hunched over her desk, in essence, nothing unusual for her.

So why on Earth did she wake up next to Evaan this morning?!


‘Back up, gotta back up. Think Stella, think!!! What could have possibly happened?!'

Forcing herself to breathe, Stella once again ran through the events of last night, but yet again came up with no clue as to why this was happening.

Was she dreaming? She was dreaming wasn't she? After all, how else would she fall asleep just to wake up next to Evaan.

Just as she was about to have another mini crisis, the man of the hour, Evaan himself opened his eyes with a low moan.

Seeing him so close and personal made Stella want to SCREAM, however, she didn't and chose to hold her breath instead.

‘No Stella, no screaming. Screaming is bad!' She told herself strictly.

Unaware of her dilemma the man shuffled closer to her. "Good morning." Evaan lazily smiled and raised his hand to caress her head.

‘Aaaaah it felt so nice~'

She was about to say something, when...

"Meow--" A small meow was sounded but she paid no attention to it as Evaan continued rubbing her head. He really was caressing her softly, aah his fingers were nice and long, not too rough and not too soft, just the way she had imagined his fingers would feel when she fantasized about holding his hand and going on a date...

‘Omg omg omg, I can't believe he touched my head, I'm gonna scream with joy!' She thought as Evaan gave her a particularly pleasing rub on the head.

She actually did let out a small scream, but then suddenly paused. She could have sworn she heard something funky come out of her mouth.

After a short beat of silence, she screamed again.


Excuse me, but what the f*ck?

She cleared her throat and tried to scream again, maybe she was still sleepy and her brain had not begun to function properly yet.

"Meow--Meow--" Again! The meows sounded again! What the f*ck?! What the actual f*ck?!

What had happened?! She tried screaming again and again only to meet the same result each time.

What. The.  F*ck.

Was she a cat? Oh God, she was a cat now?!

Before she could scream at the horror of her realisation, Evaan made a shushing sound and his pets began to get slower and more soothing.

"Shuuuuhs, shush baby, it's the morning, don't be so loud." He rubbed her back and tried to push her down to a sleeping position. "Go to sleep baby, it's the weekend."

‘Go to sleep?!?! Excuse me sir?!?!'

How did Evaan expect her to go to sleep when she was having such a crisis?!

She continued to meow vehemently and Evaan sighed as he realized he couldn't get her to calm down.

She stood up, hackles raised and immediately got a heart attack when she saw her orange and furry little legs, with perfect paws and pink toe beans.

Yes she was a very cute cat!!! But she was still a cat nonetheless!!!

"Meow--Meow--" She continued to meow in distress, trying to somehow convey to Evaan that something was wrong.

Evaan sighed again, but this time he lay on his back, picked her up and brought her close to his face and stared at her with a funny sort of smile.

‘Wow his face is so handsome up close!'

She shook her head, now was not the time for such thoughts!

He began to coo at her and talked to her in a baby voice as he slowly bounced her.

"What's wrong with you, baby?"