
Let’s Read The Word

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Accidental Affection

Accidental Affection

Author:Miracle Sunday



I hated myself when I realised that he has my heart now and I couldn't take it back. I wanted to have his love so much that it became an obsession. Something I couldn't stop doing. "Yes and I quote it was stupid"

A black van pulled up in front of DUNSIN

HIGH and a fair skinned tall girl emerged

from the back site of the car.

Her name was Jenny.

She stood for a while as her parents waved

her good bye.

She turned to face a multitude of people

her age,walking in and out,

Many stopping to greet each other.

She took her first step and her mind went

deep in thought. Being moved to a new

house and new neighborhood and now a

new school with no familiar faces.

"Yes and I quote it was torture"

She tough of how hard it was for her

to adjust to her last school and now all

of a sudden they moved to a new town

and to make matters worst her grandma

Who was her pillar of support didn't

come along with them.

This made it difficult for her to adjust as

quickly as she is expected to.

Still lost in thought and not realizing the reality she is facing, she colides into two group of

class eleven.

"Watch it stupid" screamed Cindy

Cindy was an average girl , she was at

The middle of the group and somehow the

sassiest of the group, she was standing

in between Anabel and Nicky.

"Am so sorry" jenny apologized.

"Sorry for yourself"Anabel barked.

Before Jenny could say anything the girls walked away, Jenny could hear them say

"I think she is a freshman"

Jenny bent her head in shame

She knew it was not going to be easy

For her to adjust, she was completely

aware of what she might face but she was

hoping for something different this time.

"Wow!what a perfect first impression

Stupid" She murmured to herself

outloud, much to the hearing of the

students standing around,who raised eyebrows at her. When she noticed this lowered her head and quickly walked to the principal's office where she collected her acceptance slip and schedule.

She headed straight for the first class of the day


* * * * *

The class was almost filled up when she got

there, with only two vacation seats left.

She took the sit right next to the window.

The teacher walked in and greeted Class but only a few replied.

The teacher Mr Nathaniel Lithberg,as he introduced himself to be,was a tall,

fair, dark haired man.

"Before we begin,I would like

us to welcome the newest member of our

class",he stated as he dropped his books on the table.

"Miss Castrofar", he said gesturing

Jenny in with his hands.

Jenny was comfortable with the fact that no one noticed her when she came in and she would have preferred it that way but now the teacher demands her to introduce herself.

She stood up reluctantly as she drew in air

to her lungs."My name is Jennifer

Castrofar, am glad to be here" she

said almost like in a hurry and sat down

immediately the last word left her mouth.

She had remembered how her introduction at her previous school had been. The students there even laughed at her.

She was expecting to be laughed at once again but to her relief no one laughed but she noticed that

it wasn't because they didn't want to but its

because they were not paying attention to her.

Just when she had taken a breath of relief

one of the male students shouted "no one

cares", and the whole class busted into


Jenny bent her head in disgrace, life in

this school was definitely gonna be hell for her

and she better be ready.

The laughter died down gradually and the teacher

commenced with his teaching.

"Our topic for today would be on the

history of voting,and we would be elaborating

more on how women got their voting

right",he stated as he paced left

and right, our main area of Interest

would be the women suffrage ,they were

a group of women who..

." On and on he went.

"Hi ",a still voice said from

beside Jenny. She turned and beheld

one of the most handsome set of brown eyes.

"Am Mark and you are?"

He asked.

" My name is Jenny", Jenny

answered .

" Well nice to meet you jenny and welcome

to history class", he said.

"Thanks" Jenny thanked.

Jenny returned her attention back to the teaching and so did Mark but not long after Mark called

for her attention again.

" so do you live around?" He


"No not really, I stay around

the shop mall area",she briefed

"Oh that is not quite far it's just around

the corner",he stated.

Jenny nodded her head in agreement

"So do you take a taxi to

school?"he asked.

"No,my parents drops me off for

now"Jenny answered

* * * * *

While Mark and jenny were still cut up with their

Conversation,the voice of Mr Lithberg came

to round up the teaching.

"And so this bill was passed into law by

the united States president" he said and just

as he was about to turn towards the right side

of the class, he caught a glance of

Jenny .

" miss Castrofar",he called.

Jenny turned at the mention of her name only to meet Me Lithberg's questioning look.

"Please would you be kind enough to tell the

Class what my last five words were",

He asked.

Jenny was stock, she didn't know what to

say, she wasn't listening at all.

If it was a direct question then she might have attempted it but this was rather tough, how

was she to know what he had in his


She was still delibrating on what to do when she

heard Mark cough loudly. At first she

tought that he was mocking her but when she

looked closer she saw him pointing at something written on a blank white sheet of paper.

She read it outlook"by the united States


"Good"the teacher said and turned

to the class "that would be all".