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Crushing On Your Majesty;The Girl He Hated

Crushing On Your Majesty;The Girl He Hated




His bodyguards closed the door and he turned to look at the nerd "I think you know why I have called you here Miss Williams" The nerd fidgeted with her specks and looked up at the next heir in line to the throne. "If having a crush on someone is a crime then you can call me a criminal your Majesty" He smirked and stood in front of her seat making her drop her gaze to his thousand dollar shoes. "Having a crush isn't but stalking someone is" She kept silent accepting that she did commit such crime,not only once but multiple times. "Anyways what do you like about me Miss Williams?" He asked placing his both hands on the armrests and moving his face closer to her. She held her breath as her insides screamed anxiety.She could feel her hands turning cold while her cheeks burning with fire. "Is it my face or is it my family name ?I demand a true reply Miss please don't bother lying" She looked up unable to form words to express herself.She liked so many things about him ,how can she explain them all to him. "Well my dear stalker if you don't answer I am left with assumption." She still didn't reply.Till he stays this near to her breathing itself was a big task speaking was impossible for her. "okay then my last question Have you stalked about my love life?" She looked up into those pools of blue and moved her head in a no "Well that should have been the first thing you should have googled about me...anyways let me enlighten you a bit ...I don't do relationships...I don't love Miss Williams ..I just fu** that what you want from me so that you stop following me?" His straightforward question made her turn hundred shades redder...the word he used was enough to lower her gaze and burn her insides with a new swirl of emotions. "No" She said. "Then stay the fu** away from me Miss Williams because I will only break your heart" He turned around to leave when he heard her "This is what I like about you the most Your Highness..your honesty"


  A princess whose father refused to give her his surname.

  A stepmother who called her illegitimate and disgrace.

  Lived her life like an orphan,trying to fill her empty stomach and cover her head with atleast a piece of cloth if not roof and mortar.

  Was she Evalinge Williams

  With a dream of serving in military one day,she studied and got admission in the top school of the elite and rich.

  But who knew that one glimpse at the country's future Prince will ruin her plans and shake the very base of her innocent heart.

  A mistaken steamy incident in the shower room was all took for the prince to take notice of this persistent stalker.

  He hated her shyness,her status,her persistence,her weak self and everything related to her initially.

  But little did he knew that one day she will become his only weakness.

  Breaking all his assumptioms and stereotypes she will stare at him with the ferociousness of a lioness that only a lion like him could handle.

  Evalinge Williams was truly a mystery that confused the young Prince's philosophies.

  But without a doubt he couldn't deny their unspoken chemistry.

  Times will change,enemies will strike.

  Bloodlines will be questioned and wars will ignite.

  But the question will still remain.

  Will winds of time and weights of crowns make them unite as one? Or will Daniel always remain his stalker's crush.

  "Crushing on your majesty was my hearts untamable compulsion,

  While loving him, my life's first and last obsession.

  -Evalinge "

  ..................... Chapter 1...............

  "I didn't knew what crush was ,

  till I saw him with my eyes,

  Strengthening the belief of what they called,

  love at first sight."


  Teenagers do a lot of things for the first time and one of them is to crush on someone.

  Some crushes give you love while others literally crush you but either way, they introduce you to a new kind of feeling inside you which you never knew existed.

  She experiences them when she saw him for the first time.

  His entrance was grand just like his future position.

  Bodyguards in black surrounded him as he stepped out of his black Ferrari and put on his shades.

  The school resembled a museum where he was the most gawked at item. The girls had their mouths open while the guys had a new figure among them they could look up to.

  But her reaction was different.

  On one look at him, a weird kind of feeling engulfed her and the innocent girl felt afraid of what her body was experiencing.

  While others pushed others to move forward she pushed harder to go out.

  She ran away from the chaotic entrance and those blue eyes.

  She ran till she reached her favourite bench behind the school building.

  Breathing in and out she tried to relax. Soon she was normal but her mind was in a turmoil.

  Am I normal she thought

  There were other girls also who were screaming his name and trying to just touch him but why couldn't she just there like others.

  On not finding answers to her questions she just decided one thing

  To stay away from him at all times.

  Things didn't go as planned

  He had the same classes as her

  He was the most talked-about boy in school

  He was the most talked-about teenager in magazines and even the TV channels boosted his pictures for trp.

  But hell broke loose when she saw about him what others didn't saw.

  He had a very kind heart

  He was an arrogant disaster at the face but a soothing smoothie at heart.

  Well, that sounded weird ...

  She was a very deep person

  By deep I mean an emotional mess but composed on the outside

  A buyer of good hearts and intelligent brains not of external beauties.

  He being a topper in all the department shook the very base of her delicate heart.

  She saw him thank his bodyguard no matter how many times

  She saw him feeding the sparrows in lunchtime

  She saw him defending his friends behind their backs and most importantly she liked how he spoke his mind without fear of this world.

  He didn't have to fear anything as he was the next king to her country but still, he was very bold and loyal.

  He was the worst nightmare for the ones who did him wrong and he didn't forgive no matter what.

  I am a stalker

  Yes, I admit that but what else could I do when he attracted me like no one ever did.

  When he intrigued me and took away my night's sleep and days peace.

  But the problem began when people started noticing this.

  When they caught me red-handed staring at him from behind the pillars

  When they saw me staring at his back

back because I never dared to look directly at his face

and having my cheeks turn red.

  Then one day my friend asked

  "Eva do you have a crush on him?"

  And my blush was enough to give her my answer and soon everyone knew

  about "The Nerd's crush on your Majesty".