
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Moonlight Shadow



Corrina G. Fajardo discovered that she was falling in love with a young Mafia billionaire named Guillermo R. Lacosta since she accepted to be his contract girlfriend and housemaid in the large mansion at Cielo en la Tierra Resort. However, Guillermo has a troubled history that haunts him now and has a negative impact on his relationship with Corrina as well as the bitter conflict he had with rival Mafia Leader Darius O. Maximiliano after 30 days.

When I spotted the bouncers as my friend Jennifer and I was about to enter the disco club, I felt both anxious and embarrassed as well as happy and excited.

I have never been to a disco before.

Jennifer gave me a raised eyebrow.

She grabbed my arm as we entered the disco club, saying, "Of course, because you are a fucking virgin, come on."

She gave me a close, detailed look before sighing deeply.

"If I were a boy, I would want to taste every part of your body since you are a drop-dead gorgeous queen."

She has a lot of experience having sex with her ex-boyfriends, and Jennifer's mouth is very plain, vulgar, and unrestrained. Jennifer doesn't give a damn what other people might think of her or what she wants to say.

And based on what I perceive about myself, any man can lust for me even though my physique is not attractive. Jennifer gave me a loan of her carnation-pink body-tight dress, emphasizing my figure and making my boobs appear fuller and larger than usual. We had already entered the disco club, so there was nothing I could do to stop feeling uneasy and humiliated by the people who would see me.

The stage is surrounded by neon lights and neon-colored music, and people are shouting, dancing, and singing while drinking alcohol. Some individuals enjoy talking and kissing one side.

I thought at the time that I was simply being kept in the dark because everyone else around me was emancipated, accepting, and free-spirited.

As I followed Jennifer upstairs, I became increasingly uneasy. Jennifer used the VIP card to get the bouncer to let us in when we went upstairs.

When Jennifer's friends welcomed us at the top once we reached the summit, I was taken aback.

Maxine said, "Hey, Virgin Corrina is here!" She kissed my cheeks, and I reciprocated.

Jennifer's friends were simultaneously clapping and laughing.

Victoria told me, "Corrina, you look hot."

I gave a timid smile and sat down next to Jennifer.

I was almost ashamed to say "thank you" for their compliments.

Since I don't believe in my beauty, I honestly don't feel comfortable when people compliment me or call me lovely. While I'm wearing this clothing and applying makeup to my face, I feel like I'm just acting and concealing my shortcomings.

Victoria laughed as Maxine murmured something while looking at me, so I turned to look around. I believe they were referring to me, or perhaps they were surprised that Jennifer had invited me.

Only Antoinette's abrupt interruption caused me to lose focus.

"Corrina, do you want a timid, dull, cute boy or an aggressive, good in bed boy?" Hahaha, "

Dina breaks us up.

Dina smirked devilishly at me and said, "Do you want to drink, Corrina?"

My head shook.

I abstain from alcohol.

She offered me a glass of tequila and said, "Oh, come on, you're old-fashioned." We're here to party, not to whisper, and just make fun of the men walking by. "

Dina said, laughing at me, "Don't tell me you're still drinking milk until now." Dina added while laughing at me.

She even made fun of me.

Jennifer defended me, saying, "She's not accustomed to drinking girls; leave her alone."

I kept staring at the shot glass Dina handed me. I forced myself to drink tequila because I was ashamed of myself for abstaining from alcohol. Due to the tequila's strong flavor, I nearly choked many times. Jennifer's companions laughed at me as a result; I appeared particularly humiliated in their eyes, and they started to roll their eyes, but she persisted. I was given a glass of tequila by Dina.

Jennifer halted Dina and said, "That's enough," but I still took the glass of tequila.

"Good lady, just drinks," Dina said, "since the harsh taste of Tequila gradually fades until you get used to it and start to like it."

I want to demonstrate to them that I can adapt and maintain my drinking pace. I sipped the tequila shot glass, which caused mild dizziness in me.

Every time I drink a glass of tequila, my throat feels like it's flaming toward the rest of my body. They're all hyping me up.

Dina said, while intoxicated in her seat, "Wow! Corrina, you are doing fantastic!"

Maxine smiled as she rose to her feet and drew Jennifer away.

"Let's dance, girls," I said.

I can smell various aromas around us, and there are a few people who take a glimpse at us while others are busy dancing. Maxine seems to be getting tired of drinking tequila as she leads us one by one toward the dance floor.

We were already crammed with so many people, the music was unbearably loud, and I was beginning to feel like my head was starting to hurt. When Jennifer suddenly let go of my hands, I was startled and looked around. I was there, but I couldn't see her anymore. Young men were dancing in front of me, so I passed by the side, but it was really difficult to get by since everyone was so close. I wasn't sure which way to walk, so I looked all around, but I couldn't find my buddy anywhere.

I turned back because I was bewildered and a bit uneasy when I abruptly slammed into the chest of a large middle-aged man with a mustache and a serious-looking face. He was dressed in a posh, expensive American suit, but I was terrified because he seemed a little hostile and had a cold, calculating eyes.

The man laughed and said, "Baby, can you do me a lap dance?"

My cheeks started to flush, and I tried to stay away out of fear for my safety, but it was too late.

He grabs my hands, ties them to his strong palms, and then abruptly gives me a bear hug. The nasty middle-aged pervert pressed his lips against my neck and gave me a hasty kiss.

I tried to avoid him and fight off his arms, but he was too strong for me to move. As soon as I could move my knee, I kicked him with all my force in his dick.

The man released his hold on me after screaming in agony, "AHHH," and he winced for a while.

I escaped his grasp and moved away fast, but he grabbed my hair and pulled me back toward him. Then, all of a sudden, he stopped and released me, and I found myself practically unsteady in my position.

Unexpectedly, a stranger cried out, "You keep away from my girlfriend," and blocked-in front of me to shield me from the middle-aged pervert's attack.

The middle-aged pervert scowled and appeared a little disinterested in what the other man was saying.

He pressed the young man, "Oh, REALLY? Show me. "

"YES," The stranger abruptly pulled me up and kissed me on the lips.

His appeal is tempting, and his lips are very velvety. When everything was moving so quickly and my head was having trouble keeping up, I felt as though I could pass out.

After briefly losing consciousness, I quickly regained it and shoved the stranger until the perverted middle-aged man punched him. There was some disturbance as the stranger jumped onto the dance floor; people fled but had no idea where to hide or go. Despite my desire to escape, flee, and find my coworkers, I felt bad for the stranger who had just saved my life. He immediately kissed me without even asking my permission, and I wanted to smash his face alone.

Even though the bouncers were also approaching him as I watched the enraged middle-aged pervert approach him, I was still concerned. I searched the area until I found a bottle of beer, picked it up without hesitation, and then struck the middle-aged pervert in the head with it with all my power. The bottle hit him in the head, causing him to pass out and fall to the ground.

I was horrified by what I had done and thought I had committed a terrible crime. I didn't intend it when I said or did it, and I merely acted in self-defense to protect others.

After some time, strangely attired males showed up; they all wore black sunglasses and appeared to be the unusual young man's bodyguards. They approached the middle-aged pervert and then assisted in lifting him.