
Let’s Read The Word

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Billionaire's Pretend Girlfriend

Billionaire's Pretend Girlfriend




One mistake. One tiny little mistake of hitting the wrong guy is all it takes for Victoria Vega's life to change. When her brother Javih Vega steals from the renowned business man Zion Queens and shoots him in the process, Victoria Vega is forced to confront Zion inorder to get her brother out of jail. But fate has a really weird way of twisting things, what happens when the man she publicly humiliated two years ago, turns out to be the man trying to make her brother rot in jail? Will she beg for forgiveness first or wish do everything she can to get her brother out of jail? Victoria chooses the latter and thus begins a life of fake dating with billionaire Zion Queens. Zion Queens on the other hand is the typical gorgeous man, with a cold hearted exterior and a rather rugged outlook of the world. He doesn't believe in love nor does he believe in marriage. Being born a bastard to the millionaire Maximo Houlbourn teaches Zion a couple of things, One, being that you have to own up to who you are, where it like armor so no one will try to use it against you. Two, being that love was the root of all suffering because it's the same love that has his mother alone in her death bed while she draws her last breath. However when he agrees to date Victoria Vega to appease his father and at the same time try to get the woman out of his head, rule number two, starts to crumble, sparks fly and he can only hold himself accountable for falling in love.

Tori braced herself. Sure this was not a place of her criteria but she had to do this for her best friend. She had to do this for Macy. Her hips moved in rhythm with the loud yet passionate tunes that the DJ tinkered with, her eyes on the other hand scanned the room with drunk delinquents wondering if by any chance the douche would actually show up as Macy had suggested.

Daniel Harwich was the kind of man that irked Victoria. No man and I repeat no man had the right to hit a woman. Now a guy like Daniel, a filthy rich brat didn't deserve someone like Macy. Someone who'd just beat around women like one of his guard dogs simply because she refused to tend to his 'manly needs'. Another image of Macy's bruised face was enough to ignite the adrenaline in Tori's body. If the police weren't going to do anything, she would take matters in her own hands do the unthinkable to Daniel Harwich till he himself would file a restraining order against Macy.

As if on cue, her eyes met the guy casually entering the bar and bingo! She recognized him. It's not like she had seen him but Macy sure explained how he looked. The midnight black hair, the glorious face like that of Matthew Daddario and that jaw mmmh even Jacob Elordi's wouldn't match his. For a moment she was dazed, her mission in jeopardy as she observed him casually settling his butt on the stool against the bar counter. As sudden as he felt someone's gaze on him he turned to meet a pair of brown doe eyes staring at him in the midst of the dancing bodies shoving themselves back and forth on the dance floor.

Tori on instinct walked straight up to him, grabbing him by the collar like an old good Sheriff interrogating a local criminal and spat, "You no good piece of scum!"

"E.." She was quick to note his brows tighten, the muscles hidden beneath that seemingly attractive blue shirt tense up, everytime the lights hit his face, Tori swallowed a gulp of saliva seeing his eyes cut her deep like a blunt knife constantly stabbing her heart. She would have given up but the adrenaline still coursing in her veins gave her much needed energy.

"You are the kind of man that mothers warn their daughters about. You are the kind of man that shouldn't father a kid because you know what? You are a psychopath, a sore loser who beats women just for the fun of it but trust you me every pain that Macy felt because of you. I'll return it tenfold,"she paused her hands still on his collar.

Her right hand loosening her grip on his collar, she slapped him across the face but truth be told, only she felt the pain. Seeing that plan A didn't work she opted for plan B, forming her right hand into a knuckled fist she crushed his balls making sure the damage was so painful that the all mighty Daniel Harwich was lying on the floor squirming in pain.

"Next time you try coming close to Macy or even think of hurting her, I'll get a saw. Chop your dick so slow and nice that your 'manly needs' won't be the last thing of your concern"

With a victorious smile Tori got out of there everyone paving room for her to exit the bar. Even Cougar in all his years in running the bar had to admit that today was the first time he'd seen a woman attack one of his best customers yet.

Waving her hands in mid air in hopes of catching a cab, her phone rung and she fished it out of her purse a smile plastered on her face.

"Yes Mace, I did the 'slap both cheeks' thing and 'the smash balls part' though I have to admit it felt weird feeling actual balls and something else on my virgin hands. And yes I'm sure he won't bother you. Not after what I said"

For a moment there, Victoria paused noting that for the whole minutes she had blabbered out, Macy had spoken a word. Macy not speaking meant something was up and Tori sure knew as hell that what was coming couldn't be good.

"Tori, Dan apologized. He finally told me he has PTSD and that he was ashamed to tell me about it. I__I forgave him Tori. And he's here with me. A-And if he's here then you are there...then you went with the plan...Oh My God Tori did you hit the wrong person?"

Rooted on the spot, Victoria didn't blink what she wanted to do however was to curl into a ball and die.