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Ages Of Darkness

Ages Of Darkness




A Must Read Story!!! The soldiers fell on their knees their right hands on their chest,as soon as the queen approaches.Queen Zoire walks majestically as the trail of her seems move endlessly at her back.The gown was made with pure gold, with the breast plate designed with bronze metal that pressed her breast tightly to a her chest.A liquid silk cover her arms to the wrist of her hand,her gray hairs were graciously tucked in behind her ears down to her waist, leaving some strands of hairs dangling in front of her face..


The soldiers fell on their knees their right hands on their chest,as soon as the queen approaches.Queen Zoire walks majestically as the trail of her seems move endlessly at her back.The gown was made with pure gold, with the breast plate designed with bronze metal that pressed her breast tightly to a her chest.A liquid silk cover her arms to the wrist of her hand,her gray hairs were graciously tucked in behind her ears down to her waist, leaving some strands of hairs dangling in front of her face.Her hairs seems to glitter in silver as the rays of the sun shine on them.Her eyes were transculent sea blue,as her pupil dilation little green in them.She had a pointed nose and a plump lips.Indeed the queen looks like a goddess as everything seems to fit in a oblong face.Except for the betrayal of her gray hairs.She had aged gracefully.Behind her followed the two princess of cloud city,both of them were heavily built and some.Except for the colour of their hairs that differs.Darl whose hairs were blond, took everything after his mother except for his cold looks, arrogance and rude behavior he had.They had clearly reflected on his face as he looked down on the multitude of people as if they were flies he would like to dispose and get over quickly.Erimense on the other hand had I thick black hairs,the strands seems to cover his eyes but he walks with extreme confidence in his aura he gave the people a masked smile.Behind them were the Counsellors of cloud.The people hail the name of the queen as she took her seat on the throne,with the two princes taking their place by standing beside her with their hands on the tilt of their sword.

One of the chief elders of the Counsellor whose name was Omaha Rose to speak to the people.After calming the people he started his speech..

" good people of Cloud city,the Fairess of all have announced that the the duel of the two princes will begin in two weeks time........" . Immediately the people heard this, they began to hail the queen."Hail the Fairess, goddess of the moon, strong and feirce in battle,hail the queen of cloud city"They all chorus.Omaha pleased with what he was hearing decided to let them continue for a while then raise his hands up to make them quite.He continues "The Fairess of Cloud city have also announced that the celebration of the new moon festival should be starting tonight.Has the gods has favoured us with bountiful harvest this year,and finally on the day of the new moon,the princes of cloud city will prove to us their worthiness by battling Zrr"ask and Fist the deadliest beast in the history of cloud city"As Omaha left and bowed before the the queen before taking his seat among the councillors.The people chorused on and continue hailing the queen.Darl was boiling with rage,his hands on the tilt of his sword."why had Mother done this to him,he was the rightful heir to the throne and why has she decided to let Erimense the adopted prince partake in the duel meant for the royal blood alone".He thought gritting his teeths together."Darl" Erimense called his name."what?",he scolded back at Erimense."You are about to unsheath your sword Darl"Erimense smiled at him,Darl narrowed his eyes at him and ask."You seems so happy today Erimense".He said trying to hide his anger.Erimense looked at him and just gave a shrug.

It was already noon,Darl storms into the inner chamber of the queen and snapped."Mother I want to ............" .The queen raised her finger to shut him up."Darl I hope it is high time you learned some courtesy and etiquette.You cannot break into my chamber just as you like unless you are being summoned,do I make myself clear Dark?"" .Darl curled his hands into fist and gritted the words through his teeth."Yes Mother".He watched as she gently play with her pet."Now go on son,you said you wanted to see me".Not looking at Darl as she continues to stroke the fur of her pet.Darl was very angry,he felt like thrusting his sword into the the heart of the useless pet as his eyes drifted back to his mother."Why did you let Erimense partake in that duel mother?".He asked,and his question caught Zoire by surprise."Oh about that ,why won't I. Erimense is also a princes so why should I deny him of that?".She asked.Darl eyes narrowed on her."Why are you pretending Mother as if you do not know what I'm talking about?"".Zoire pats the pet on the head and sighs."What are you talking about Darl?".Darl was now boiling with rage."Didn't we all know you adopted Erimense ,and he is not of a royal blood". Zoire suddenly looked up At Darl suprised."Who told you that Darl?". She asked.Darl lips twitched with a smile."Oh mother,I had known since I was twelve,I heard t when you and your trusted councillor Jemy were discussing about it........" .Zoire suddenly cut him off angrily"Enough of your foolish talk Darl,why is it that of everything thing I ever done to you,you still envy Erimense ..why? Erimense will be participating in the duel Darl,and there is nothing you can do about it".she said walking up to him now. Darl looked at his mother and snapped at her "I wonder why you are so gruesome mother,you will not let Erimense partake in the duel mother I insist". Trying to calm is temper.Zoire suddenly looked at her son,her blood boiling with rage.Her eyes began to glow and the shone brighter purple bright enough to blind an eye.Darl tries to shield his eyes with is hands to cover his eyes.He could feel her rage now."Enough of that Darl,how dare you question my authority,you rude twerp".She fold her hands into fist ."I will make you pay for that Darl for disrespecting me".As she stretched her hands forward ,some bluish energy gathered into her hands,Darl gasp is two hands around his neck as his eyes widens in shock and pain he tries desperately to force some words out."Please mother". Hearing this Zoire brought down her hands and watch as Darl fell on the floor gasping for breath to feel his starving lungs, blood bleeding from his nose and his ears ringing."Don't ever disrespect me again Darl,I am the queen and your mother".She said as she sat on her golden couch.Darl gave a snarl and answered"Yes Mother"