
Let’s Read The Word

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Curing Caius

Curing Caius




When Neveah lands herself a job as the personal assistant for the cold billionaire single dad Caius Caballero, their sizzling chemistry is impossible to deny. Though Caius is hellbent on keeping his cold aura in check and his fiesty new assistant at an arm's length, he soon finds her melting the walls around his heart, one by one.But as the days get longer Neveah can't help but wonder what Caius has to do with her past and the accident that left her with amnesia and a scar for life. *Previously a wattpad story.

Rain splatters against the window as I stare out of the cab at the bustling traffic.

Hearing the honking of the cars and the heavy sound of wind roaring outside, my head starts to feel heavy. Around the street, I see a couple kissing under the rain, their clothes are wet, but they don't seem to care. I watch silently as the guy cups the girls chin and captures her mouth in his. I rub my fingers against my forehead as a sharp jolt of pain hits my head. It's happening again.

Sometimes, everything feels like deja vu and my head starts aching. The feeling when you scratch your nails against the wall– It's something you can't explain. Just like how I am feeling now.

I tap my foot against the seat in frustration and lean my head back, just waiting for the moment to pass. My eyelids start to droop and I close them, letting peace take over me.

"Then tell me, Ash. I want to know what you were doing yesterday, if you were not on a date with that lovely new girlfriend of yours! " I yelled at him, not because he couldn't hear me because of the rain, but because seeing him here like this, his hair dishelved and his clothes soaking from the rain felt like a punch to the guts. All the pent-up emotions was giving me a headache and couldn't hold it back any longer. I wanted to know. I needed to know why my boyfriend of two years thought it not necessary to tell me about his engagement to someone else.

"Tell me. I want to know." I tell him again, and watch him rake his hand through his hair in frustration.

He mutters something under his breath, something he always does when he doesn't know what to tell me, and takes a quick step forward towards.

"Listen... I- I didn't know. Mom made me go to there, kitten. I swear I didn't know she was going to be there. There's nothing between me and her, Adri. You know I love you-"

"Stop!" I yell cutting him off. "You don't get to ignore me all day, go to a damn party with the girl your mom has been match-making you with since forever, get engaged to her and then try to break my door at freaking two in the morning and tell me you love me! You don't, okay ? I don't believe you anymore. You... you lied to me. You used me !"

In a second, he is standing in front of me in his whole 6'2 feet, his steel blue eyes sending a shiver through my spine. His cups my cheek in his palm, running his thumb over my jaw and sighs. "I didn't... I didn't lie to you, kittem. I would never." He rasps, his voice breaking at the end. "I didn't know about the engagem-"

"Your mother said-" I start but he sighs, cutting me off. "Of course she would say something like that, Adri. You know she-" he started down at my eyes with so much emotion, so much pain that it breaks my heart. Why was he in pain ? He was the one who hurt me.

"You know she's not our number one fan... I swear kitten. I didn't know. Hell, I didn't even know she was going to be there. Mom said we were going the party and she forced me to go along. She was there Adri, she was waiting with her dad. One moment mom was talking to someone and the next moment she was announcing about the engaagaement. I never even spoke to her about it, so the engagement was shocking for me.I was so confused Adri... I'm so sorry I- "

"You were not picking up my calls. I called you so many times. And then when I saw that damn news of you getting engaged, I felt numb Ash. That was all I could feel. It was my fault. My fault that I trusted you. I should have known I was nothing but a plaything to you, that you would discard me like everyone else. You're just like the rest of them." I sob, and he pulls me into his chest, his arms wrap tightly around my waist and I feel his lips press against my wet hair.

"I never meant to hurt you, kitten. Please don't cry Adri. I promise. I promise I'll make it right."

"What are you saying?" I mumble as I lift my head to look into his eyes and shiver as I see the emotions flash in his eyes.

"Ash? What are you going to do ?" I ask him wiping my red teary eyes and he looks at me with a determined expression.

"Something that I must have done a long time ago." He says as he smiles sadly at me. For a second, I see guilt flash in his eyes, but it's so fast I would have thought I had imagined it. Instead, he smiles down at me planting a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Everything will be alright kitten." He says softly against my lips and I nod. Between all the chaos, I believe him.

I love him. I love–

"Miss Woodski ?" A sudden voice makes me jolt from my seat. I look around and find myself in the cab. Had I dozed off ? Was I having one of those weird dreams again?

My eyes fall on the driver who is looking at me apologetically through the rearview mirror.

"We're here." he says and I look out of the window. The rain has stopped now and in front us is a huge building that says 'Caballero inc.' Caballero... Where have I heard it before ?

I get out the car after I pay the driver and look at my watch.

Today is the day I am going to start my new job as the personal assistant to billionaire bussiness tycoon Caius Caballero, and I can't afford be late.

I make my way through the main entrance and spot a middle aged lady talking to a young man.

I straighten the invisible lines off my clothes and walk over to her amd flash her a bright smile.

"Good morning Mrs. Reyes." I greet her amd she quickly turns to me, her brown eyes widening in delight amd she smiles back at me.

"Neveah, honey! Right on time." She chuckles as she excuses herself from the man she was talking to and asks me to follow her. "And by the way, I've told you so many times already, just call me Raven." She scoffs slowly and I smile back at her. I start to follow her but turn back to take one last look of the man she was talking to.

I don't know him... I've never met him. But something in his expression, the way he stared at me with disbelief and confusion with his jaw at the floor seemed familiar to me. It felt as if I knew him... as if he was someone close to me, and I shook off the urge to smack his head.

What was happening to me ? Who was this guy and why was he staring at me like he'd just seen a ghost?