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Black Crescent

Black Crescent

Author:Taneshia_ Warren



Alexis has always had a rough life after her parents were killed by their rival pack she took over as the luna and CEO of her parent's company. Alexis just graduated from high school but even though she's young she is very ruthless when it comes to her business and protecting her pack. Alexis doesn't want to find her mate she would rather live her life being a little wild and crazy and looking after her pack. But everything changes when she meets Hunter the alpha of the black crescent pack her mate and enemy.

Everything changed after that day. I had to take over the pack. I'm only 18 years old, but I have to lead a pack and run a company. I wasn't ready for all this responsibility; I was always so wild and carefree. I would always get in fights, and I stayed in trouble at school. If I weren't the alpha daughter, I probably would have been expelled. My parents died six months ago when we went to war with the black crescent pack. The silver moon also killed the black crescent alpha and luna in their battle, so I heard their son had to take over. This rivalry between our two packs was going on before I was even born, so if one day their alpha comes looking for a fight, I will be ready. Every day I would wake my pack up at 5 in the morning; we would train until eight, then eat breakfast.

After breakfast, I would go to the company, and my beta would take over training until I got back. At first, it was hard for my pack to get used to all the changes that I made. The pack didn't use to do all this training, but I was not going to experience what we did six months ago again. We train every day until we're tired, and now my pack has some of the best fighters in the world. Even the rouges know better than to attack my pack; our name brings fear. When I'm at the company, I'm very strict. I don't allow anyone to slack off everyone has to do their work, and I don't care about any excuses. If they can't do their work, they don't get promoted. I can be very ruthless when it comes to my business; many people want to corroborate, but I am very picky about who I work with. I don't like shady people, and I only choose companies that can help improve my business; if they can't benefit me, why choose to work with them. When I arrive at the company, my assistant reads me my schedule. I have three meetings today and a dinner party that I'm supposed to attend. I double-check my work and look for any errors and prepare for the meeting. In case you're wondering, my parents, owned a hotel and restaurant business. I'm currently trying to expand while ensuring that our current business partners are happy about our service. Many people doubted that I could run the company since I was young, but I proved them all wrong. I was interrupted from my work when someone knocked on the door.

"come in," I said; the door opened, in my assistant walked in.

" miss silver, your 11 o'clock is here".

" thank you, Alice; you can send them in."