
Let’s Read The Word

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In Too Deep

In Too Deep

Author:Rebecca Charles



Chloe Knight a 17-year-old girl keeps her head down living life day by day to finish school and get out of town got herself mixed into a situation that she can’t talk to her peers or her parents about. Kemal Best 18 years old who used to play soccer got injured in the process preventing him from being on the team at his school he turned to partying, fighting, and becoming careless that’s his way of coping with the loss of soccer. When Kemal and Chloe come together and start to open up to one another will they be able to help each other overcome their demon or will they both crash into darkness?.


Waking up this morning is bittersweet for me I used to love the moment that I knew it was the first day of school I would be the first one up and ready to go now I’m probably the last one still in bed I’m drained the minute that I have to walk into Garden Grove Academy most of the kids I haven’t see them this summer but my boyfriend the most popular guy in school I’ve seen half of this summer that itself was a full-time job.

With a sigh, I threw the cover over my head when I saw the sun hit my window Yep definitely not ready for the outside world closing my eyes to get two minutes in I heard my mom behind my door” You better get out of that bed young lady” ugh how did she know I wasn’t even up not moving in inch hoping she’ll move on if I act like I didn’t hear her when I didn’t hear anything I thought I won the battle until the cover was rip over my body with one swift movement and I’m staring at my mother how the hell did she gets in here so quiet I know the house has to make some noise with the little strength that I have I try to get the cover from her but she keeps it out of reach.

“Mom I’m tired I’m not going today” Try to give her my most innocent face still staring down at me with her hands on her hips “You know today is just the first day I’m not going to miss anything ”.

Still, I got nothing from her fine I knew she not going to move until I got off the bed so with a sigh I got up with my hands up in the air “See I’m up” I said while making my way to the bathroom hoping she left my room with her silent treatment that works every time.

when I got inside I looked in the mirror the person who was staring back at me was someone that I didn’t know my once very black hair was so dark that people used to ask me why I put black color in my hair instead of putting an actual color to give it lives now lose all the excitement to leave so does my brown eyes that used to have the life of a teenager in them now they look like they’ve been through a whole lifetime of their own throwing some water in my face to bring life into it still nothing works giving up I jump in the shower took a quick one since I’m running later got out pull out a dark red dress that compliments my caramel skin tone I pair it with a flat open toes brown shoes checking myself in the mirror I saw that I wasn’t looking that bad I know my boyfriend might not approve but today I couldn’t care less I’m trying to take little control.

Being satisfied with what I saw in the mirror I went downstairs to have breakfast when my sister pulled me by my arm taking us out of the door “Wait I didn’t have breakfast yet” still dragging me outside the house my mother who was watching in front of the door say” You should’ve woke up early” oh that’s how it is now I don’t wake up early I don’t get breakfast damn finally my sister let go of my arm, school wasn’t that far from our house which is why our parents don’t bother to give us a ride on their way to work, seeing that we were almost at the school my heart starts beating so hard in my chest I was afraid it would pop out. You’ll think I was afraid of the building itself but deep down I know I’m afraid of what’s waiting, or better yet who might be waiting for me in there.

Letting my sister go in, I took a minute to observe and take everything in. I felt someone putting their arm around my waist. I turned to see my boyfriend was behind me I mentally prepared myself for what he was going to say about my dress. "What the hell are you wearing? Where’s the dress that I brought you to wear today?”

Keeping my face away from him I say” I didn’t think it was appropriate to wear today, maybe Friday I’ll wear it.” Before he could say anything his best friend showed up. “Are you love birds going to stand here all day or are we going to start the new year?” Laughing we followed him inside I mentally thanked him for saving me without knowing it.

I kissed my boyfriend George before I went to my locker and in search of my best friend Sky I found her next to my locker we hugged each other like we weren’t with each other last night “Girlfriend you ready for another year in this hell hole” since I know this girl she never like the school or many of the people who are there I don’t blame her not when you have the popular, the non-popular, the nerd and everyone else falls in the basket so yeah you have to find where you belong.

For the first two years, I fell into the category of shy/quiet and nerd I loved it I would come to school do my work hangouts with my club friends somehow by the end of the year my life took an unexpected turn when I helped George with this math final that was it for me at the time he made me laugh, blushing whenever he's around I liked that it didn’t hurt that I had a crush on him for a minute before we decided to have a romantic relationship we spent all summer being lost in our little bubble but once that bubbles got busted I indeed saw what my relationship is really about.

It got me thinking why the hell would he choose me to be his girlfriend when I’m just a little nerdy girl now I know it’s something I can’t let anyone know blinking I saw Sky's hands waving in my face “Girl where are you went” smiling she was looking behind me” you were thinking about your man weren’t you?”

If she only knew I turned to see him coming my way now what the hell would I have done? I'm wondering when Sky pushed me towards him” Babe what’s going on?” Holding my hands he pushed us inside an empty classroom.

“You know that job of yours you quitting it got it”

wait what No “No you know I need the job George I can’t do that”

Pulling me closer to him with a tight grip on my waist which going to leave a mark on my body “ I wasn’t asking you now was I?, cause I’m hearing things that I don’t like so you are quitting the job” he pushed me against the wall so damn hard I felt the effects of it, it took my breath away he didn’t even wait to see if I’m alright it’s nothing new but I thought It was going to be different this year I’m always hoping.

“Girl we got to go?” Sky grabbed me the bell had already ringed Our first class was Math a subject that I used to love but now I hate with a passion cause that’s the thing that put me into George's path once the class started Mr. Makepeace was writing on the board when he classroom door open and none other than bad boy Kemal Best walks in with no care in the wall Mr. Makepeace turns to look at him” do you have a pass Mr. Best” looking at his packet his say” ops looks like I don’t Mr. Math now what” the whole class laugh except for George “ now this is the first day don’t you think you could’ve changed and come to class early get less detention”

“ Now why would I do that, they’re no fun in there.”

Feed up with him Mr. Makepeace says” Find a seat next time you’ll be finding a seat at detention”.

Walking into the room as he, owned it Kemal said” Just how I like it.” To make matters worse the only empty seat was right next to me which was in the second row of the class. Damn, today is not my day. I can already tell that George does not like that. What can I do? Not paying him any mind I pulled out my notebook and started taking notes. When I felt a tap on my arm turning to my left I saw that it was Kemal raising my eyebrows at him. He said,” I need a piece of paper and a pen”. Where the hell did he think he was coming to the jungle with a bag and no notebook and pen? Shaking my head I ripped the paper off and gave him a pen smiling at me he “Thanks” I didn’t even look at George to see the fumes coming out of his head I’ll deal with him later.