
Let’s Read The Word

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In a world where all are under agreement for the sake of peace between mages and humans. Two kids just wandering around the village to know what life does a normal human have. They're not just an ordinary kids who always play around but they're special. Magic and darkness runs through their veins. The story follows Falla and Talon as they break rules, discover what's beyond the barriers, and the amazing adventure waiting for the both of them as they will conquer the prophecy that awaits them.

“Do you think our parents will forgive and won't try to kill us after we failed the last exam?” Even Falla knows the answer in the first place which she hopes the outcome would be the opposite she still asked her twin, Talon.

“Well, as a positive one, no,” Talon said sarcastically.

“Ha-ha, what's with the positive one then saying “no” eventually? Do you think it's helpful, Talon?” Her thick well-shaped brow raised as she gave a not-so-good look.

Talon scratched his nape giving Falla an awkward giggle. “I'm just lighting up the mood, but now I think you're kinda upset,” he said.

Falla shrugged out of her frustration, rolling her perfect-round blue eyes as she crossed her arms.

Falla felt something's strange to the place, to the atmosphere, and even to them. Talon also felt the same way as her. It was like something's going to happen unexpectedly.

“Speaking of lighting us up, it's way too dark in here.” Her soft-angelic voice trembles out of fear.

An unusual sound started to creep the both of them. It was behind the woods three blocks away from them. They both held hands together. They were both afraid for what's to come, out of nowhere.

It would be a hungry animal in search of food or a deadly monster who's waiting for its prey. Both of them hope it was just an assumption.

“Suppleret nos lumen tuum.” Falla cast a spell as she waved a piece of stick on thin air and a blinding ball of light appeared up above them. It brightens the area close to them.

There, a dark hooded figure stepped out of darkness to reveal itself. Its eyes were as red as blood and its presence gives a chilling and horrifying feel.

“The two witch kids...have you heard about the prophecy?” The twins looked at each other being puzzled.

“Oh, I see, I would be glad that I will be the one to tell your fate...” The evil of shadows made them confused.

“...if one of you succeeds to become the ruler of the separate worlds, it will be the end of everything.”

As Falla moved her pace to her brother trying to hide at her twin's back, Talon eventually vanished and was nowhere to be found. The evil of shadows moved closer in her direction. She feels heaviness and high tension as the evil comes closer and closer to her.

She's terrified and felt uneasy but manages to stand up confidently.

“I fear no evil...”

The evil of shadows laughed insanely.

“Then why you are trembling?” The evil moved closer to her, he turns around as he scans every inch of her body. “I can't feel danger, darkness, and evil in you.” Falla took off her spell and hugged the darkness itself. “Come closer my friend, the more darkness I consume the powerful I get,” she said.

Falla fell into darkness, she's screaming but there's no sound came out of her pinkish, perfect heart-shaped lips. She is still asleep, she knows that. The back portion of her body felt comfy and warm as she was laying on a smooth and bouncy bed.

She can also smell lavenders from the open windows while listening to a new lullaby sung by birds. She slowly opens her eyes, there she saw her twin brother, her parents, and her auntie smiling while applauding her.

“Why does it take you so long?” their mother, Elizabeth said.

She doesn't have any ideas about what did just happened, she only remembered what the evil told them about and that made her uneasy. Talon gave her a hand to stand up uttering, “We made it!” She then realized that the dream is the final exam and the only way to succeed is to wake up.

“Congratulations to the both of you, your mother and I are so proud that you made it to success,” their father, Valor said while wrapping the twins with his long masculine arms.

“Aunt Morgana, do the both of us succeed in the last exam?” Falla asked to hope that they made it to the final exam.

Their auntie nodded and her lips curled which made a wrinkle on her face.

“Yes, my dear. Congratulations, the both of you are now a certified skilled mage or maybe one of you since your brother, Talon, do have a bit of bad luck casting spells sometimes.” Talon scratched his nape and gave an awkward smile. “Auntie!” All of them laughed.

So as the moon came into the horizon, everyone at the coven feasted as they're celebrating the birth of their two new witch kind.

“We're here to celebrate a special day for our kind increased in number not only one but two powerful mages have been added to the coven.” Elizabeth introduced her children—the newly born mages.

As the twins came to the ballroom where everyone is happy together, they were both in the spotlight. Falla's long black hair paired with her gown at the same color with shimmering crystals around it made her look more stunning.

“Falla Maven...”

Talon's perfectly sewed prince-like suit compliments Falla's evening gown. He escorted his twin as they moved down to the marble stairs.

“...and Talon Maven of the West!” their father said.

Everyone holding their glasses of wine, making melodies by hitting it using a spoon and fork, while the others are applauding the twins as they glance at the crowd. As the night reached its end the twins walked through the swarm of people wearing clothes, evils in black.

“Excuse me,” they said while passing through people who block their way.

“Falla! Talon! There you are, come here my children,” Elizabeth said with authority in her voice. Everyone is busy talking about who's going to be the next to the throne of their coven. Falla and Talon went to their mother's area where some of her friends are well-known witches including their mother.

The two were both afraid of Elizabeth than their father, Valor. She is sweet but can be strict and stern if necessary. It is not just about her attitude but her past too. At the age of sixteen, she's been burned alive by townspeople after saving her non-mage friend from drowning in the river. She was saved by her anger and hatred amongst humans. The large scar from her left eye is evidence that like how humans view people with magical bloodlines, humans are evil too and need to be punished.

While their mother's busy talking to her friends about the success of their coven, Falla and Talon made it outside the mansion as they walk straight to a nearby village.

Everyone is full of activities, starting up their day in the village. An old woman sweeping off dried leaves scattered around the street, farmer's busy talking about their new crops and plants, morning people have been very busy wandering around and vendors who've been opening their stalls to sell some loaves of bread, fruits and vegetables, and more. Falla and Talon explore. They were amazed and in great surprise as they saw a different kinds of things for the first time.

As the sun appears exactly halfway between sunrise and sunset, Talon's stomach made noises signaling him to take food immediately.

“We don't have any gold coins right now Talon, we only have wands and hungry stomachs,” Falla said while holding her flat and slim tummy.

“I know, I know. Wait?! Wands! That's it!” Falla immediately covered her brother's mouth.

“What the hell, Talon?! Are you trying to reveal yourself in front of everyone?! Remember, humans, believe that people who possess extraordinary abilities like us are thus branded as evil,” Falla exclaimed.

Everyone around looked at them suspiciously, so they ran and blend into the crowd to prevent too much exposure in the area. Their clothing is eye-catching as if they're going to a grand ball or attending an exclusive event.

While nothing's watching, Falla grabbed a chance to cast a spell. She picked her wand and instantly casts the spell.

“Mutare indumentus nostri,” Falla uttered. They both feel the magic running on every inch of their bodies. As they looked at their clothing they're changed, blending to everyone around.

“I think I need to memorize that spell,” Talon said but suddenly his stomach made strange sounds again. His jaw drops the moment they found themselves standing in front of food stalls. Different kinds of foods and goodies filled their eyes that made their stomachs howl in hunger.

“Okay, Talon. You win but make sure no one will notice,” Falla whispers. She stepped back and check if there's someone's watching them. Her eyes wandered from place to place. After assuring that everything went smoothly she gave Talon a thumbs-up sign as she smiles while nodding.

“Aurantium movere ad me,” Talon said while pointing his wand directly to the fresh oranges. The vendor noticed that the oranges from the basket began to move on their own. The oranges started to float on the air, one by one moving to the twins.

“Witchcraft! Help!” the vendor shouted out of fear. A group of men gathered around with their rakes, shovels, hammers, and pitchforks.

“What happened here?” asked the tall and bulky man.

“The kids! They put a curse on my oranges, they're witches! they're evil!” The vendor pointed the twins but they're not in their position anymore, they're gone. While the vendor's busy talking to the man they sneak out immediately holding one orange each.

“Let's find them! They have not gone far yet, but be careful to remember that they're evil. They may be looked like innocent kids but they're dangerous,” The man said.

The vendor gives an exact description of the group of men who's been in search of the two. “A girl with long black hair tied with red ribbon, wearing a black and white dress. A boy with shoulder-level black colored hair, wearing a black coat. Both with the same height and pale skin.” The men separated into four groups and scattered around the place to search for the two.

“Falla, what do you think they're gonna do to us if they caught us?” Talon said while chasing his breath.

“Well, burn us alive to death or hang us in front of the crowd?” Falla sat down to release some stress. “Talon, as your twin I hereby declare that you're one of the worst mages I've ever known. You used a battling spell well in fact you can use the household one for oranges or even a summoning spell? Did you ever think about that?” She stood up while rebuking her brother.

“I did my job, hold on to your temper. Falla, as your twin I hereby declare that you're one of the annoying mages I've ever known. You always blame me for your misfortunes!”

“Well, thanks to you who put us in this situation,” Falla said putting her hands on her waist like how their mother does when she's scolding them and gave Talon a sarcastic smile.

“You should blame yourself too, you should've warned me about the vendor.” Talon crossed his arms and looked away from Falla. She did the same thing and they started to hate each other again like they always do.


From afar, hordes of men fastly moving in their direction—a stampede on street. Those were the men who are chasing them while holding their weapons to destroy the two.

“Run!” The twins shouted in chorus. They both run but in opposite direction. Falla ran back to the stalls while Talon ran to the passageway that's heading right to the kingdom.

“Where are they?!” shouted the man.

“They vanished,” said the other one.

“Maybe they use dark magic to escape,” another one said.

Falla felt relieved as she guaranteed no one's chasing next to her. She put her left hand against the wall while the other one was on her chest. She chases her breath as if there's no good ventilation of air around.

“That was so close, Tal—? The actual hell?! Talon where the hell is you?!”

Falla thought that she's one of the unluckiest witches ever born after a series of misfortunes happened to her; first, hungry stomach, second being chased by tons of people with deadly things, and lastly finding lost brother which could be difficult for her for she's not familiar with the whole place.

As she turned her head at the back she then saw a group of people who happened to be the ones who are chasing them causing her eyes to widen as if she saw a ghost. She immediately runs, pushing people, jumping, and sliding from everything that blocks her way. She runs at the rapid speed her body can.

She looked back and immediately look at her front, she banged into someone with a body that's as hard as a rock causing her to fall with her butt hitting the ground first.

“Ouch!” she shouted in pain.

“I am very sorry,” the boy said while lending his hand to help her to stand up.

“No, I was one to blame and needs to be sorry. I'm in a rush, I was running without looking,” Falla said while removing the dirt off of her dress.

“What's with the rush? Why are you in a hurry? Oh! By the way, I'm Ulrik. Are you okay?” he said as his thin red lips curled as well as his brown almond-shaped eyes smiled. He offered his hand to Falla.

Falla accepted his hand and immediately releasing hers after the handshake. “Don't mind me I'm more than okay, it is just I am a magnet of great misfortunes in life, my brother and I were lost and now get separated. I'm Falla...Falla Maven.”

After saying that, her stomach made a loud and creepy sound. Reminding her to consume food immediately.

“What a bad day for such a beautiful young lady like you. It would be good if you fill yourself, first” Ulrik said while hiding his laugh. “I don't have any gold coins right now and why are you laughing at someone's hunger?!” Falla said angrily.

“I'm not laughing, okay? C'mon follow me,” Ulrik said as he holds her left hand.

“Where are we going?” She's puzzled, she doesn't have any idea what's going on and she only knows that she needs to eat, find her brother as soon as possible, and get rid of this handsome stranger.

“You're hungry, right? I'll treat you.”

She doesn't know what she's up to, she wanted to go back home where she belongs. For that what she believes.