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Bonded With The Throneless Alpha

Bonded With The Throneless Alpha

Author:Tofunmi Nikky



An Alpha rumored to possess the body of a fallen angels'. Growing up to become ruthless, they say he's an earthly beast. Bonded with an Alpha called death; Had she known, she would have taken for the hills. For Elena Brown, crossing path with him is her weirdest nightmare. "How can the moon goddess pair me up with the most dreaded Alpha to ever live?. It's like being thrown into a pit of fire where the only thing that happens is destruction." An Alpha whose ruthlessness could cut through an ice. A princess lured to a strange land to be captured and killed, when she met and encountered him; An Alpha of his own kingdom. When she's just what he wanted to satisfy his quench for blood. When she's the prey he's been waiting to get his hands on in order to take a worthful revenge on his father's killer. Will the Throneless Alpha come to her rescue?

Chapter 1

Elena's POV:

Rumbling growls shake through my chest as I awaken, my hands buried Into the sheets gripping it tight. Darkness clouding into my vision like everyday, morning, evening and night. And like everyday, a small irrritational part of my brain question when it will end, despite knowing it never will.

I heard the door open and quickly jumped out of bed. It was Davies, within two seconds, he was rummaging through my closet. And before I could speak, he was already bolting out the door. "Davies, I--"

Even though I was as fast as flash, he caught the door before I could escape out of it. How more unfair could life get?.

"I'm sorry Elena, but you're still locked in."and like always, his face held an expression of pity which only last for a second as he had dashed out of the room.

And not even another tickle of a second in between, I started hearing the buckling of the key in the lock.

Here it is comrades; caged again was the princess.

Call me Elena Brown, daughter of Alpha Brown ruling Dawn Moon Pack. I'm a princess, caged in the webs of my father till only the goddess knows.

He doesn't want a daughter who screams dirty. He does not welcome his only daughter, who happened to be a princess but doesn't live like it dressing Omega-like; stinking, dirty and unkept.

I manoeuvre my way all round my spacious, magnificent bedroom. Everything adorning my room screams wealth. The tilted floor; clean and sparkling. Laying before my eyes was a royal queen sized bed, comfy and spacious.

My legs round their way to my closet and opening it, my hand outstretched to grab this one dress that stood out different to the rest.

And by different, I mean Omega-low ranked dresses my father would pull a traunt and thousands of armies if discovered by him I have such low-lived dress in my gold-like closet. Well, if that's even a word.

Not once, twice, not thrice, had I escaped dressed in this clothing that has no oral of royalty but depths of an unimportant member of the pack. And not for once had I gone without been caught by my father's guards or spies positioned and scattered all around the pack.

And it has been a routine; it was like the spies are no longer on that watch out for the wolf hunters like they are been assigned to but on her.

When they catch the tiniest glimpse of my now recognized escapeed-brown clothing, they know it would be no other than their traunt of a princess so they come after me. And when being caught, they don't even seek permission or report me to my father anymore, they just cage me back inside my room. it's a routine.

And by now, am starting to wonder why my father hadn't yet built a dungeon for me. Come on, his only daughter needs somewhere special to be thrown on days she commits her attrocaties. Isn't a room too lame for a prison?.

"Princess Elena!, breakfast is ready."knocks came on the door, pulling me out of my trance of thoughts. Within a swift, I had flung the dress back inside the closer and locked it up, slamming my back on the closet inferior as I heavy a breathing. "Your highness, you want breakfast in bed of...

On bed? No way in hell!. "...Dinning hall. Tell Davies I don't want my breakfast in bed today. He'd better come open this damn door else am breaking his prideful ass for him tomorrow."

My voice was so high and loud that it gave soft echoes inside the room. But who cares? I want this opportunity of being out of my room that comes just once in a blue.

Most times, I would be served on bed, hindering any chance of getting any view of what the world outside my room looks like. Do they even know how suffocating it is in here?.

"Alright princess, in a few."my personal maid responded, and the next thing that came to my hearing was fading footsteps.

"Yayyyy!!."I bumped my fist in the air in jubilation as I let out a whistle of triumph. I made for the bed and collapsed on it, a big smile creeping its way to my face. Tomorrow? yes tomorrow!. It's the one day have been excited of. The day Davies will surely be getting the taste of his own medicine from me.

Tomorrow is the beginning of Senior year in highschool. And yes! am finally going to be free from father's web for months. Wait; tell me, shouldn't I throw a party for my freedom?.

I sat back upright on the bed and looked straight at the purple beautified wall clock as it tickles, round and round. Not up to 24 hours more, I'll be in school in all my glory as I give a middle finger to my once caged up life. Heck!, tomorrow is going to be one big day, that am so sure of.


"Good morning, sweetheart!. Happy first day of senior year!."my mom swung open my bedroom door. She was holding two balloons and a kazoo. I couldn't stop my eyes from rolling, but I loved her level of excitement. It was the same excitement I just couldn't seems to muster myself.

"It would be exciting if it was the last day of school but also would be more misfortune for me."more misfortune cause I'll be locked up right away. I set my make-up brush down, dismissing the maids as I swiveled my chair in her direction.

"Mom, I love you, but I am seventeen, and I really need to stay with my friends."I repeated the same line I had shared with her all summer.

My beautiful, smart, funny Luna mother of a seventeen could not, scratch that, would not hear of her only female child needing someone other than her. Mother slowly walked over to me and hugged me.

"Elena, you know just how your father doesn't flow well with your way of living. He wants you to change for the better."she stroked my hair and pulled away.

"If anything, am happy am out of your husband's web cage even if it's just for a few months."Getting out of my seat, I grabbed my jacket and slipped past her. Grabbing the doorknob, I looked back at her and she smiled smugly back at me.

"Well, I have to go now. Bye Luna!."with that, I sauntered my way through the hallway but doesn't miss the light chuckle that escaped my mother's lips as I journey through the rail of stairs. The maids catching up behind me with my backpack and other necessities.

I ran down the stairs as my mother followed behind me at a scarily fast pace. Grabbing my keys from the key hook, I hugged my mother and ran to my car. She tried to say something else, but I slammed the car door and backed out of the driveway. While I love her, I need her to backup a little and let me breathe.

From the rearview mirror, I could see two sleek sport cars following behind me. Those are my assigned maids and guards.

Well, maybe I had managed to strike a deal with my possessive father just a week ago.

"I will drop my hoodlum acts and behaviors on one condition father."I had told him, embracing the best look of bravery ever.

He had leaned back on his king-sized chair and giving me a double look, he sighed with a look of reluctance. "Elena, I--"

I quickly chipped in. "I know you might not consider it but you also need to know it would no longer be my fault alone but also partly yours if I continue pulling up higher and greater traunt."

"That's no way to talk to your father, Elena!."his voice now cold and icy. "Softy father."I had quickly gave him a repentant now.

"On what condition? I can't believe my young pub of yesterday could be here now today to lay conditions for her father though."his voice was laced with amusement.

"My condition lays thus;--"

And there gentle well-wishers, was how I got my father to lessen his security on me once it's school time. Now, I can drive to and fro on my own without a driver. The driver and guards are only allowed to trail behind. I was also allowed as per my demand to choose a school to attend, and me being me, I choosed the less classy.

Isn't that a one lucky deal?.

The school was bigger than I expected it to be from the photos. It had a giant arch day that led to a common outside area. It looked like some classes would be accessed from outside while the rest of them required you to go into the building and take the stairs up. Some green vines covered the outside stone structure.

It was actually quite nice.

I chose the left side of the court. Students started to disperse even before the bell rang, echoing in the courtyard. So, I started sprinting my way to wherever, hoping to get somewhere.

I stopped and turned around abruptly, startling the maid that has been tiptoing behind me for God knows when now.

"Hey!, hand me my things."I snapped, hijacking my backpack from her. I was turning away but not without giving her a warning.

"Don't follow me!. Not heeding my father's instructions has consequences, pumpkin."I don't know but most time, our workers always seems more possessive than my father himself.

And with that, I left her to her guilty self.

"Run!."A tall blonde girl with a tiny button nose and cat headphones on her head ran past, signalling for me to follow.

Even if thousands of soldiers or rogues are pulling down the school, it doesn't mean I should start following behind her like a lost puppy. So I did what I know best, I gave her the look.

"I'm Aria Parker. Am a stranger, yes!. But you have to follow up now if you don't want to incur Chase's wrath."the girl speaks as fast as she can. Is fire catching her tongue?.

And Chase? who is Chase?.

"Come on."I didn't wait to be told twice. I started running, taking long strides behind her. I was about turning the corner the girl Aria had disappeared through when I tripped upon a stone, awaiting my landing on the floor with closed eyes.

Dead is the princess!.

