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Sweet Wifie Surprised the CEO

Sweet Wifie Surprised the CEO



My husband and I were a happy couple before and we had a cute baby. But our life became hard when we had to pay the mortgage. So my husband, who used to ask me to be a stay-at-home parent, changed his mind. He asked me to go to work for the family, and during my work, I met my boss, Clan. He's hot and rich, and he's like every girl's dream man. But I was married, so I tried to hide my true feelings. Till one day, my husband contacted his first crush and spent a night with her... Fine, since my husband cheated on me, I guess I can do the same thing to him now!

A grand international financial conference was being held in the splendid meeting room of Cyberdine Trading.

Suddenly, the usually calm assistant, Theodore Allen, exclaimed, "Oh no, there's a hacker. The Apollo Project has been stolen!"

Axel Atkinson, the president of Cyberdine Trading, who was focused on listening to the reports of the major teams, withdrew his gaze and glanced at his personal laptop. His eyes darkened as he pursed his thin lips. Who had the guts to do so?

Axel was very angry, but he must take it seriously.

He immediately strode out of the hall, exuding a scary aura, followed by his special assistant and several bodyguards in black.

All of a sudden, he left the financial conference that he had carefully prepared for more than half a year just to catch someone in a remote village!

His limited edition Maybach was heading for Spring Village!

The Apollo Project was his most important project of the near future.

When the hacker sneaked into Axel's private computer, not only did he steal the plan, but he also exposed his location. He said that if he wanted to get the plan back, Axel had to meet him in person.


Sitting in the back seat, Axel was as cold and arrogant as usual.

"President, Spring Village has flat terrain and fertile soil. The villagers make a living by growing herbs. It's said that it's a poor village. It's only slightly better in recent two years..."

Theodore reported the situation in the village, with thick beads of sweat on his forehead. After all, the plan of the Apollo Project was related to the fate of Cyberdine Trading in the future!

Axel leaned back in his chair and did not speak. His eyes were sharp.


About a thousand meters into the village, there was a small courtyard by the road.

Audrey Bailey was drying the herbs that had just been cleaned. The faint scent of herbs permeated the air.

Her temperament was completely different from that of ordinary village women. Her fair face was inlaid with a pair of star-like eyes. She was so pure that she seemed to be otherworldly.

The beautiful tulips in the field were brilliant. The blue sky, white clouds, and warm air made her look like she had lived a peaceful life.


A childish voice rang out. Audrey turned around when she heard the voice and a blissful smile appeared on her face.

A pair of six-year-old twins walked toward her hand in hand. Their big black gem-like eyes flickered brightly.

"Mommy! Josie and I will go to our friend's to play!" Jordan's voice was clear and loud, and his eyes were shining.

"Go then." Audrey caressed the children's little heads dotingly. "But remember to come back at mealtime. The first rule of the Bailey family is not to trouble others!"

"Remember that!" Josie was wearing a white princess shirt and pink pants. Her smile was very cute. "I'll be back soon!"

"Good babies!"

The children turned around and ran away hand in hand!

While she was looking at the two little figures running far away, a happy smile appeared on Audrey's lips. The greatest relief in her life was that she had given birth to these two children.

After walking far away, Josie slowed down and asked nervously, "Brother, do you think that dad will really come?"

"I hacked his system, stole the most important information in the computer, and deliberately left the address to him! I promise he will come!" Jordan patted his small chest, looking particularly proud.

Josie nodded and chose to believe in her brother. "Then let's wait for him!"

Both kids did not go to their friend's place. Instead, they hid behind a pine tree and poked out half of their heads, looking forward to the appearance of their father.

"Brother, are you really not gonna tell mommy in advance about such a big issue?" Josie blinked her big crystal-like eyes. "Mommy will be angry if she knows."

"If we tell mommy in advance, we won't be able to recognize father!" Jordan touched his sister's little head like an adult. "Josie, don't you want to see father?"

"Of course I want to..."

"Then listen to me." Jordan said, "Not only do we have to recognize him, but we also have to make father and mommy get together! In this way, mommy doesn't have to work so hard, and we can have a complete family like other children!"

"Well, I will listen to you." Josie nodded very obediently.

Not far away, in the courtyard, Audrey, who was drying herbs, was humming a tune. She was in a good mood. She would never have thought that the man she had been hiding from for seven years would be lured into her house by two little kids today!